< 1 Korintiyawa 12 >
1 To, game da baye-baye na ruhaniya,’yan’uwa, ba na so ku kasance da rashin sani.
It is important, brethren, that you should have clear knowledge on the subject of spiritual gifts.
2 Kun san cewa sa’ad da kuke masu bautar gumaka, ya zama, an shawo kanku, aka kuma ɓad da ku ga bin gumaka marasa magana.
You know that when you were heathens you went astray after dumb idols, wherever you happened to be led.
3 Saboda haka, ina gaya muku cewa ba wani mai magana da ikon Ruhun Allah da zai ce, “Yesu la’ananne ne,” haka kuma ba wanda zai ce, “Yesu Ubangiji ne,” sai wanda Ruhu Mai Tsarki yake bi da shi.
For this reason I would have you understand that no one speaking under the influence of The Spirit of God ever says, "Jesus is accursed," and that no one is able to say, "Jesus is Lord," except under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
4 Akwai baye-baye iri dabam-dabam, amma Ruhu ɗaya ne.
Now there are various kinds of gifts, but there is one and the same Spirit;
5 Akwai hidimomi iri-iri, amma Ubangiji ɗaya ne.
various forms of official service, and yet one and the same Lord;
6 Akwai aiki iri-iri, amma duk Allah ɗaya ne yake aikata su a cikin dukan mutane.
diversities in work, and yet one and the same God--He who in each person brings about the whole result.
7 An ba wa kowane mutum bayyanuwar Ruhu don amfanin kowa.
But to each of us a manifestation of the Spirit has been granted for the common good.
8 Ga wani, an ba shi saƙon hikima ta wurin Ruhu, ga wani baiwar saƙon sani ta wurin wannan Ruhu guda.
To one the utterance of wisdom has been granted through the Spirit; to another the utterance of knowledge in accordance with the will of the same Spirit;
9 Ga wani bangaskiya ta wurin wannan Ruhu, ga wani kuma baiwar warkarwa ta wurin wannan Ruhu guda.
to a third man, by means of the same Spirit, special faith; to another various gifts of healing, by means of the one Spirit;
10 Ga wani yin ayyukan banmamaki, ga wani annabci, ga wani baiwar rarrabe ruhohi, ga wani baiwar magana da harsuna dabam-dabam, ga wani har wa yau iya fassarar harsuna.
to another the exercise of miraculous powers; to another the gift of prophecy; to another the power of discriminating between prophetic utterances; to another varieties of the gift of 'tongues;' to another the interpretation of tongues.
11 Duk waɗannan aiki ne na wannan Ruhu guda, yana kuma ba da su ga kowane mutum, yadda yake so.
But these results are all brought about by one and the same Spirit, who bestows His gifts upon each of us in accordance with His own will.
12 Jiki guda ne, ko da yake an yi shi da gaɓoɓi da yawa; gaɓoɓin kuma ko da yake da yawa suke, jiki ɗaya ne. Haka yake da Kiristi.
For just as the human body is one and yet has many parts, and all its parts, many as they are, constitute but one body, so it is with the Church of Christ.
13 Dukanmu an yi mana baftisma ta wurin Ruhu guda zuwa ga jiki guda, ko Yahudawa ko Hellenawa, bawa ko’yantacce, an kuma ba wa dukanmu wannan Ruhu guda mu sha.
For, in fact, in one Spirit all of us--whether we are Jews or Gentiles, slaves or free men--were baptized to form but one body; and we were all nourished by that one Spirit.
14 To, ba a yi jiki da gaɓa ɗaya kawai ba, amma da gaɓoɓi da yawa.
For the human body does not consist of one part, but of many.
15 Da ƙafa za tă ce, “Saboda ni ba hannu ba ce, ni ba gaɓar jiki ba ce.” Wannan ba zai hana ta zama gaɓar jikin ba.
Were the foot to say, "Because I am not a hand I am not a part of the body," that would not make it any the less a part of the body.
16 Da kunne zai ce, “Saboda ni ba ido ba ne, ni ba gaɓar jiki ba ne.” Wannan ba zai hana shi zama gaɓar jikin ba.
Or were the ear to say, "Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body," that would not make it any the less a part of the body.
17 Da a ce dukan jiki ido ne, da me za a ji? Da kuma a ce dukan jiki kunne ne, da me za a sansana?
If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the nostrils be?
18 Tabbatacce, Allah ya shirya gaɓoɓin jiki, kowannensu, kamar yadda yake so su zama.
But, as a matter of fact, God has arranged the parts in the body--every one of them--as He has seen fit.
19 Da a ce dukan jiki gaɓa ɗaya ne, da ina sauran jikin?
If they were all one part, where would the body be?
20 Yadda yake dai, akwai gaɓoɓi da yawa, amma jiki ɗaya.
But, as a matter of fact, there are many parts and but one body.
21 Ba dama ido ya ce wa hannu, “Ba na bukatarka ba!” Kai kuma ba zai ce wa ƙafafu, “Ba na bukatarku ba!”
It is also impossible for the eye to say to the hand, "I do not need you;" or again for the head to say to the feet, "I do not need you."
22 A maimakon haka, gaɓoɓin jiki da ake gani kamar ba su da ƙarfi, su ne masu muhimmanci.
No, it is quite otherwise. Even those parts of the body which are apparently somewhat feeble are yet indispensable;
23 Kuma gaɓoɓin da muke tsammani ba su da martaba sosai, su ne mukan fi ba su girma. Sa’an nan gaɓoɓi marasa kyan gani, mun fi mai da hankali a kansu,
and those which we deem less honorable we clothe with more abundant honor; and so our ungraceful parts come to have a more abundant grace, while our graceful parts have everything they need.
24 gaɓoɓi masu kyan gani kuwa, ba su bukatar yawan girmamawa. Allah ya harhaɗa jikunanmu yadda gaɓoɓin da ake gani kamar ba su da muhimmanci suna da amfani,
But it was God who built up the body, and bestowed more abundant honor on the part that felt the need,
25 don kada rarrabuwa ta kasance a jiki, sai dai gaɓoɓin jiki su kula da juna.
that there might be no disunion in the body, but that all the members might entertain the same anxious care for one another's welfare.
26 In wata gaɓa tana a damuwa, duk sai su damu tare. In kuma an ɗaukaka wata gaɓa, sai duk su yi farin ciki tare.
And if one part is suffering, every other part suffers with it; or if one part is receiving special honor, every other part shares in the joy.
27 To, ku jikin Kiristi ne, kowannenku kuwa gaɓarsa ne.
As for you, you are the body of Christ, and individually you are members of it.
28 A cikin ikkilisiya, da farko dai Allah ya zaɓa waɗansu ya naɗa su su zama manzanni, na biyu annabawa, na uku malamai, sa’an nan masu yin ayyukan banmamaki, sai masu baiwar warkarwa, da masu taimakon waɗansu, da masu baiwar gudanarwa, sa’an nan kuma masu magana da harsuna iri-iri.
And by God's appointment there are in the Church--first Apostles, secondly Prophets, thirdly teachers. Then come miraculous powers, and then ability to cure diseases or render loving service, or powers of organization, or varieties of the gift of 'tongues.'
29 Shin, duka ne manzanni? Duka ne annabawa? Duka ne malamai? Duka ne suke da baiwar yin ayyukan banmamaki?
Are all Apostles? Are all Prophets? Are all teachers?
30 Duka ne suke da baiwar warkarwa? Duka ne suke magana da harsuna? Duka ne suke iya fassara?
Have all miraculous powers? Have all ability to cure diseases? Do all speak in 'tongues'? Do all interpret?
31 Sai dai ku yi marmarin neman baye-baye mafi girma. Yanzu kuwa zan nuna muku mafificiyar hanya.
But always seek to excel in the greater gifts. And now I will point out to you a way of life which transcends all others.