< 1 Sama’ila 18 >
1 Bayan da Dawuda ya gama magana da Shawulu, sai Yonatan ɗan Shawulu ya ji zuciyarsa tana son Dawuda sosai. Yonatan kuwa yana ƙaunar Dawuda kamar ransa.
And when he had made an ende of speaking vnto Saul, the soule of Ionathan was knit with the soule of Dauid, and Ionathan loued him, as his owne soule.
2 Tun daga wannan rana Shawulu ya zaunar da Dawuda tare da shi, bai bar shi ya koma gidan mahaifinsa ba.
And Saul tooke him that day, and woulde not let him returne to his fathers house.
3 Yonatan kuma ya yi yarjejjeniya da Dawuda saboda yana ƙaunarsa kamar ransa.
Then Ionathan and Dauid made a couenant: for he loued him as his owne soule.
4 Yonatan ya tuɓe doguwar taguwarsa da ya sa, ya ba wa Dawuda, tare da sulkensa, har ma da māshi da kibiyarsa, da kuma bel nasa.
And Ionathan put off the robe that was vpon him, and gaue it Dauid, and his garments, euen to his sword, and to his bow, and to his girdle.
5 Duk abin da Shawulu ya aiki Dawuda yă yi yakan yi shi cikin aminci, har Shawulu ya ba shi babban makami a rundunarsa. Wannan ya faranta wa dukan mutane zuciya har ma da ma’aikatan Shawulu.
And Dauid went out whithersoeuer Saul sent him, and behaued himselfe wisely: so that Saul set him ouer the men of warre, and he was accepted in the sight of all the people, and also in the sight of Sauls seruants.
6 Yayinda mutane suke dawowa gida bayan da Dawuda ya kashe Bafilistin, mata suka fito daga dukan biranen Isra’ila don su sadu da Sarki Shawulu, suna waƙoƙi da raye-raye masu farin ciki, da ganguna da sarewa.
When they came againe, and Dauid returned from the slaughter of the Philistim, the women came out of all cities of Israel singing and dauncing to meete king Saul, with timbrels, with instruments of ioy, and with rebeckes.
7 Suna rawa suna cewa, “Shawulu ya kashe dubbansa, Dawuda kuwa ya kashe dubun dubbai.”
And the women sang by course in their play, and sayd, Saul hath slayne his thousand, and Dauid his ten thousand.
8 Shawulu kuwa ya ji fushi, wannan magana ba tă yi masa daɗi ba, ya yi tunani ya ce, “Suna yabon Dawuda cewa ya kashe dubun dubbai amma ni dubbai kawai. Me ya rage masa yanzu, in ba mulki ba?”
Therefore Saul was exceeding wroth, and the saying displeased him, and he sayde, They haue ascribed vnto Dauid ten thousand, and to me they haue ascribed but a thousand, and what can he haue more saue the kingdome?
9 Tun daga wannan lokaci zuwa gaba, Shawulu ya dinga kishin Dawuda.
Wherefore Saul had an eye on Dauid from that day forward.
10 Kashegari, mugun ruhu daga Allah ya fāɗo wa Shawulu da tsanani. Yana annabci a gidansa, Dawuda kuwa yana bugan molo kamar yadda ya saba. Shawulu yana riƙe da māshi a hannunsa.
And on the morowe, the euill spirite of God came vpon Saul, and he prophecied in the middes of the house: and Dauid played with his hand like as at other times, and there was a speare in Sauls hand.
11 Da ƙarfi yana magana da kansa yana cewa, “Zan kafe Dawuda da bango.” Amma Dawuda ya bauɗe masa sau biyu.
And Saul tooke the speare, and sayd, I will smite Dauid through to the wall. But Dauid auoyded twise out of his presence.
12 Shawulu ya ji tsoron Dawuda don Ubangiji yana tare da shi, amma Ubangiji ya riga ya bar Shawulu.
And Saul was afrayd of Dauid, because the Lord was with him, and was departed from Saul.
13 Saboda haka Shawulu bai yarda Dawuda yă zauna tare da shi ba, amma ya maishe shi shugaban sojoji dubu. Dawuda kuwa ya riƙa bi da su yana kaiwa yana kuma da tare da su.
Therefore Saul put him from him, and made him a captaine ouer a thousand, and he went out and in before the people.
14 A kome da Dawuda ya yi yakan yi nasara gama Ubangiji yana tare da shi.
And Dauid behaued himselfe wisely in all his wayes: for the Lord was with him.
15 Da Shawulu ya ga yadda yake cin nasara, sai ya ji tsoronsa.
Wherefore when Saul saw that he was very wise, he was afrayde of him.
16 Amma dukan Isra’ila da Yahuda suka ƙaunaci Dawuda gama yana bin da su a yaƙe-yaƙensu.
For all Israel and Iudah loued Dauid, because he went out and in before them.
17 Shawulu ya ce wa Dawuda, “Ga diyata Merab zan ba ka ka aura, kai dai ka yi mini aiki da himma, ka kuma yi yaƙe-yaƙen Ubangiji.” Saboda Shawulu ya ce wa kansa, “Ba zan ɗaga hannuna a kansa ba, Filistiyawa ne za su yi wannan.”
Then Saul sayd to Dauid, Beholde mine eldest daughter Merab, her I will giue thee to wife: onely be a valiant sonne vnto me, and fight the Lordes battels: for Saul thought, Mine hand shall not be vpon him, but the hand of the Philistims shalbe vpon him.
18 Amma Dawuda ya ce wa Shawulu, “Wane ni, wa ya san iyayena ko kabilar iyayena a Isra’ila da zan zama surukin sarki?”
And Dauid answered Saul, What am I? and what is my life, or the family of my father in Israel, that I should be sonne in law to the King?
19 Da lokaci ya kai da Merab’yar Shawulu za tă yi aure da Dawuda, sai aka aurar da ita wa Adriyel na Mehola.
Howbeit when Merab Sauls daughter should haue bene giuen to Dauid, she was giuen vnto Adriel a Meholathite to wife.
20 Mikal’yar Shawulu kuwa tana ƙaunar Dawuda sosai. Da aka gaya wa Shawulu labarin, sai ya yi farin ciki, ya yi tunani ya ce,
Then Michal Sauls daughter loued Dauid: and they shewed Saul, and the thing pleased him.
21 “Zan ba shi ita tă zama masa tarko, da haka Filistiyawa za su same shi.” Shawulu ya ce wa Dawuda, “Yanzu kana da dama sau na biyu ka zama surukina.”
Therefore Saul said, I wil giue him her, that she may be a snare to him, and that the hand of the Philistims may bee against him. Wherefore Saul sayde to Dauid, Thou shalt this day be my sonne in law in the one of the twayne.
22 Sai Shawulu ya umarci ma’aikatansa cewa, “Ku yi magana da Dawuda asirce ku ce, ‘Duba, sarki yana farin ciki da kai, dukan ma’aikatansa kuma suna sonka, ka yarda ka zama surukinsa.’”
And Saul commanded his seruants, Speake with Dauid secretly, and say, Behold, ye King hath a fauour to thee, and all his seruants loue thee: be now therefore the Kings sonne in law.
23 Suka sāke yi wa Dawuda wannan magana amma Dawuda ya ce, “Kuna tsammani abu mai sauƙi ne mutum yă zama surukin sarki? Ni talaka ne, kuma ba sananne ba.”
And Sauls seruantes spake these wordes in the eares of Dauid. And Dauid sayd, Seemeth it to you a light thing to be a Kings sonne in lawe, seeing that I am a poore man and of small reputation?
24 Da ma’aikatan Shawulu suka gaya masa abin da Dawuda ya faɗa.
And then Sauls seruats brought him word againe, saying, Such wordes spake Dauid.
25 Sai Shawulu ya ce, “Ku gaya wa Dawuda, ‘Sarki ba ya bukatan kuɗin auren’yarsa, sai dai loɓar Filistiyawa domin ramako a kan abokan gābansa.’” Shawulu yana shiri ne domin Dawuda yă fāɗa a hannun Filistiyawa.
And Saul sayd, This wise shall ye say to Dauid, The King desireth no dowrie, but an hundred foreskinnes of the Philistims, to bee auenged of the Kings enemies: for Saul thought to make Dauid fall into the handes of the Philistims.
26 Da ma’aikatan suka gaya wa Dawuda waɗannan abubuwa, sai ya yi murna don zai zama surukin sarki. Amma kafin lokacin yă cika,
And when his seruantes tolde Dauid these wordes, it pleased Dauid well, to be the Kings sonne in law: and the dayes were not expired.
27 Dawuda da mutanensa suka fita suka kashe Filistiyawa ɗari biyu, suka kawo loɓar suka miƙa wa sarki, domin yă zama surukin sarki. Sai Shawulu ya ba da’yarsa Mikal aure ga Dawuda.
Afterwarde Dauid arose with his men, and went and slewe of the Philistims two hundreth men: and Dauid brought their foreskinnes, and they gaue them wholly to the King that hee might be the Kings sonne in lawe: therefore Saul gaue him Michal his daughter to wife.
28 Da Shawulu ya gane Ubangiji yana tare da Dawuda,’yarsa Mikal kuma tana ƙaunarsa,
Then Saul sawe, and vnderstoode that the Lord was with Dauid, and that Michal the daughter of Saul loued him.
29 sai Shawulu ya ƙara jin tsoron Dawuda har ya zama maƙiyinsa a dukan sauran rayuwarsa.
Then Saul was more and more afrayde of Dauid, and Saul became alway Dauids enemie.
30 Manyan sojojin Filistiyawa suka yi ta fita suna yaƙi da Isra’ilawa, amma kullum Dawuda yakan sami nasara fiye da sauran manyan sojojin Shawulu. Ta haka ya yi suna ƙwarai.
And when the Princes of the Philistims went forth, at their going forth Dauid behaued himselfe more wisely then all the seruants of Saul, so that his name was much set by.