< 1 Sarakuna 6 >

1 A shekara ta ɗari huɗu da tamani bayan fitowar Isra’ilawa daga Masar, a shekara ta huɗu ta mulkin Solomon a bisa Isra’ila, a watan Zif, wata na biyu, Solomon ya fara gina haikalin Ubangiji.
480 years after the Israeli people left Egypt, during the fourth year that Solomon ruled Israel, early in May, Solomon’s workers began to build the temple.
2 Haikalin da Sarki Solomon ya gina wa Ubangiji, tsawonsa kamu sittin, fāɗinsa kamu ashirin, tsayinsa kuma kamu talatin ne.
Inside, [the main part of] the temple was 90 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 45 feet high.
3 Shirayin da yake a gaban ainihin zauren haikalin, ya ƙara faɗin haikalin da kamu ashirin, ya kuma nausa daga gaban haikalin kamu goma.
The entrance room was 15 feet long and 30 feet wide, just as wide as the main part of the temple.
4 Ya yi tagogin da suka fi fāɗi daga ciki fiye da waje a haikalin.
There were windows in [the walls of] the temple. The windows were narrower on the outside than on the inside.
5 A jikin bangayen babban zaure da kuma cikin wuri mai tsarki, ya gina ɗakuna kewaye da ginin, inda akwai ɗakuna a gefe.
Against the two sides and against the back of the temple walls, they built a structure/building that had rooms in it. [This structure had three levels/stories and each was 7-1/2 feet high].
6 Fāɗin ɗakunan ƙasa, kamu biyar ne, fāɗin ɗakunan tsakiya, kamu shida ne, fāɗin ɗakunan hawa na uku kuwa, kamu bakwai ne. Ya yi bangaye kewaye a waje da haikalin don kada a sa wani abu a bangayen haikali.
[Each room in] the lowest level/story was 7-1/2 feet wide. [Each room in] the middle level/story was nine feet wide. [The rooms in] the top level/story were 10-1/2 feet wide. The wall of the temple at the top level/story was thinner than the wall at the middle level/story, and the wall of the middle level/story was thinner than the wall at the bottom level/story. The result was that the rooms could be supported by the wall underneath them, and did not require wooden beams to support them.
7 A yin ginin haikalin, duwatsun da aka fafe ne kaɗai daga wurin fafe duwatsu aka yi amfani da su, ba a ji karar guduma ko gizago, ko wani abin da aka yi da ƙarfe a wurin ginin haikali yayinda ake gina shi ba.
The huge stones for [the foundation of] the temple were cut and shaped at the quarry [to become very smooth]. The result was that while the workers were building the temple there was no noise, because they did not use hammers or chisels or any other iron tools there.
8 Ƙofar zuwa ɗakunan ƙasa tana gefen kudu na haikalin; akwai matakai da suka bi zuwa hawa na tsakiya, daga can kuma matakan sun wuce zuwa hawa na uku.
The entrance to the bottom level/story [of that attached structure] was on the south side of the temple. There were stairs from the bottom level/story to the middle and top level/story.
9 A haka ya gina haikalin ya kuma gama shi, ya jinƙe shi da manyan katakai da kuma katakan al’ul.
So Solomon’s [workers] finished building the [framework of the] temple. They made the ceiling from cedar beams and boards.
10 Ya kuma gina ɗakunan gefe duka a gefen haikalin. Tsayin kowanne, kamu biyar ne, aka haɗa su da haikalin da manyan katakan al’ul.
They built the structure that had three levels/stories, that was against the walls of the temple. Each level/story was 7-1/2 feet high, and was joined to the temple with cedar beams.
11 Sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Solomon ta ce,
Then Yahweh said this to Solomon:
12 “Game da wannan haikalin da kake ginawa, in ka bi ƙa’idodina, ka cika farillaina, ka kiyaye dukan umarnaina, ka kuma yi biyayya da su, zan cika alkawarin da na yi wa mahaifinka Dawuda ta wurinka.
“[I want to tell you] about this temple that you are building. If you continually obey all my statutes and laws and commands, I will do for you what I promised to your father David.
13 Zan kuma zauna a cikin Isra’ilawa, ba kuwa zan taɓa rabuwa da su ba.”
I will live among the Israeli people, [in this temple, ] and I will never abandon them.”
14 Saboda haka Solomon ya gina haikalin ya kuma gama shi.
Solomon’s [workers] finished building the temple.
15 Ya rufe bangon ciki da katakan itacen al’ul tun daga ƙasa har zuwa sama, ya kuma rufe daɓen da katakan itacen fir.
On the inside, they lined/covered the walls with cedar boards. They lined/covered them from the floor to the ceiling. They made the floor from cypress boards.
16 Ya gina Wuri Mafi Tsarki na can ciki, ya gina shi a can ƙuryar haikalin. Tsayinsa kamu ashirin ne, an manne masa katakan itacen al’ul tun daga ƙasa har zuwa sama.
Inside the back part of the temple they built an inner room, called the Very Holy Place. It was 30 feet long. All the walls of this room were lined with cedar boards.
17 Tsawon babban zaure a gaban wannan ɗaki, kamu arba’in ne.
In front of the Very Holy Place there was a room that was 60 feet long.
18 An yi wa katakan itacen al’ul na cikin haikalin zāne mai fasalin gora da na buɗaɗɗun furanni. An rufe bangon ciki duka da itacen al’ul, har ba a ganin duwatsun ginin.
The cedar [boards on the walls] inside the temple were decorated with carvings of gourds and flowers. [The walls were] completely covered with cedar boards, with the result that the stones [of the walls behind them] could not be seen.
19 Ya shirya wuri mai tsarki na ciki can cikin haikali don yă sa akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji a can.
At the back of the temple they made the Very Holy Place, where the Sacred Chest would be put.
20 Tsawon wuri mai tsarki na ciki kamu ashirin, fāɗin kamu ashirin, tsayin kuma kamu ashirin. Ya dalaye cikin da zinariya zalla, ya kuma dalaye bagade al’ul ɗin.
That room was 30 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 30 feet high. They covered the walls with [very thin sheets of] pure gold. [For burning incense] they also made an altar of cedar [boards].
21 Solomon ya rufe cikin haikalin da zinariya zalla, ya kuma gifta sarƙoƙin zinariya a gaban wuri mai tsarki na ciki, wanda aka dalaye da zinariya.
Solomon told them to cover the other walls inside the temple with [very thin sheets of] pure gold and to fasten gold chains across the entrance to the Very Holy Place.
22 Haka ya dalaye dukan cikin da zinariya. Ya kuma dalaye bagade na cikin wuri mai tsarki da zinariya.
They covered all the walls of the temple and the altar that was outside the Very Holy Place with [very thin sheets of] gold.
23 A wuri mai tsarki na can ciki, ya yi kerubobi biyu na itacen zaitun, kowanne mai tsayi kamu goma.
Inside the Very Holy Place, they made from olive tree wood [large statues of] two creatures with wings. Each one was 15 feet tall.
24 Fiffike ɗaya na kerub na fari tsawonsa kamu biyar ne, ɗayan fiffike kuma kamu biyar, kamu goma daga ƙarshen fiffike zuwa ƙarshen fiffike.
They each were the same size and had the same shape. They each had two wings [which were spread out]. Each wing was 7-1/2 feet long, with the result that the distance between the outer ends of the two wings was 15 feet.
25 Kerub na biyun shi ma kamu goma ne, gama kerubobi biyun sun yi kama da juna a girma da kuma siffa.
26 Tsayin kowane kerub kamu goma ne.
27 Ya ajiye kerubobin a ɗaki na can cikin haikalin, da fikafikansu a buɗe. Fiffiken kerub ɗaya ya taɓa bango guda, yayinda fiffiken ɗayan ya taɓa ɗayan bangon, kuma fikafikansu sun taɓa juna a tsakiyar ɗakin.
They put those statues next to each other in the Very Holy Place so that the wing of the one touched the one wing of the other in the center of the room, and the outer wings touched the walls.
28 Ya dalaye kerubobin da zinariya.
They covered the statues with [very thin sheets of] gold.
29 A bangaye kewaye da haikali, a ɗakuna ciki da waje, ya zāzzāna kerubobi, itatuwan dabino, da furanni buɗaɗɗu.
[Solomon told them to] decorate the walls of the main room and the Very Holy Place by carving representations of winged creatures and palm trees and flowers.
30 Ya kuma rufe ƙasan ɗakuna ciki da wajen haikali da zinariya.
They also covered the floor of both rooms with [very thin sheets of] gold.
31 Don ƙofar shiga wuri mai tsarki na ciki kuwa, ya yi ƙofofin katakon zaitun da madogarai masu gefe biyar.
They made a set of doors from olive tree wood, and placed them at the entrance to the Very Holy Place. The doorposts joined at the top to form a pointed arch.
32 A kan ƙofofin katakan zaitun kuwa ya zāzzāna kerubobi, itatuwa dabino, da furanni buɗaɗɗu, ya kuma dalaye kerubobin, da kuma itatuwan dabinon da zinariya.
The doors were decorated by carving on them representations of winged creatures, palm trees, and flowers. All of these things were covered with [very thin sheets of] gold.
33 Haka ma ya yi madogarai masu gefe huɗu na katakon zaitun don ƙofar shiga zuwa babban zaure.
They made a rectangular door frame from olive tree wood, and put it [between the entrance room and] the main room.
34 Ya yi ƙofofi biyu na itacen fir, kowanne yana da shafi biyu da suke juyewa a maɗaurai.
They made two folding doors from cypress wood [and fastened them to the door frame].
35 Ya zāzzāna kerubobi, itatuwan dabino, da kuma furanni buɗaɗɗu a kansu, ya kuma dalaye su da zinariyar da aka buga daidai a kan sassaƙa.
The doors were also decorated with wood carvings of winged creatures, palm trees, and flowers, and they were also covered evenly with [very thin sheets of] gold.
36 Ya kuma gina filin ciki da sassaƙaƙƙun duwatsu, jeri uku, da jeri ɗaya na katakan itacen al’ul.
They built a courtyard in front of the temple. The walls around the courtyard were made of cedar and stone; to make the walls, between each layer of cedar beams they put down two layers of stone.
37 An kafa tushen haikalin Ubangiji a shekara ta huɗu, a watan Zif.
They laid the foundation of the temple of Yahweh in early May, in the fourth year [that Solomon ruled].
38 A shekara ta goma sha ɗaya, a watan Bul, wata na takwas ke nan, aka gama haikalin daidai yadda aka tsara shi bisa ga fasalinsa. Solomon ya ɗauki shekara bakwai yana ginin haikalin.
In the eleventh year [that he ruled], in the middle of October, they finished building the temple and all of its parts, doing exactly what Solomon told them to do. It required seven years to build it.

< 1 Sarakuna 6 >