< 1 Sarakuna 9 >

1 Sa’ad da Solomon ya gama ginin haikalin Ubangiji da kuma fadan sarki, ya kuma yi dukan abin da yake so yă yi,
After Solomon’s [workers] had finished building the temple and his palace and everything else that Solomon wanted them to build,
2 sai Ubangiji ya bayyana gare shi sau na biyu, kamar yadda ya bayyana masa a Gibeyon.
Yahweh appeared to him [in a dream] a second time, like he had appeared to him at [the city of] Gibeon.
3 Ubangiji ya ce masa, “Na ji addu’arka da kuma roƙon da ka yi a gabana; na tsarkake wannan haikali wanda ka gina, ta wurinsa Sunana zai kasance a can har abada. Idanuna da zuciyata kullum za su kasance a can.
Yahweh said to him, “I heard what you prayed and what you pleaded for me to do. I have set apart/dedicated this temple which your [workers] have built to be the place where people will worship me forever. I will always watch over it and protect it.
4 “Kai kuwa, in ka yi tafiya a gabana da mutunci a zuci da kuma gaskiya, kamar yadda Dawuda mahaifinka ya yi, ka yi dukan abin da na umarta, ka kuma yi biyayya da ƙa’idodina da kuma dokokina,
“And as for you, if you conduct your life as I want you to, like your father David did, and if you very sincerely obey all the statutes and laws that I have commanded you to obey,
5 zan kafa kujerar sarautarka a bisa Isra’ila har abada, kamar yadda na alkawarta wa Dawuda mahaifinka sa’ad da na ce, ‘Ba za ka taɓa rasa wani a kan kujerar sarautar Isra’ila ba.’
I will do what I promised your father that I would do: I promised him that Israel would always be ruled by his descendants.
6 “Amma in kai, ko’ya’yanka maza, suka juye daga gare ni, ba ku kuma kiyaye umarnai da ƙa’idodin da na ba ku ba, kuka yi gaba, kuka bauta wa waɗansu alloli, kuka kuma yi musu sujada,
“But if you or your descendants turn away from me and disobey the commands and decrees that I have given to you, and if you start to worship other gods,
7 sai in yanke mutanen Isra’ila daga ƙasar da na ba su, in kuma ƙi wannan haikalin da na tsarkake domin Sunana. Isra’ila kuwa za tă zama abin gori da abin dariya a cikin dukan mutane.
I will remove my Israeli people from the land that I have given to them. I will also abandon this temple that I have set apart/dedicated to be the place where people should worship me. Then people everywhere will despise [the people of] Israel and make fun of them.
8 Wannan haikali zai zama tarin juji. Duk wanda ya wuce ta hanyan nan kuwa zai ji tausayi, yă kuma yi tsaki yana cewa, ‘Me ya sa Ubangiji ya yi haka ga wannan ƙasa da kuma wannan haikali?’
This temple will become a heap of ruins. Everyone who passes by will be astonished [when they see it], and they will be shocked and say, ‘Why has Yahweh done this to this land and to this temple?’
9 Mutane za su amsa su ce, ‘Saboda sun yashe Ubangiji Allahnsu, wanda ya fitar da su daga Masar, suka rungumi waɗansu alloli, suna yin musu sujada, suna bauta musu ne, ya sa Ubangiji ya kawo dukan masifan nan a kansu.’”
And other people will reply, ‘It happened because the Israeli people abandoned Yahweh their God, the one who brought their ancestors out of Egypt. They started to accept and worship other gods. And that is why Yahweh has caused them to experience all these disasters.’”
10 A ƙarshen shekaru ashirin da Solomon ya ɗauka yana gina haikalin Ubangiji da fadan sarki,
Solomon’s [workers] labored for 20 years to build the temple and the palace.
11 sai Sarki Solomon ya ba wa Hiram sarkin Taya garuruwa ashirin a yankin Galili, gama Hiram ya tanada masa da dukan katakai al’ul da na fir, da kuma zinariyar da ya bukaci domin aiki.
Hiram, the king of Tyre had [arranged for his workers to] give Solomon all the cedar and pine [logs] and all the gold that he needed [for this work]. After it was all finished, King Solomon gave to Hiram 20 cities in the Galilee region.
12 Amma sa’ad da Hiram ya zo daga Taya don yă ga garuruwan da Solomon ya ba shi, sai bai ji daɗi ba.
But when Hiram went from Tyre [to Galilee] to see the cities that Solomon had given to him, he was not pleased with them.
13 Sai ya ce, “Wanda irin garuruwa ke nan ka ba ni, ɗan’uwana?” Saboda haka ya kira su Ƙasar Kabul, sunan da suke da shi har wa yau.
He said to Solomon, “My friend, those cities that you gave me are worthless!” So, that area is still called ‘Worthless’.
14 Hiram kuwa ya aika wa sarki talenti 120 na zinariya.
Hiram paid Solomon only five tons of gold [for those cities].
15 Ga lissafin ma’aikatan gandun da Sarki Solomon ya ɗauka don ginin haikalin Ubangiji, da fadarsa, da madogaran gini, da katangar Urushalima, da kuma Hazor Megiddo da Gezer.
This is a record of the work that King Solomon forced men to do. He forced them to build the temple and his palace and the terraces/landfills [on the east side of the city], and the wall around Jerusalem, and [to rebuild the cities of] Hazor and Megiddo and Gezer.
16 (Fir’auna sarkin Masar ya kai wa Gezer hari, ya kuma ci ta da yaƙi. Ya sa mata wuta, ya kashe Kan’aniyawanta mazaunan wurin, ya kuma ba da ita a matsayin kyautar aure ga’yarsa, matar Solomon.
[The reason they needed to rebuild Gezer was that the army of] the king of Egypt had attacked Gezer and captured it. Then they had burned [the houses in] the city and killed all the people of the Canaan people-group who lived there. The king of Egypt gave that city to his daughter as a gift when she married Solomon.
17 Solomon kuwa ya sāke gina Gezer.) Ya gina Bet-Horon ta Kwari,
So Solomon’s workers also rebuilt Gezer, and they also rebuilt Lower Beth-Horon [city].
18 da Ba’alat, da Tadmor a hamada, na cikin ƙasarsa.
They also rebuilt Baalath and Tamar [towns] in the desert in [the southern part of] Judah.
19 Haka kuma ya gina dukan biranen ajiyarsa, da garuruwa domin kekunan yaƙinsa, da garuruwa domin dawakansa. Ya gina duk abin da ya so yă ginawa a Urushalima, da Lebanon, da kuma ko’ina a dukan yankin da ya yi mulki.
They also built cities where they kept the supplies for Solomon, the places where his horses and chariots were kept. They also built everything else that Solomon wanted them to build, in Jerusalem and in Lebanon, and in other places in the area over which he ruled.
20 Dukan Amoriyawa, da Hittiyawa, da Ferizziyawa, da Hiwiyawa da Yebusiyawan da suka ragu a ƙasar (waɗanda ba Isra’ilawa ba ne),
There were many people who belonged to the Amor people-group, the Heth people-group, the Periz people-group, the Hiv people-group, and the Jebus people-group who were not killed when the Israelis captured their land.
21 wato, waɗanda suka ragu a ƙasar, waɗanda Isra’ilawa ba su iya hallakawa ba, su ne Solomon ya ɗauka su zama bayinsa don aikin gandu, kamar yadda yake har wa yau.
[Their descendants still lived in Israel]. It was those people whom Solomon forced to become his slaves [to build all those places], and they are still slaves.
22 Amma Solomon bai mai da Isra’ilawa bayi ba; su ne mayaƙansa, shugabannin gwamnatinsa, dogarawansa, shugabannin sojojinsa, da shugabanninsa na kekunan yaƙi da mahayan kekunan yaƙinsa.
But Solomon did not force any Israeli people to become slaves. Some Israelis became soldiers and army officers and commanders and drivers of his chariots and soldiers who rode on horses.
23 Su ne kuma manyan shugabanni masu lura da ayyukan Solomon, su ne shugabanni 550 masu lura da mutanen da suke aiki.
There were 550 officials who supervised the slaves who worked [to build all those places].
24 Bayan’yar Fir’auna ta haura daga Birnin Dawuda zuwa fadan da Solomon ya gina mata, sai ya gina madogaran gini.
After [Solomon’s wife, who was] the daughter of the king of Egypt, moved from [the place outside Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’ to the palace that Solomon’s workers built for her, Solomon [told his workers to] fill in the slopes on the east side of the city.
25 Sau uku a shekara Solomon kan miƙa hadayun ƙonawa da hadayun salama a kan bagaden da ya gina wa Ubangiji, yana ƙone turare a gaban Ubangiji haɗe da su, ta haka ya cika abin da ake bukata na haikali.
Three times each year Solomon [brought to the temple] offerings that were completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to restore fellowship with Yahweh. He also brought incense to be burned in the presence of Yahweh. And so his men finished building the temple.
26 Sarki Solomon ya kuma gina jiragen ruwa a Eziyon Geber, wadda take kusa da Elot a Edom, a bakin Jan Teku.
King Solomon’s [workers] also built a fleet of ships at Ezion-Geber [city], which is near Elath [city], on the shore of the Gulf of Aqaba, in the land belonging to the Edom people-group.
27 Hiram kuwa ya aiki mutanensa, masu tuƙan jirgin ruwa waɗanda suka san teku, don su yi hidima a jerin jiragen ruwa tare da mutanen Solomon.
[King] Hiram sent some very expert sailors to work on the ships with Solomon’s workers.
28 Suka tafi Ofir suka kuma dawo da talenti 420 na zinariya, wanda suka ba wa Sarki Solomon.
They sailed to [the] Ophir [region] and brought back to Solomon about 16 tons of gold.

< 1 Sarakuna 9 >