< 1 Sama’ila 25 >

1 Sama’ila ya rasu, sai dukan Isra’ila suka taru suka yi makoki saboda shi. Suka binne shi a gidansa a Rama. Sai Dawuda ya gangara zuwa cikin Jejin Faran.
[Soon after that], Samuel died, and all the Israeli people gathered and mourned for him. They buried his body outside his home in Ramah. Then David and his men moved to the Maon Desert.
2 A Mawon, akwai wani mutum wanda yake da dukiya a Karmel, mutumin mai arziki ne ƙwarai. Yana da awaki dubu ɗaya, da tumaki dubu uku waɗanda yake wa aski a Karmel.
In Maon [town] there was a man who owned land in Carmel, [a nearby village]. He was very rich; he owned 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats.
3 Ana ce da shi Nabal, sunan matarsa kuwa Abigiyel. Tana da hikima ga ta kuma kyakkyawa, amma mijinta mai rowa ne marar mutunci. Shi daga kabilar Kaleb ne.
His name was Nabal; he was a descendant of Caleb. His wife Abigail was a wise and beautiful woman, but Nabal was very cruel and treated people very unkindly [IDM].
4 Lokacin da Dawuda yake a jeji, ya ji labari cewa Nabal yana askin tumaki.
One day while David [and his men] were in the desert, someone told him that Nabal was cutting the wool from his sheep.
5 Sai ya zaɓi samari goma ya aike su wurin Nabal a Karmel su gaishe shi a madadinsa,
So David told ten of his men, “Go to Nabal at Carmel and greet him for me.
6 su ce masa, “Ranka yă daɗe, ina maka fatan alheri, kai da gidanka da dukan abin da kake da shi!
Then tell to him this message from me, ‘I wish/desire that things will go well for you and your family and for everything that you possess.
7 “Na ji cewa, yanzu lokacin askin tumaki ne. Sa’ad da makiyayanka suke tare da mu, ba mu cuce su ba, kuma duk zamansu a Karmel ba abin da yake nasu da ya ɓata.
‘heard people say that you are cutting the wool from your sheep. Previously, when your shepherds were among us, we did not harm them. All the time that your shepherds were among us at Camel, we did not steal any sheep from them.
8 Ka tambayi bayinka za su kuwa gaya maka. Saboda haka ka yi wa mutanena kirki, gama yau ranar biki ce. Ina roƙonka ka ba wa samarina, wato, bayinka, da ni ɗanka Dawuda, duk abin da kake iya ba su.”
You can ask your servants if this is true, and they will tell you [that it is true]. We have come here at a time when you are celebrating, so I ask you to please be kind to us and give these men whatever extra food you have, for me, David, and my men to eat.’”
9 Da mutanen Dawuda suka isa wurin Nabal, suka ba wa Nabal wannan saƙo a sunan Dawuda, sai suka jira.
When David’s men arrived where Nabal was, they gave David’s message to him, and they waited [for him to reply]. But Nabal spoke harshly to them.
10 Nabal ya ce wa mutanen Dawuda, “Wane ne wannan Dawuda? Wane ne wannan ɗan Yesse? Yawancin bayi suna tayar wa iyayengijinsu a kwanakin nan.
He said to them, “Who [does] this man, this son of Jesse, [think that he] is? [DOU, RHQ] There are many slaves who are running away from their masters at the present time, [and it seems to me that he is just one of them].
11 Don me zan ɗauki burodina da ruwana, da kuma naman da na yanka saboda masu yin wa tumakina aski in ba mutanen da ban ma san inda suka fito ba?”
I give bread and water to the men who are cutting the wool from my sheep, and I give them meat from animals that I have slaughtered. Why should I take some of those things and give them to a group of outlaws [RHQ]? (Who knows where they have come from?/I do not even know where they have come from.)” [RHQ]
12 Mutanen Dawuda suka juya suka koma. Da suka iso sai suka faɗa wa Dawuda abin da Nabal ya ce.
Then David’s men returned and told him what Nabal had said.
13 Dawuda ya ce wa mutanensa, “Kowa yă rataya takobinsa.” Sai duk suka yi haka. Dawuda kuma ya rataya nasa. Mutum wajen ɗari huɗu suka tafi tare da Dawuda, mutum ɗari biyu kuwa suka zauna suna gadin kayansu.
When David heard that, he told his men, “[We are going to kill Nabal; ] fasten your swords!” So he fastened on his sword and about 400 men fastened on their swords and went with David. There were 200 of his men who stayed with their supplies.
14 Ɗaya daga cikin bayin Nabal ya gaya wa Abigiyel matar Nabal cewa, “Dawuda ya aiko da bayinsa daga jeji su gai da maigida, amma maigida ya zazzage su.
One of Nabal’s servants [found out what David and his men were planning to do, so he] went to Nabal’s wife Abigail and said to her, “David sent some messengers from the desert to greet our master Nabal, but Nabal only yelled at them.
15 Waɗannan mutane kuwa sun yi mana kirki ƙwarai, ba su ba mu wata wahala ba. Babu abu guda da ya ɓace mana dukan lokacin da muke tare da su.
All the time that we were in the fields close to them, those men of David were very kind to us. They did not harm us. They did not steal anything from us.
16 Dare da rana sun zama mana katanga kewaya da mu, a duk tsawon lokacin da muke kiwon tumakinmu kusa da su.
They protected us during the daytime and during the night. They were like a wall [MET] around us to protect us while we were taking care of our sheep.
17 Ki yi nazari a kai, ki ga ko za ki iya yin wani abu, domin masifa yana nan rataye a wuyan maigidanmu da dukan iyalin gidansa. Shi mugun mutum ne wanda ba wani da zai iya yin masa magana.”
So now you should think about it and decide what you can do. [If you do not do something, ] terrible things will happen to our master and to all his family. Nabal is an extremely wicked man, with the result that [he will not heed anyone when] that person tries to tell him anything [that he should do].”
18 Abigiyel ba tă ɓata lokaci ba. Ta ɗauki burodi guda ɗari biyu, da salkar ruwan inabi biyu da tumaki biyar da aka gyara, da soyayyen hatsi mudu biyar, da waina guda ɗari na’ya’yan inabi, da masa ɗari biyu na kauɗar ɓaure ta labta wa jakuna.
[When] Abigail [heard that, she] very quickly gathered 200 loaves [of bread], and also got two leather bags full of wine, the meat from five sheep, a bushel of roasted grain, 100 packs of raisins, and 200 packs of dried figs. She put all those things on donkeys.
19 Sai ta ce wa bawanta, “Yi gaba, zan bi ka”. Amma ba tă gaya wa Nabal, mijinta ba.
Then she told her servants, “Go ahead of me. I will follow you.” But she did not tell her husband [what she was going to do].
20 Da tana tafiya a kan jaki, ta kai gindin wani dutse ke nan, sai ga Dawuda da mutanensa suna gangarowa zuwa wajen da take. Sai ta tafi, ta sadu da su.
David and his men [had left the place where they were staying and were on the road to Nabal’s property. They] were coming down a hill when they met Abigail.
21 Bai daɗe ba da Dawuda ya ce a ransa, “Ashe, a banza ne na yi ta lura da dukan abin da yake na mutumin nan a jeji, har ba abinsa da ya ɓace. Ga shi, ya rama mini alheri da mugunta.
David had been saying to his men, “It was useless for us to protect that man and all his possessions here in this desert. We did not steal anything that belonged to him, but he has done evil to me in return for our good [things we did for him].
22 Bari Allah yă yi duk abin da ya ga dama da ni in na bar ko ɗaya daga mazan da suke da tare shi, gobe da safe.”
I hope/desire that God will strike me and kill me [IDM] if he or even one of his men [IDM] is still alive tomorrow morning!”
23 Da Abigiyel ta ga Dawuda, sai ta gaggauta ta sauka daga kan jaki, ta rusuna a gaban Dawuda da fuskarta har ƙasa.
When Abigail saw David, she quickly got down from her donkey and bowed before him, with her face touching the ground.
24 Ta fāɗi a ƙafafunsa ta ce, “Bari laifin yă zama nawa, ranka yă daɗe. Ina roƙonka ka bar baiwarka ta yi magana, ka ji abin da baiwarka za tă ce.
Then she prostrated herself at David’s feet and said to him, “Sir, I deserve to be punished [for what my husband has done]. Please listen to what I say to you.
25 Kada ranka yă daɗe, yă kula da Nabal, mugun mutumin nan. Shi dai kamar sunansa ne, sunansa Wawa ne, kuma wawanci yana cikinsa. Amma ni baiwarka, ban ga mutanen da ranka yă daɗe ya aika ba.
Please do not pay attention to [IDM] what this worthless man Nabal has said. His name means ‘fool’, and he surely is a foolish man. But I, who am [willing to be] your servant, did not see the messengers whom you sent to him.
26 Da yake yanzu, ya mai girma, Ubangiji ya hana ka zubar da jini da kuma ɗaukan wa kanka fansa, muddin Ubangiji yana raye, kai kuma kana a raye, bari maƙiyinka da dukan waɗanda suke niyya su cuci shugabana su zama kamar Nabal.
Yahweh has prevented you from getting revenge on anyone and killing anyone. I hope/desire that as surely as Yahweh lives and as surely as you live, your enemies will be [cursed] like Nabal will be.
27 Bari kuma ka karɓi wannan kyautar da baiwarka ta kawo don samarin da suke binka.
I have brought a gift for you and for the men who are with you.
28 Ina roƙonka ka gafarta wa baiwarka laifinta gama tabbatacce Ubangiji zai ba shugabana dawwammamiyar sarauta, gama kana yin yaƙin Ubangiji ne. Kuma ba wani mugun abin da zai same ka muddin kana a raye.
Please forgive me if I have done anything wrong to you. Yahweh will surely [reward you by] allowing many of your descendants to become kings of Israel, because you are fighting the battles that Yahweh [wants you to fight]. And [I know that] throughout all your life you have not done anything wrong.
29 Ko da yake wani mutum yana fafaranka domin yă kashe ka, Ubangiji Allahnka zai kiyaye ranka. Amma za a wurgar da rayukan maƙiyanka kamar yadda ake wurga dutsen majajjawa.
Even when those who are trying to kill you pursue you, you are safe, because Yahweh your God takes care of you. You will be [protected as though you were] [MET] a bundle that he has safely tied up. But your enemies will [disappear as fast as stones] that are hurled from a sling.
30 Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya cika kowane alherinsa da ya yi wa shugabana alkawari, ya kuma keɓe shi sarki a bisa Isra’ila,
Yahweh has promised to do good things for you, and he will do what he has promised. And he will cause you to become the ruler of the Israeli people.
31 kada yă zama cewa zuciyarka ta ba ka laifi ko ka damu cewa kana da alhakin jini, kada ka yi ramuwa da kanka. Sa’ad da Ubangiji ya nuna maka alheri, ka tuna da ni, baiwarka.”
When that happens, [you will be glad that you did not kill any] people in Nabal’s household. You will not think that you deserve to be punished for having taken revenge yourself and killed innocent people. And when Yahweh enables you to successfully [become the king], please do not forget [to be kind to] me.”
32 Dawuda ya ce wa Abigiyel, “Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila, wanda ya aiko ki don ki same ni yau.
David replied to Abigail, “I praise Yahweh, the God whom we Israelis [worship], because he sent you to [talk with] me.
33 Bari Allah yă albarkace ki saboda hikima yanke hukuncinki da kuma hana ni zubar da jini da ɗauka wa kaina fansa da hannuna a wannan rana.
I hope/desire that Yahweh will bless you for being very wise. You have prevented me from taking revenge myself and killing many people [MTY] today.
34 Ubangiji, ya hana ni in yi miki ɓarna. Da ba don kin zo kin sadu da ni ba, na rantse da Ubangiji, Allah na Isra’ila Mai Rai, babu ko ɗaya daga cikin mazan gidan Nabal da zai rage gobe da safe.”
Just as surely as Yahweh the God whom we Israelis [worship] is alive, he has prevented me from harming you. If you had not come quickly to talk to me, neither Nabal nor even one of Nabal’s men [IDM] would be still alive tomorrow morning.”
35 Sa’an nan Dawuda ya karɓi abin da ta kawo masa daga hannunta, ya kuma ce mata, “Ki koma gida kada ki damu, na ji koke-kokenki, zan kuma biya miki bukatarki.”
Then David accepted the gifts that Abigail had brought to him. He said to her, “I hope/desire that things will go well for you. I have heard what you said, and I will do what you have requested.”
36 Da Abigiyel ta kai gida sai ta sami Nabal cikin gida yana ta fama biki iri na sarakuna. Yana ji wa ransa daɗi, ya kuma bugu tilis, saboda haka ba tă ce masa kome ba sai da gari ya waye.
When Abigail returned to Nabal, he was in his house, having a big celebration like kings have. He was very drunk and feeling very happy. So Abigail did not say anything to him that night [about her meeting with David].
37 Da safe sa’ad da Nabal ya natsu, sai matarsa ta gaya masa dukan abin da ya faru. Sai zuciyarsa ta tsinke, ya zama kamar dutse.
The next morning, when he was no longer drunk, she told him everything [that had happened when she talked with David]. [Immediately] (he had a stroke/a blood vessel burst in his brain) and he became paralyzed [MET].
38 Bayan kusan kwana goma, Ubangiji ya bugi Nabal, sai ya mutu.
About ten days later Yahweh struck him [again] and he died.
39 Da Dawuda ya sami labarin mutuwar Nabal, sai ya ce, “Yabo ya tabbata ga Ubangiji, wanda ya sāka mini a kan irin renin da Nabal ya yi mini. Ya hana bawansa yin mugunta, ga shi ya ɗora wa Nabal muguntar da ya yi.” Sai Dawuda ya aika wa Abigiyel cewa tă zama matarsa.
After David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, “Praise Yahweh! Nabal insulted me, but Yahweh (vindicated me/got revenge for me). He has prevented me from [doing anything] wrong. And he has punished Nabal for the wrong that he did.” Then David sent [messengers] to Abigail, to ask her if she would become his wife.
40 Bayin Dawuda suka tafi Karmel suka ce wa Abigiyel, “Dawuda ya aike mu gare ki, mu zo mu ɗauke ki ki zama matarsa.”
His servants went to Carmel and said to Abigail, “David sent us to take you to become his wife.”
41 Sai ta rusuna da fuskarta har ƙasa ta ce, “Ni baranyarka ce, na shirya in bauta maka in kuma wanke ƙafafun bayin shugabana.”
Abigail bowed down with her face touching the ground. Then she told [the messengers to tell David], “[I am happy to become your wife]. I will be your servant. And I am willing to wash the feet of your slaves.”
42 Abigiyel ta tashi da sauri ta hau jaki, ta kuma sa’yan mata biyar da suke mata hidima su bi ta, suka tafi tare da’yan saƙon Dawuda. Ta kuwa zama matarsa.
Abigail quickly got on her donkey and went with David’s messengers. Five of her maids went with her. [When she arrived where David was, ] she became his wife.
43 Dawuda a lokacin ya riga ya auri Ahinowam daga Yezireyel, dukansu suka zama matansa.
David had previously married Ahinoam, a woman from Jezreel [town near Carmel]. So both Abigail and Ahinoam were now David’s wives.
44 Amma Shawulu ya aurar da Mikal,’yarsa, matar Dawuda, ga Falti ɗan Layish wanda yake daga Gallim.
King Saul’s daughter Michal was also David’s wife, but Saul had given her to Laish’s son Paltiel, who was from Gallim [town].

< 1 Sama’ila 25 >