< 1 Sama’ila 12 >

1 Sama’ila ya ce wa Isra’ilawa duka, “Na saurari abubuwan da kuka faɗa mini, na kuma naɗa muku sarki.
Then Samuel said to all of Israel: “Behold, I have listened to your voice, according to all that you have said to me, and I have appointed a king over you.
2 Yanzu kuna da sarki a matsayin shugaba, ni kuwa na tsufa har da furfura, yarana maza kuma suna tare da ku. Na yi shugabancinku tun ina yaro.
And now the king advances before you. But I am old and have gray hair. Moreover, my sons are with you. And so, having conversed before you from my youth, even until this day, behold, I am here.
3 Ga ni a gabanku. Idan na yi wani abin da ba daidai ba sai ku faɗa a gaban Ubangiji, da gaban sarkin da ya keɓe. Ko na taɓa ƙwace saniya ko jakin wani? Ko na taɓa cuce wani, ko in danne hakkinsa? Ko na taɓa cin hanci daga hannun ɗayanku? Idan na taɓa yi ɗaya daga cikin waɗannan, sai ku faɗa mini, zan kuwa mayar masa.”
Speak about me before the Lord, and before his Christ, as to whether I have taken anyone’s ox or donkey, or whether I have falsely accused anyone, or whether I have oppressed anyone, or whether I have accepted a bribe from the hand of anyone, and I will repudiate the same, this day, and I will restore it to you.”
4 Suka ce, “Ba ka cuci ko danne hakkin kowa ba, ba ka ƙwace kome daga hannun kowa ba.”
And they said, “You have not falsely accused us, nor oppressed us, nor have you taken anything from the hand of anyone.”
5 Sama’ila ya ce musu, “Ubangiji yă zama shaida a kanku, shafaffensa kuma yă zama shaida a wannan rana cewa ba ku same ni da wani laifin kome ba.” Suka ce, “I, shi ne shaida.”
And he said to them, “The Lord is a witness against you, and his Christ is a witness this day, that you have not found anything in my hand.” And they said, “He is the witness.”
6 Sa’an nan Sama’ila ya ce wa mutane, Ubangiji ne ya naɗa Musa da Haruna suka fitar da kakanninku daga Masar.
And Samuel said to the people: “It is the Lord who appointed Moses and Aaron, and who led our fathers away from the land of Egypt.
7 Yanzu ku tsaya nan zan yi fito-na-fito da ku da shaida a gaban Ubangiji kan dukan ayyuka masu alherin da Ubangiji ya aikata saboda ku da kakanninku.
Now therefore, stand, so that I may contend in judgment against you before the Lord, about all the mercies of the Lord, which he has given to you and to your fathers:
8 Bayan da Yaƙub da’ya’yansa suka shiga Masar suka yi kukan neman taimako daga Ubangiji, Ubangiji kuwa ya aika musu da Musa da Haruna. Su ne suka kawo kakanni-kakanninku daga Masar suka zauna a nan.
How Jacob entered into Egypt, and your fathers cried out to the Lord. And the Lord sent Moses and Aaron, and he led your fathers away from Egypt, and he transferred them to this place.
9 Amma suka manta da Ubangiji Allahnsu, shi kuma ya bashe su a hannun Sisera shugaban rundunar Hazor da kuma hannun Filistiyawa da sarkin Mowab wanda suka yi yaƙi da su.
But they forgot the Lord their God, and so he delivered them into the hand of Sisera, master of the army of Hazor, and into the hand of the Philistines, and into the hand of the king of Moab. And they fought against them.
10 Suka yi kuka a gaban Ubangiji suka ce, “Mun yi zunubi mun bar Ubangiji, muka bauta wa Ba’al da Ashtarot. Amma ka cece mu yanzu daga hannun abokan gābanmu, mu kuwa za mu bauta maka.”
But afterward, they cried out to the Lord, and they said: ‘We have sinned, because we have forsaken the Lord, and we have served the Baals and Ashtaroth. Now therefore, rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and we will serve you.’
11 Sai Ubangiji ya aiki Yerub-Ba’al da Bedan da Yefta da Sama’ila, ya cece ku daga hannun abokan gābanku a kowane gefe domin ku sami cikakken zaman lafiya.
And the Lord sent Jerubbaal, and Bedan, and Jephthah, and Samuel, and he rescued you from the hand of your enemies all around, and you lived in confidence.
12 Amma da kuka ga Nahash sarkin Ammonawa yana matsowa yă yaƙe, sai kuka ce mini, “Sam, muna so sarki yă shugabance mu.” Ko da yake Ubangiji Allahnku ne yake mulkinku.
Then, seeing that Nahash, the king of the sons of Ammon, had arrived against you, you said to me, ‘By no means! Instead, a king shall reign over us,’ even though the Lord your God was reigning over you.
13 Yanzu ga sarkinku da kuka zaɓa wanda kuka nema, ga shi Ubangiji ya naɗa muku sarki.
Now therefore, your king is present, whom you chose and requested. Behold, the Lord has given you a king.
14 In kuka ji tsoron Ubangiji, kuka bauta masa, kuka yi masa biyayya, ba ku kuwa ƙi bin umarninsa ba, in kuma ku da sarkin da yake mulkinku kun bi Ubangiji Allahnku, to, za ku zauna lafiya.
If you will fear the Lord, and serve him, and listen to his voice, and not provoke the mouth of the Lord, then both you, and the king who rules over you, will be following the Lord your God.
15 Amma in ba ku yi biyayya ga Ubangiji ba, in kuma kuka ƙi bin umarnansa, fushinsa zai zauna a kanku.
But if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord, but instead you provoke his words, then the hand of the Lord will be over you and over your fathers.
16 Yanzu ku tsaya tsit ku ga abin da Ubangiji ke dab da yi a gabanku.
Therefore, stand now, and see this great thing, which the Lord will accomplish in your sight.
17 Ba lokacin yankan alkama ke nan ba? Zan roƙi Ubangiji yă aiko da tsawa da ruwan sama, za ku kuwa gane wace irin mugunta kuka yi a gaban Ubangiji sa’ad da kuka roƙa a ba ku sarki.
Is it not the harvest of the wheat today? I will call upon the Lord, and he will send thunder and rain. And you will know and see that you have done a great evil in the sight of the Lord, by petitioning for a king over you.”
18 Sai Sama’ila ya roƙi Ubangiji, a ranar kuwa Ubangiji ya aiko da tsawa da ruwan sama. Dukan mutane suka ji tsoron Ubangiji da kuma Sama’ila.
And Samuel cried out to the Lord, and the Lord sent thunder and rain on that day.
19 Dukan mutane suka ce wa Sama’ila, “Ka yi addu’a ga Ubangiji Allahnka saboda bayinka, domin kada mu mutu, gama mun ƙara wa kanmu zunubi da muka roƙa a yi mana sarki.”
And all the people feared the Lord and Samuel exceedingly. And all the people said to Samuel: “Pray, on behalf of your servants, to the Lord your God, so that we may not die. For we have added to all our sins this evil, that we would petition for a king.”
20 Sama’ila ya ce, “Kada ku ji tsoro.” Kun yi waɗannan mugunta duk da haka kada ku bar bin Ubangiji, amma ku bauta wa Ubangiji da dukan zuciyarku.
Then Samuel said to the people: “Do not be afraid. You have done all this evil. Yet truly, do not choose to withdraw from the back of the Lord. Instead, serve the Lord with all your heart.
21 Kada ku bi alloli marasa amfani. Ba za su iya yi muku kome nagari ba, ba kuwa za su iya cece ku ba, gama ba su da amfani.
And do not choose to turn aside after vanities, which will never benefit you, nor rescue you, since they are empty.
22 Saboda suna mai girma da Ubangiji yake da shi, ba zai taɓa ƙin mutanensa ba. Gama Ubangiji ya ji daɗi da ya yi ku mutanensa.
And the Lord will not abandon his people, because of his great name. For the Lord has sworn to make you his people.
23 Ni kam ba zai taɓa yiwu in yi wa Ubangiji zunubi ta wurin ƙin yin addu’a dominku ba. Zan koya muku hanyar da tana da kyau da ta kuma cancanta.
So then, far be it from me, this sin against the Lord, that I would cease to pray for you. And so, I will teach you the good and upright way.
24 Amma ku amince za ku ji tsoron Ubangiji, ku bauta masa da aniya da dukan zuciyarku, kuna da manyan abubuwan da ya yi muku.
Therefore, fear the Lord, and serve him in truth and from your whole heart. For you have seen the great works that he has done among you.
25 Amma in kuka duƙufa cikin aikin mugunta da ku da sarkinku za a hallaka ku.
But if you persevere in wickedness, both you and your king will perish together.”

< 1 Sama’ila 12 >