< 1 Sarakuna 3 >

1 Solomon ya haɗa kai da Fir’auna sarkin Masar, ya kuwa auri’yarsa. Ya kawo ta cikin Birnin Dawuda kafin yă gama ginin fadarsa, da haikalin Ubangiji, da kuma katanga kewaye da Urushalima.
Solomon went to see the king of Egypt. Solomon [made an agreement with him to] marry his daughter. They also made an alliance/agreement [that their armies would not attack each other]. Then Solomon brought the king’s daughter to live in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’. [She lived there] until Solomon’s workers had finished building his house and the temple of Yahweh and the wall around Jerusalem.
2 A lokacin dai mutane suna miƙa hadaya a wurare a bisa tuddai, domin ba a riga an gina haikali saboda Sunan Ubangiji ba.
[At that time] the temple of Yahweh had not yet been built, so the Israeli people were still offering sacrifices at many other places of worship.
3 Solomon ya ƙaunaci Ubangiji ta wurin yin tafiya bisa ga farillan mahaifinsa Dawuda, sai dai ya miƙa hadayu, ya kuma ƙone turare a wuraren nan na bisa tuddai.
Solomon loved Yahweh, and he obeyed all the instructions that his father David had given him. But he also offered sacrifices and burned incense at various altars.
4 Sai sarki Solomon ya tafi Gibeyon don yă miƙa hadayu, gama a can ne wuri mafi muhimmanci na sujada. Solomon kuwa ya miƙa hadayun ƙonawa guda dubu a kan wannan bagade.
One day the king went to Gibeon [city] to offer a sacrifice there, because that was where the most famous/important altar was. In previous years he had offered hundreds of sacrifices on that altar.
5 A Gibeyon, Ubangiji ya bayyana ga Solomon da dare a mafarki, Allah ya ce, “Ka roƙi abin da kake so in ba ka.”
That night, Yahweh appeared to him in a dream. He asked Solomon, “What would you like me to give to you?”
6 Solomon ya amsa ya ce, “Ka nuna alheri mai girma ga bawanka, mahaifina Dawuda domin ya yi aminci gare ka da adalci, ya kuma kasance da zuciya mai gaskiya. Ka ci gaba da wannan alheri mai girma gare shi, ka ba shi ɗa don yă zauna a kujerar sarautarsa a wannan rana.
Solomon replied, “You always greatly and faithfully loved my father David, who served you [well]. You did that because he (was faithful to/faithfully obeyed) you and acted righteously and honestly toward you. And you have showed how greatly and faithfully you loved him by giving to him me, his son, and now I am ruling [MTY] as he did [before he died].
7 “Yanzu, ya Ubangiji Allahna, ka sa bawanka a wurin mahaifina Dawuda. Amma ni ɗan yaro ne kawai, ban kuma san yadda zan yi ayyukana ba.
“Now, Yahweh my God, you have appointed me to be the king like my father was. But I am [very young, like] a little child [MET]. I do not know how to lead/rule my people at all [IDM].
8 Bawanka yana nan a cikin mutanen da ka zaɓa, mutane masu girma, waɗanda suka wuce ƙirge, ko a lissafta.
I am here among the people whom you have chosen. They are a very large group of people; there are very, very many of them, with the result that no one can count them [DOU].
9 Saboda haka ka ba bawanka zuciyar ganewa, don yă shugabanci mutanenka, yă kuma iya rarrabe tsakanin abin da yake daidai da abin da ba daidai ba. Gama wa zai iya shugabance wannan mutanenka masu girma haka?”
So please enable me to think clearly, in order that I may rule your people [well]. Enable me to know what is good and what is evil. [If you do not do that, ] I will never [RHQ] be able to rule this great group of people who belong to you.”
10 Sai Ubangiji ya ji daɗi cewa Solomon ya roƙa wannan.
Yahweh was very pleased that Solomon had requested that.
11 Saboda haka Allah ya ce masa, “Da yake ka nemi wannan ne, ba ka kuwa nemi tsawon rai ko arziki wa kanka ba, ba ka kuma nemi mutuwar abokan gābanka ba, amma ka nemi ganewa a aikata gaskiya,
God said to him, “You did not request that you live for many years or that you become very rich or that you be able to kill all your enemies. Instead, you have requested that I enable you to be wise, in order that you will be able to know [and to do] what is right [while you govern these people].
12 zan yi abin da ka roƙa. Zan ba ka zuciya mai hikima da ta ganewa, har yă zama ba a taɓa samun wani kamar ka ba, ba kuwa za a taɓa samunsa ba.
So, I will certainly do what you requested. I will enable you to be very wise [DOU]. The result will be that no one who has lived before you or who will live after you will be as [wise as] you are.
13 Ban da haka ma, zan ba ka abin da ba ka nema ba; arziki da girma, don a rayuwarka ba za ka kasance da wani kamar ka ba a cikin sarakuna.
I will also give you things that you did not request: I will enable you to become very rich and honored, as long as you live. You will be richer and more honored than any other king.
14 In kuma ka yi tafiya a hanyoyina, ka kuma yi biyayya da farillaina da umarnaina kamar yadda Dawuda mahaifinka ya yi, zan ba ka tsawon rai.”
If you conduct your life [IDM] as I want you to, and if you obey all my laws and commandments, as your father David did, I will enable you to live for many years.”
15 Sai Solomon ya farka, ya gane ashe mafarki ne. Ya koma Urushalima, ya tsaya a gaban akwatin alkawarin Ubangiji ya miƙa hadayun ƙonawa da hadayun salama. Sa’an nan ya shirya wa fadawansa biki.
Then Solomon awoke, and he realized that [God had spoken to him in] a dream. Then he went to Jerusalem and stood in front of [the Sacred Tent where] the Sacred Chest [was], and he offered many sacrifices that were completely burned [on the altar] and offerings to maintain fellowship with Yahweh. Then he made a feast for all his officials.
16 To, ana nan sai waɗansu karuwai biyu suka zo wurin sarki, suka tsaya a gabansa.
One day two prostitutes came and stood in front of King Solomon.
17 Sai ɗaya ta ce, “Ranka yă daɗe, wannan mata da ni muna zama a gida ɗaya. Na haifi jariri yayinda take can tare da ni.
One of them said, “Your Majesty, this woman and I live in the same house. I gave birth to a baby while she was there in the house.
18 Kwana uku bayan haihuwar jaririna, wannan mata ma ta haifi jariri. Mu dai kaɗai ne; babu wani a gidan sai mu biyu.
Three days after my baby was born, this woman also gave birth to a baby. Only the two of us were in the house; there was no one else there.
19 “Da dare ɗan wannan matan ya mutu domin ta kwanta a kansa.
“But one night this woman’s baby died because she [accidentally] rolled on top of her baby [while sleeping and smothered it].
20 Saboda haka ta tashi da tsakar dare ta ɗauki ɗana daga gefena yayinda baiwarka take barci. Sai ta sa shi kusa da ƙirjinta, ta kuma sa mataccen ɗanta kusa da ƙirjina.
So she got up at midnight and took my baby boy who was lying beside me while I was sleeping. She carried him to her bed and brought her dead baby and put it in my bed.
21 Kashegari, da na farka don in shayar da ɗana, sai na tarar ya mutu! Amma sa’ad da na dube shi da kyau da safe, sai na ga ashe ba ɗan da na haifa ba ne.”
When I awoke the next morning and was ready to nurse my baby, I saw that it was dead. But when I looked at it closely in the morning light, I saw that it was not my baby!”
22 Amma ɗaya matar ta ce, “A’a! Mai rai ɗin ne ɗana; mataccen naki ne.” Amma ta farin ta nace, “A’a! Mataccen ne naki; mai ran ne nawa.” A haka suka yi ta gardama a gaban sarki.
But the other woman said, “That is not true! The baby that is alive is mine, and the baby that is dead is yours!” Then the first woman said, “No, the dead baby is yours, and the one that is alive is mine!” And they continued to argue in front of the king.
23 Sarki ya ce, “Wannan ta ce, ‘Ɗana ne a raye, naki ne matacce,’ yayinda ɗayan tana cewa, ‘A’a! Ɗanki ne mataccen, nawa ne a raye.’”
Then the king said, “Both of you are saying, ‘My baby is the one that is alive and the one that is dead is yours.’”
24 Sai sarki ya ce, “Kawo mini takobi.” Sai aka kawo takobi wa sarki.
So he said to one of his servants, “Bring me a sword.” So the servant brought a sword to the king.
25 Ya ba da umarni ya ce, “Yanka yaron nan mai rai, gida biyu, kowacce ta ɗauki rabi.”
Then the king said to the servant, “Cut the baby that is alive into two parts. Give one part to each of the women.”
26 Ainihin mamar ɗan da yake a raye ta cika da tausayi saboda ɗanta, sai ta ce wa sarki, “Ina roƙonka, ranka yă daɗe, kada ka kashe yaron! Ka ba ta kawai!” Amma ɗayan matar ta ce, “Kada a ba kowa daga cikinmu ɗan da rai, a ci gaba a raba shi!”
But the woman whose baby was alive loved her baby very much, so she said to the king, “No, Your Majesty! Do not allow him to kill the baby! Give her the child that is alive!” But the other woman said to the king, “No, cut it in half. Then it will not be her baby or my baby.”
27 Sai sarki ya zartar da hukuncinsa ya ce, “A ba da jariri mai ran ga mata ta fari. Kada a kashe shi; ita ce ainihin mahaifiyarsa.”
Then the king said to the servant, “Do not kill the baby. Give the baby to the woman who said ‘Do not cut the baby in half,’ because she is truly the baby’s mother.”
28 Sa’ad da dukan Isra’ila suka ji hukuncin da sarki ya zartar, suka girmama sarki sosai, domin sun gane cewa Allah ya ba shi hikimar yin shari’ar adalci.
All the Israeli people heard about what the king had decided, and they revered him. They realized that God had truly enabled him to be very wise, to judge people’s matters fairly.

< 1 Sarakuna 3 >