< 1 Sarakuna 21 >

1 Ana nan bayan haka sai waɗannan abubuwa suka faru. Nabot mutumin Yezireyel yana da gonar inabi a Yezireyel, a yankin Samariya, kusa da gidan Sarki Ahab.
And after these things, in that time, there was a vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, who was in Jezreel, beside the palace of Ahab, the king of Samaria.
2 Sai Ahab ya ce wa Nabot, “Ka ba ni gonar inabinka in yi amfani da ita don kayan lambu, da yake tana kusa da fadana. Zan ba ka wata gonar inabin da ta fi wannan, ko kuma in ka gwammace, sai in biya ka duk abin da ya dace da ita.”
Therefore, Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying: “Give your vineyard to me, so that I may make for myself a garden of herbs. For it is nearby and is beside my house. And I will give to you, in place of it, a better vineyard. Or if you consider it to be more convenient for you, I will give you the price in silver, whatever it is worth.”
3 Amma Nabot ya amsa wa Ahab ya ce, “Ubangiji yă sawwaƙe in ba ka gādon kakannina.”
Naboth responded to him, “May the Lord be gracious to me, lest I give to you the inheritance of my fathers.”
4 Ahab ya cika da fushi saboda Nabot, mutumin Yezireyel ya ce, “Ba zan ba ka gādon kakannina ba.” Ya kwanta a gadonsa yana zub da hawaye, ya kuma ƙi cin abinci.
Then Ahab went into his house, angry and gnashing his teeth over the word that Naboth, the Jezreelite, had spoken to him, saying, “I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.” And casting himself on his bed, he turned away his face to the wall, and he would not eat bread.
5 Matarsa Yezebel ta shiga ciki ta tambaye shi, ta ce, “Me ya sa ka kumbura? Me ya sa ba za ka ci abinci ba?”
Then Jezebel, his wife, entered to him, and she said to him: “What is this matter, by which your soul has been saddened? And why do you not eat bread?”
6 Sai ya amsa mata, ya ce, “Domin na ce wa Nabot mutumin Yezireyel, ‘Ka sayar mini gonar inabinka; ko kuwa in ka gwammace, zan ba ka wata gonar inabi a maimakonta.’ Amma ya ce, ‘Ba zan ba ka gonar inabina ba.’”
And he responded to her: “I spoke to Naboth, the Jezreelite, and I said to him: ‘Give your vineyard to me, and accept money. Or if it pleases you, I will give to you a better vineyard, in place of it.’ And he said, ‘I will not give my vineyard to you.’”
7 Yezebel matarsa ta ce, “Yaya kake yi kamar ba kai ne sarki Isra’ila ba? Tashi ka ci abinci! Ka yi farin ciki. Zan ba ka gonar inabin Nabot mutumin Yezireyel.”
Then Jezebel, his wife, said to him: “You are of great authority, and you rule well in the kingdom of Israel. Rise up and eat bread, and be even-tempered. I will give the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, to you.”
8 Sai ta rubuta wasiƙu a sunan Ahab, ta buga hatiminsa a kansu, sa’an nan ta aika su ga dattawa da manyan gari waɗanda suke zama a birnin da Nabot yake.
And so, she wrote letters in the name of Ahab, and she sealed these with his ring. And she sent to those greater by birth, and to the nobles who were in his city and living with Naboth.
9 Cikin waɗannan wasiƙu ta rubuta, “Ku yi shelar ranar azumi, ku zaunar da Nabot a wuri mai martaba a cikin mutane.
And this was the judgment of the letters: “Proclaim a fast, and cause Naboth to sit among the first rulers of the people.
10 Amma ku zaunar da waɗansu’yan iska biyu ɗaura da shi, ku sa su ba da shaida cewa ya zagi Allah da sarki. Sa’an nan ku ɗauke shi ku jajjefe shi da dutse sai ya mutu.”
And send out two men, sons of Belial, against him. And let them speak the false testimony: ‘He has blasphemed God and king.’ And then lead him away, and stone him, and so let him die.”
11 Sai dattawa da manyan gari, waɗanda suke zama a birnin da Nabot yake, suka yi kamar yadda Yezebel ta umarta a cikin wasiƙun da ta rubuta.
Then his fellow citizens, those greater by birth and the nobles who were living with him in the city, did just as Jezebel had instructed them, and just as it was written in the letters that she had sent to them.
12 Suka yi shelar azumi, suka kuma zaunar da Nabot a wuri mai martaba a cikin mutane.
They proclaimed a fast, and they caused Naboth to sit among the first rulers of the people.
13 Sa’an nan’yan iska biyu suka zo, suka zauna ɗaura da shi, suka kawo zarge a kan Nabot a gaban mutane, suna cewa, “Nabot ya zagi Allah da sarki.” Saboda haka aka ɗauke shi waje da birnin, aka jajjefe shi da dutse har ya mutu.
And bringing forward two men, sons of the devil, they caused them to sit opposite him. And they, acting indeed like diabolical men, spoke testimony against him before the multitude: “Naboth has blasphemed God and king.” For this reason, they led him away, beyond the city, and they put him to death by stoning.
14 Sa’an nan suka aika wa Yezebel. “An jajjefe Nabot, ya kuma mutu.”
And they sent to Jezebel, saying, “Naboth has been stoned, and he has died.”
15 Nan da nan sa’ad da Yezebel ta ji cewa an jajjefe Nabot da dutse ya kuma mutu, sai ta ce wa Ahab, “Tashi ka mallaki gonar inabin Nabot mutumin Yezireyel wanda ya ƙi ya sayar maka. Ba shi da rai, ya mutu.”
Then it happened that, when Jezebel had heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, she said to Ahab: “Rise up and take possession of the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, who was not willing to acquiesce to you, and to give it to you in exchange for money. For Naboth is not alive, but dead.”
16 Da Ahab ya ji cewa Nabot ya mutu, sai ya tashi ya gangara don yă mallaki gonar inabin Nabot.
And when Ahab had heard this, namely, that Naboth was dead, he rose up and descended to the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, so that he might take possession of it.
17 Sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Iliya mutumin Tishbe.
Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah, the Tishbite, saying:
18 Ta ce, “Gangara don ka sadu da Ahab sarkin Isra’ila, wanda yake mulki a Samariya. Yanzu yana a gonar inabin Nabot, inda ya tafi yă mallake ta.
“Rise up, and descend to meet Ahab, the king of Israel, who is in Samaria. Behold, he is descending to the vineyard of Naboth, so that he may take possession of it.
19 Ka ce masa, Ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce, ‘Ba ka kashe mutum ka kuma ƙwace kayansa ba?’ Sa’an nan ka ce masa ga abin da Ubangiji ya ce, ‘A inda karnuka suka lashe jinin Nabot, karnuka za su lashe jininka, I, naka!’”
And you shall speak to him, saying: ‘Thus says the Lord: You have killed. Moreover you have also taken possession.’ And after this, you shall add: ‘Thus says the Lord: In this place, where the dogs have licked the blood of Naboth, they shall also lick your blood.’”
20 Ahab ya ce wa Iliya, “Wato, ka same ni kuma, abokin gābana!” Sai ya amsa ya ce, “Na same ka, domin ka sayar da kanka ga yin mugunta a gaban Ubangiji.
And Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you discovered me to be your enemy?” And he said: “I have discovered you to have been sold, so that you would do evil in the sight of the Lord:
21 ‘Zan kawo masifa a kanka. Zan kawar da zuriyarka, in kuma yanke daga Ahab kowane ɗa namiji na ƙarshe cikin Isra’ila, bawa ko’yantacce.
‘Behold, I will lead evil over you. And I will cut down your posterity. And I will put to death of Ahab whatever urinates against a wall, and whatever is lame, and whatever is last in Israel.
22 Zan mai da gidanka kamar gida Yerobowam ɗan Nebat, da na Ba’asha ɗan Ahiya, domin ka tsokane ni har na yi fushi, ka kuma sa Isra’ila ya yi zunubi.’
And I will cause your house to be like the house of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, and like the house of Baasha, the son of Ahijah. For you have acted so that you provoked me to anger, and so that you caused Israel to sin.’
23 “Game da Yezebel kuwa Ubangiji ya ce, ‘Karnuka za su cinye Yezebel a katangar Yezireyel.’
And about Jezebel also, the Lord spoke, saying: ‘The dogs shall consume Jezebel in the field of Jezreel.
24 “Karnuka za su cinye waɗanda suke na Ahab waɗanda suka mutu a cikin birni, tsuntsayen sararin sama kuma za su cinye waɗanda suka mutu a jeji.”
If Ahab will have died in the city, the dogs will consume him. But if he will have died in the field, the birds of the air will consume him.’”
25 (Babu wani mutum kamar Ahab, wanda ya ba da kansa ga aikata mugunta a gaban Ubangiji. Yezebel matarsa ce ta zuga shi.
And so, there was no other person similar to Ahab, who was sold so that he did evil in the sight of the Lord. For his wife, Jezebel, urged him on.
26 Ya yi abar ƙyama ƙwarai ta wurin bin gumaka, kamar Amoriyawan da Ubangiji ya kora a gaban Isra’ila.)
And he became abominable, so much so that he followed the idols that the Amorites had made, whom the Lord consumed before the face of the sons of Israel.
27 Sa’ad da Ahab ya ji waɗannan kalmomi, sai ya yage rigarsa, ya sa rigunan makoki, ya kuma yi azumi. Ya kwanta a kayan makoki, ya kuma yi tafiya cikin sauƙinkai.
Then, when Ahab had heard these words, he tore his garments, and he put haircloth on his body, and he fasted, and he slept in sackcloth, and he walked with his head downcast.
28 Sai maganar Ubangiji ta zo wa Iliya mutumin Tishbe, ta ce,
And the word of the Lord came to Elijah, the Tishbite, saying:
29 “Ka lura da yadda Ahab ya ƙasƙantar da kansa a gabana kuwa? Domin ya ƙasƙantar da kansa, ba zan kawo wannan masifa a kwanakinsa ba, amma zan kawo ta a kan gidansa a kwanakin ɗansa.”
“Have you not seen how Ahab has humbled himself before me? Therefore, since he has humbled himself because of me, I will not lead in the evil during his days. Instead, during the days of his son, I will bring in the evil to his house.”

< 1 Sarakuna 21 >