< 1 Bitrus 5 >

1 Zuwa ga dattawan da suke cikinku, ina roƙo a matsayin ɗan’uwanku dattijo, mashaidin shan wahalar Kiristi wanda kuma shi ma zai sami rabo cikin ɗaukakar da za a bayyana.
And I, an Elder, your associate, and a witness of the sufferings of the Messiah, and a participator in his glory which is to be revealed, entreat the Elders who are among you:
2 Ku zama makiyayan garken Allah da yake a ƙarƙashin kulawarku, kuna hidima kamar masu kula, ba kan dole ba, sai dai da yardar rai, yadda Allah yake so ku zama; ban da kwaɗayin kuɗi, sai dai marmarin yin hidima;
Feed ye the flock of God which is committed to you: have care for it, spiritually; not from compulsion, but voluntarily; not for base gain, but with all your heart;
3 ban da nuna iko a kan waɗanda aka danƙa muku amana, sai dai ku zama gurbi ga garken.
not as lords of the flock, but so as to be a good example for them:
4 Sa’ad da kuwa Babban Makiyayin ya bayyana, za ku karɓi rawanin ɗaukaka marar koɗewa.
that when the chief shepherd shall be revealed, ye may receive from him a crown of glory that fadeth not.
5 Samari, ku ma, ku yi biyayya ga waɗanda suka girme ku. Dukanku, ku yafa sauƙinkai ga juna, domin, “Allah yana gāba da mai girman kai, amma yakan yi alheri ga mai sauƙinkai.”
And ye juniors submit yourselves to your seniors; and clothe yourselves, stringently, with lowliness of mind one towards another; because God resisteth them who exalt themselves, and giveth grace to the humble.
6 Saboda haka, ku ƙasƙantar da kanku a ƙarƙashin hannun Allah mai ƙarfi, don yă ɗaukaka ku a lokacin da ya ga dama.
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the powerful hand of God: and it will exalt you in due time.
7 Ku danƙa masa dukan damuwarku, domin shi ne yake lura da ku.
And cast all your solicitude upon God; for he careth for you.
8 Ku zama masu kamunkai, ku kuma zauna a faɗake. Abokin gābanku, Iblis yana kewayewa kamar zaki mai ruri, yana neman wanda zai cinye.
Be sober and guarded, because Satan your adversary, like a lion, roareth, and goeth about, and seeketh whom he may devour.
9 Ku yi tsayayya da shi, kuna tsayawa daram cikin bangaskiya, domin kun san cewa’yan’uwanku ko’ina a duniya suna shan irin wahalolin nan.
Therefore resist him, being steadfast in the faith: and know ye, that the same sufferings befall your brethren that are in the world.
10 Allah mai dukan alheri, wanda ya kira ku ga madawwamiyar ɗaukaka cikin Kiristi, bayan kun sha wahala na ɗan lokaci, shi da kansa zai raya ku, yă kuma sa ku yi ƙarfi, ku kahu, ku kuma tsaya daram. (aiōnios g166)
Now it is the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jesus the Messiah, that hath given us, while we sustain these light afflictions, to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established by him for ever: (aiōnios g166)
11 Gare shi bari iko yă tabbata har abada abadin. Amin. (aiōn g165)
to whom be glory, and power, and honor, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 Da taimakon Sila, wanda na ɗauka a matsayin ɗan’uwa mai aminci, na rubuta muku a taƙaice, ina ƙarfafa ku ina kuma shaida muku cewa wannan shi ne alherin Allah na gaske. Ku tsaya daram a cikinsa.
These as I account them few things, I have written to you by Sylvanus, a faithful brother. And I would persuade, and would testify, that this is the true grace of God, this in which ye stand.
13 Ita wadda take a Babilon, zaɓaɓɓiya tare da ku, tana gaishe ku, haka ma ɗana Markus.
The elect church which is in Babylon, saluteth you; also Mark, my son.
14 Ku gai da juna da sumbar ƙauna. Salama gare ku duka da kuke cikin Kiristi.
Salute ye one another with a holy kiss. Peace be with you all, who are in the Messiah. Amen.

< 1 Bitrus 5 >