< 1 Sama’ila 15 >

1 Sama’ila ya ce wa Shawulu, “Ni ne wanda Ubangiji ya aika in shafe ka ka zama sarki bisa mutanensa Isra’ila. Saurara yanzu ka ji saƙo daga wurin Ubangiji.
And Samuel said to Saul: “The Lord sent me, so that I would anoint you as king over his people Israel. Now therefore, listen to the voice of the Lord.
2 Ga abin da Ubangiji Maɗaukaki ya ce, ‘Zan hori Amalekawa saboda abin da suka yi wa Isra’ila sa’ad da suka ba su wahala yayinda suka fito daga Masar.
‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: I have taken account of all that Amalek has done to Israel, how he stood against him in the way, when he ascended from Egypt.
3 Yanzu ka tafi ka yaƙi Amalekawa, ka hallaka kome da yake nasu, kada ka bar su da rai, ka kashe maza, da mata, da yara, da jarirai, da dabbobi, da tumaki, da raƙuma, da kuma jakuna.’”
Now therefore, go and strike Amalek, and demolish all that is his. You shall not spare him, and you shall not covet anything out of the things that are his. Instead, kill from man even to woman, and little ones as well as infants, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
4 Sai Shawulu ya tattara sojoji, ya ƙidaya su a Telayim, ya sami su dubu ɗari biyu da dubu goma daga Yahuda.
And so, Saul instructed the people, and he numbered them like lambs: two hundred thousand foot soldiers, and ten thousand men of Judah.
5 Shawulu ya tafi birnin Amalek ya yi kwanto a kwari.
And when Saul had arrived as far as the city of Amalek, he placed ambushes at the torrent.
6 Sai Shawulu ya ce wa Keniyawa, “Ku tashi ku bar Amalekawa don kada in hallaka ku tare da su, saboda kun yi wa dukan Isra’ilawa kirki, lokacin da suka fito daga Masar.” Saboda haka Keniyawa suka tashi suka bar Amalekawa.
And Saul said to the Kenite: “Go away, withdraw, and descend from Amalek. Otherwise, I will include you with him. For you showed mercy to all the sons of Israel, when they ascended from Egypt.” And so the Kenite withdrew from the midst of Amalek.
7 Sa’an nan Shawulu ya ci Amalekawa da yaƙi tun daga Hawila har zuwa Shur, a gabashin iyakar Masar.
And Saul struck down Amalek, from Havilah even until you arrive at Shur, which is opposite the region of Egypt.
8 Ya kama Agag sarkin Amalekawa da rai. Ya kuma hallaka dukan mutanensa da takobi.
And he apprehended Agag, the king of Amalek, alive. But all the common people he put to death with the edge of the sword.
9 Amma Shawulu da sojojinsa suka bar Agag, da tumaki, da shanu, da’yan maruƙa masu ƙiba da kuma duk abin da yake mai kyau da rai. Waɗannan ba su so su hallaka su gaba ɗaya ba, amma duk abin da ba a so da kuma marar amfani suka hallaka.
And Saul and the people spared Agag, and the best of the flocks of sheep, and of the herds, and the garments, and the rams, and all that was beautiful, and they were not willing to destroy them. Yet truly, whatever was vile or worthless, these they demolished.
10 Sai Ubangiji ya yi magana da Sama’ila ya ce,
Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel, saying
11 “Na damu da na naɗa Shawulu sarki, domin ya juya mini baya, bai kuma bi umarnina ba.” Sama’ila ya damu ƙwarai, ya yi kuka ga Ubangiji dukan dare.
“It displeases me that I have appointed Saul as king. For he has forsaken me, and he has not fulfilled the work of my words.” And Samuel was greatly saddened, and he cried out to the Lord, all night long
12 Kashegari da sassafe sai Sama’ila ya tashi ya tafi domin yă sadu da Shawulu, amma aka gaya masa cewa Shawulu ya tafi Karmel. A can ya yi wa kansa abin tunawa don yă girmama kansa, daga can kuma ya juya ya gangara zuwa Gilgal.
And when Samuel had risen while it was still dark, so that he might go to Saul in the morning, it was reported to Samuel that Saul had arrived at Carmel, and that he had erected for himself a triumphant arch. And, while returning, he had continued on and descended to Gilgal. Therefore, Samuel went to Saul. And Saul was offering a holocaust to the Lord, from the best of the spoils, which he had brought from Amalek.
13 Da Sama’ila ya kai wurinsa, sai Shawulu ya ce, “Ubangiji yă albarkace ka, na aikata umarnin Ubangiji.”
And when Samuel had gone to Saul, Saul said to him: “You are the blessed of the Lord. I have fulfilled the word of the Lord.”
14 Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Ashe, waɗannan ba kukan tumaki ke nan nake ji a kunnena ba? Wane kuka shanu ke nan nake ji?”
And Samuel said, “Then what is this voice of the flocks, which resounds in my ears, and of the herds, which I am hearing?”
15 Shawulu ya amsa ya ce, “Sojoji ne suka kawo su daga Amalekawa. Sun bar tumaki da shanu masu kyau da rai don su yi wa Ubangiji Allahnka hadaya, amma sauran mun hallaka duka.”
And Saul said: “They have brought these from Amalek. For the people spared the best of the sheep and of the herds, so that they might be immolated to the Lord your God. Yet truly, the remainder we have slain.”
16 Sama’ila ya ce, “Dakata, bari in faɗa maka abin da Ubangiji ya ce mini jiya da dare.” Shawulu ya ce, “Gaya mini.”
Then Samuel said to Saul, “Permit me, and I will reveal to you what the Lord has said to me this night.” And he said to him, “Speak.”
17 Sama’ila ya ce, “Ko da yake kana ganin kanka kai ba wani abu ne ba, ashe, ba kai ne yanzu shugaban kabilan Isra’ila ba? Ubangiji ya shafe ka ka zama sarkin Isra’ila.
And Samuel said: “Was it not when you were little in your own eyes that you were made the head of the tribes of Israel? And the Lord anointed you as king over Israel.
18 Shi kuma ya aika, ya umarce ka cewa, ‘Tafi ka hallaka Amalekawa mugayen mutanen nan duka, ka yaƙe su sai ka share su ƙaf.’
And the Lord sent you on the way, and he said: ‘Go and put to death the sinners of Amalek. And you shall fight against them, even unto utter annihilation.’
19 Me ya sa ba ka bi umarnin Ubangiji ba? Me ya sa ka sa hannu a ganima, ka kuma yi mugun abu a gaban Ubangiji?”
Why then, did you not listen to the voice of the Lord? Instead, you turned to the spoils, and you did evil in the eyes of the Lord.”
20 Shawulu ya ce, “Amma na bi umarnin Ubangiji. Na bi saƙon da Ubangiji ya ba ni. Na hallaka Amalekawa, na kuma kamo Agag sarkinsu.
And Saul said to Samuel: “On the contrary, I did listen to the voice of the Lord, and I walked in the way along which the Lord sent me, and I led back Agag, the king of Amalek, and I put to death Amalek.
21 Sojoji suka kawo tumaki da shanu mafi kyau daga cikin ganimar domin a miƙa hadaya ga Ubangiji Allahnka a Gilgal.”
But the people took some of the spoils, sheep and oxen, as the first-fruits of those things that were slain, to immolate to the Lord their God at Gilgal.”
22 Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Ubangiji yana murna da sadaka da hadaya fiye da biyayya ga maganar Ubangiji? Yin biyayya ta fi hadaya a kula kuma ta fi ƙibabbun raguna.
And Samuel said: “Does the Lord want holocausts and victims, and not instead that the voice of the Lord should be obeyed? For obedience is better than sacrifice. And to heed is greater than to offer the fat of rams.
23 Gama tawaye yana kama da zunubi na duba, girman kai kuma yana kama da bautar gumaka. Saboda ka ƙi maganar Ubangiji, shi ma ya ƙi ka da zaman sarki.”
Therefore, it is like the sin of paganism to rebel. And it is like the crime of idolatry to refuse to obey. For this reason, therefore, because you have rejected the word of the Lord, the Lord has also rejected you from being king.”
24 Sai Shawulu ya ce wa Sama’ila, “Na yi zunubi, na ƙi bin umarnin Ubangiji, na kuma ƙi bin maganarka. Na ji tsoron mutane ne shi ya sa na bi maganarsu.
And Saul said to Samuel: “I have sinned, for I have transgressed the word of the Lord, and your words, by fearing the people and obeying their voice.
25 Yanzu fa, ina roƙonka ka yafe mini zunubina, ka koma tare da ni, domin in yi wa Ubangiji sujada.”
But now, I beg you, to bear my sin, and to return with me, so that I may adore the Lord.”
26 Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Ba zan koma tare da kai ba. Ka ƙi maganar Ubangiji, Ubangiji kuma ya ƙi ka da zama sarki a bisa Isra’ila.”
And Samuel said to Saul: “I will not return with you. For you have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you from being king over Israel.”
27 Da Sama’ila ya juya zai tafi, sai Shawulu ya kama bakin rigarsa, sai rigar ta yage.
And Samuel turned away, so that he might depart. But Saul took hold of the edge of his cloak, and it tore.
28 Sama’ila ya ce masa, “Ubangiji ya yage masarautar Isra’ila daga gare ka yau, ya ba wa wani daga cikin maƙwabtanka wanda ya fi ka.
And Samuel said to him: “The Lord has torn the kingdom of Israel away from you this day. And he has delivered it to your neighbor, who is better than you are.
29 Shi wanda yake Ɗaukakar Isra’ila ba ya ƙarya ko yă canja zuciyarsa, gama shi ba mutum ba ne da zai canja zuciyarsa.”
Moreover, the One who triumphs within Israel will not spare, and he will not be moved to repentance. For he is not a man, that he should repent.”
30 Shawulu ya ce, “Na yi zunubi. Amma ina roƙonka ka ba ni girma a gaban dattawan mutanena da kuma a gaban Isra’ila, ka koma tare da ni domin in yi wa Ubangiji Allahnka sujada.”
Then he said: “I have sinned. But now, honor me before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and return with me, so that I may adore the Lord your God.”
31 Saboda haka sai Sama’ila ya koma tare da Shawulu, Shawulu kuwa ya yi wa Ubangiji sujada.
Therefore, Samuel turned again after Saul. And Saul adored the Lord.
32 Sa’an nan Sama’ila ya ce, “Kawo mini Agag sarkin Amalekawa.” Agag kuwa ya zo wurinsa daure da sarƙa, yana tunani cewa, “Tabbatacce zancen mutuwa dai ya wuce.”
And Samuel said, “Bring near to me Agag, the king of Amalek.” And Agag, very fat and trembling, was presented to him. And Agag said, “Does bitter death separate in this manner?”
33 Amma Sama’ila ya ce, “Yadda takobinka ya sa mata suka rasa’ya’ya, haka mahaifiyarka za tă zama marar’ya’ya a cikin mata.” Sama’ila kuwa ya kashe Agag a Gilgal a gaban Ubangiji.
And Samuel said, “Just as your sword caused women to be without their children, so will your mother be without her children among women.” And Samuel cut him into pieces, before the Lord at Gilgal.
34 Sai Sama’ila ya tafi Rama, amma Shawulu ya haura zuwa gidansa a Gibeya na Shawulu.
Then Samuel went away to Ramah. But Saul ascended to his house at Gibeah.
35 Daga wannan rana Sama’ila bai ƙara saduwa da sarki Shawulu ba, har rasuwar Sama’ila, amma ya yi baƙin ciki sosai a kan Shawulu. Ubangiji kuwa ya damu da ya sa Shawulu ya zama Sarkin Isra’ila ba.
And Samuel did not see Saul any more, until the day of his death. Yet truly, Samuel mourned for Saul, because the Lord regretted that he had appointed him as king over Israel.

< 1 Sama’ila 15 >