< 1 Sama’ila 19 >

1 Shawulu ya gaya wa ɗansa Yonatan da ma’aikatansa su kashe Dawuda. Amma Yonatan yana son Dawuda sosai.
Then Saul spake to Ionathan his sonne, and to all his seruantes, that they shoulde kill Dauid: but Ionathan Sauls sonne had a great fauour to Dauid.
2 Sai ya gargaɗe shi ya ce, “Mahaifina Shawulu yana neman hanyar da zai kashe ka. Ka kula da kanka gobe da safe, ka tafi wani wuri ka ɓuya.
And Ionathan told Dauid, saying, Saul my father goeth about to slay thee: nowe therefore, I pray thee, take heede vnto thy selfe vnto the morning, and abide in a secret place, and hide thy selfe.
3 Zan je in tsaya da mahaifina a fili inda kake, zan yi masa magana game da kai. Zan kuma gaya maka abin da na ji.”
And I will go out, and stand by my father in the fielde where thou art, and will commune with my father of thee, and I will see what he sayth, and will tell thee.
4 Yonatan ya yi magana mai kyau a kan Dawuda a wajen mahaifinsa ya ce, “Kada sarki yă yi wani mummunan abu wa bawansa Dawuda, gama bai yi maka wani abu marar kyau ba. Abin da ya yi ya amfane ka ƙwarai da gaske.
And Ionathan spake good of Dauid vnto Saul his father, and said vnto him, Let not the King sinne against his seruat, against Dauid: for he hath not sinned against thee, but his works haue bene to thee very good.
5 Ya yi kasai da ransa sa’ad da ya kashe Bafilistin nan. Ubangiji ya ba wa dukan Isra’ila babban nasara, ka gani, ka kuma yi farin ciki. Don me za ka ci mutuncin amintaccen mutum kamar Dawuda ta wurin kashe shi ba tare da wani dalili ba?”
For he did put his life in daunger, and slew the Philistim, and the Lord wrought a great saluation for al Israel: thou sawest it, and thou reioycedst: wherefore then wilt thou sinne against innocent blood, and slay Dauid without a cause?
6 Shawulu ya saurari Yonatan sai ya rantse ya ce, “Muddin Ubangiji yana a raye, ba za a kashe Dawuda ba.”
Then Saul hearkened vnto the voyce of Ionathan, and Saul sware, As the Lord liueth, he shall not dye.
7 Ta haka Yonatan ya kira Dawuda ya gaya masa dukan maganarsu. Ya kawo shi wurin Shawulu, Dawuda kuwa ya zauna tare da Shawulu kamar dā.
So Ionathan called Dauid, and Ionathan shewed him all those words, and Ionathan brought Dauid to Saul, and hee was in his presence as in times past.
8 Wani yaƙi ya sāke tashi, Dawuda kuwa ya fita ya yaƙi Filistiyawa, ya kai musu hari mai tsanani, sai da suka gudu a gabansa.
Againe the warre began, and Dauid went out and fought with the Philistims, and slew them with a great slaughter, and they fled from him.
9 Amma mugun ruhu daga Ubangiji ya sauko wa Shawulu yayinda yana zaune a cikin gidansa da māshi a hannunsa. Yayinda Dawuda yake bugan molo,
And the euill spirit of the Lord was vpon Saul, as hee sate in his house hauing his speare in his hand, and Dauid played with his hand.
10 Shawulu ya yi ƙoƙari yă kafe shi da bango da māshinsa, amma Dawuda ya goce sa’ad da Shawulu jefa māshin a bango. A daren nan Dawuda ya nemi hanya ya gudu.
And Saul intended to smite Dauid to the wall with the speare: but hee turned aside out of Sauls presence, and he smote the speare against the wall: but Dauid fled, and escaped the same night.
11 Shawulu ya aiki mutane zuwa gidan Dawuda su yi gadin gidan, su kuma kashe Dawuda. Amma Mikal matar Dawuda ta gargaɗe Dawuda, ta ce, “In ba ka gudu a daren nan ba, kashegari za a kashe ka.”
Saul also sent messengers vnto Dauids house, to watch him, and to slay him in the morning: and Michal Dauids wife told it him, saying, If thou saue not thy selfe this night, to morowe thou shalt be slayne.
12 Haka kuwa Mikal ta sauko da Dawuda ta taga ya gudu, ya tsere.
So Michal let Dauid downe through a window: and he went, and fled, and escaped.
13 Sai Mikal ta ɗauki gunki ta kwantar da shi a gādo, ta sa masa gashin akuya a kansa, sai ta rufe da mayafi.
Then Michal tooke an image, and layde it in the bed, and put a pillow stuffed with goates heare vnder the head of it, and couered it with a cloth.
14 Da Shawulu ya aiki mutane su kama Dawuda. Mikal ta ce, “Ba shi da lafiya.”
And when Saul sent messengers to take Dauid, she sayd, He is sicke.
15 Sai Shawulu ya sāke aiki mutanen su ga Dawuda, ya ce musu, “Ku kawo shi a gādonsa domin in kashe shi.”
And Saul sent the messengers againe to see Dauid, saying, Bring him to me in the bed, that I may slay him.
16 Amma da mutanen suka shiga sai suka ga gunkin a gadon, a wajen kan kuwa akwai gashin akuya.
And when the messengers were come in, behold, an image was in the bed, with a pillow of goates heare vnder the head of it.
17 Shawulu ya ce wa Mikal, “Don me kika ruɗe ni har kika bar maƙiyina ya gudu ya tsere?” Mikal ta ce masa, “Ya ce mini, ‘Idan ban bar shi ya tafi ba, zai kashe ni?’”
And Saul said vnto Michal, Why hast thou mocked me so, and sent away mine enemie, that he is escaped? And Michal answered Saul, He said vnto me, Let me go, or els I will kill thee.
18 Da Dawuda ya gudu ya tsere, sai ya tafi wurin Sama’ila a Rama ya gaya masa dukan abin da Shawulu ya yi masa. Da shi da Sama’ila suka tafi Nayiwot suka zauna a can.
So Dauid fled, and escaped, and came to Samuel to Ramah, and told him all that Saul had done to him: and he and Samuel went and dwelt in Naioth.
19 Shawulu ya sami labari cewa, “Dawuda yana Nayiwot a Rama.”
But one tolde Saul, saying, Beholde, Dauid is at Naioth in Ramah.
20 Sai ya aiki mutane su je su kamo Dawuda, amma da suka ga ƙungiyar annabawa suna annabci tare da Sama’ila shugabansu a tsaye, sai Ruhun Allah ya sauko wa mutanen Shawulu, su ma suka fara yin annabci.
And Saul sent messengers to take Dauid: and when they sawe a company of Prophets prophecying, and Samuel standing as appoynted ouer them, the Spirit of God fell vpon the messengers of Saul, and they also prophecied.
21 Shawulu ya sami labari game da wannan, sai ya sāke aiken waɗansu da yawa. Su ma suka shiga yin annabci. Shawulu ya sāke aiken mutane sau na uku, su kuma suka shiga yin annabci.
And when it was tolde Saul, he sent other messengers, and they prophecied likewise: againe Saul sent the third messengers, and they prophecied also.
22 A ƙarshe, shi da kansa ya tashi ya tafi Rama. Ya bi ta babban rijiyar ruwan Seku. A can ya yi tambaya ya ce, “Ina Sama’ila da Dawuda suke?” Suka ce, “Suna cikin Nayiwot a Rama.”
Then went he himselfe to Ramah, and came to a great well that is in Sechu, and he asked, and sayd, Where are Samuel and Dauid? and one sayd, Behold, they be at Naioth in Ramah.
23 Saboda haka Shawulu ya tafi Nayiwot a Rama, amma Ruhun Allah ya sauko masa, shi ma ya yi tafiya yana annabci har sai da ya isa Nayiwot.
And he went thither, euen to Naioth in Ramah, and the Spirit of God came vpon him also, and he went prophecying vntill hee came to Naioth in Ramah.
24 Ya tuttuɓe rigunarsa, ya kuma yi annabci a gaban Sama’ila. Ya kwanta tsirara dukan yini da dukan dare. Abin da ya sa ke nan mutane suke cewa, “Shawulu ma yana cikin annabawa ne?”
And he stript off his clothes, and he prophesied also before Samuel, and fell downe naked all that day and all that night: therefore they say, Is Saul also among the Prophets?

< 1 Sama’ila 19 >