< 1 Tarihi 1 >

1 Adamu, Set, Enosh,
Adam, Seth, Enos,
2 Kenan, Mahalalel, Yared,
and Cainan, Maleleel, Jared,
3 Enok, Metusela, Lamek, Nuhu.
Enoch, Mathusala, Lamech,
4 ’Ya’yan Nuhu maza su ne, Shem, Ham da Yafet.
Noe: the sons of Noe, Sem, Cham, Japheth.
5 ’Ya’yan Yafet maza su ne, Gomer, Magog, Madai, Yaban, Tubal, Meshek da Tiras.
The sons of Japheth, Gamer, Magog, Madaim, Jovan, Helisa, Thobel, Mosoch, and Thiras.
6 ’Ya’yan Gomer maza su ne, Ashkenaz, Rifat da Togarma.
And the sons of Gamer, Aschanaz, and Riphath, and Thorgama.
7 ’Ya’yan Yaban maza su ne, Elisha, Tarshish, Kittim da Rodanim.
And the sons of Jovan, Helisa, and Tharsis, the Citians, and Rhodians.
8 ’Ya’yan Ham maza su ne, Kush, Masar Fut da Kan’ana.
And the sons of Cham, Chus, and Mesraim, Phud and Chanaan.
9 ’Ya’yan Kush maza su ne, Seba, Hawila, Sabta, Ra’ama da Sabteka.’Ya’yan Ra’ama maza su ne, Sheba da Dedan
And the sons of Chus, Saba, and Evila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sebethaca: and the sons of Regma, Saba, and Dadan.
10 Kush shi ne mahaifin Nimrod, wanda ya yi girma ya zama babban jarumi a duniya.
And Chus begot Nebrod: he began to be a mighty hunter on the earth.
11 Masar shi ne mahaifin Ludiyawa, Anamawa, Lehabiyawa, Neftuhawa,
12 Fatrusawa, Kasluhiyawa (daga waɗanda Filistiyawa suka fito) da Kaftorawa.
13 Kan’ana shi ne mahaifin Sidon ɗan farinsa, da Hittiyawa,
14 Yebusiyawa, Amoriyawa, Girgashiyawa
15 Hiwiyawa, Arkiyawa, Siniyawa,
16 Arbadiyawa, Zemarawa da Hamawa.
17 ’Ya’yan Shem maza su ne, Elam, Asshur, Arfakshad, Lud da Aram.’Ya’yan Aram maza su ne, Uz, Hul, Geter da Meshek.
The sons of Sem, Aelam, and Assur,
18 Arfakshad shi ne mahaifin Shela, Shela kuwa shi ne mahaifin Eber.
and Arphaxad, Sala,
19 Aka haifa wa Eber’ya’ya maza biyu. Aka kira ɗaya Feleg domin a lokacinsa ne aka raba duniya; sunan ɗan’uwansa kuwa shi ne Yoktan.
20 Yoktan shi ne mahaifin Almodad, Shelef, Hazarmawet, Yera
21 Hadoram, Uzal, Dikla,
22 Ebal, Abimayel, Sheba,
23 Ofir, Hawila da Yobab. Dukan waɗannan’ya’yan Yoktan maza ne.
24 Shem, Arfakshad, Shela,
25 Eber, Feleg, Reyu
Eber, Pheleg, Ragan,
26 Serug, Nahor, Tera
Seruch, Nachor, Tharrha,
27 da Abram (wato, Ibrahim).
28 ’Ya’yan Ibrahim maza su ne, Ishaku da Ishmayel.
And the sons of Abraam, Isaac, and Ismael.
29 Waɗannan su ne zuriyarsu. Nebayiwot ɗan farin Ishmayel, Kedar, Adbeyel, Mibsam,
And these [are] their generations: the firstborn of Ismael, Nabaeoth, and Kedar, Nabdeel, Massam,
30 Mishma, Duma, Massa, Hadad, Tema
Masma, Iduma, Masse, Chondan, Thaeman,
31 Yetur, Nafish da Kedema. Waɗannan su ne’ya’yan Ishmayel maza.
Jettur, Naphes, Kedma: these [are] the sons of Ismael.
32 ’Ya’yan Ketura maza, ƙwarƙwarar Ibrahim su ne, Zimran, Yokshan, Medan, Midiyan, Ishbak da Shuwa.’Ya’yan Yokshan maza su ne, Sheba da Dedan.
And the sons of Chettura Abraam's concubine: —and she bore him Zembram, Jexan, Madiam, Madam, Sobac, Soe: and the sons of Jexan; Daedan, and Sabai;
33 ’Ya’yan Midiyan maza su ne, Efa, Efer, Hanok, Abida da Elda’a. Dukan waɗannan su ne zuriyar Ketura.
and the sons of Madiam; Gephar, and Opher, and Enoch, and Abida, and Eldada; all these [were] the sons of Chettura.
34 Ibrahim shi ne mahaifin Ishaku.’Ya’yan Ishaku maza su ne, Isuwa da Isra’ila.
And Abraam begot Isaac: and the sons of Isaac [were] Jacob, and Esau.
35 ’Ya’yan Isuwa maza, su ne, Elifaz, Reyuwel, Yewush, Yalam da Kora
The sons of Esau, Eliphaz, and Raguel, and Jeul, and Jeglom, and Core.
36 ’Ya’yan Elifaz maza su ne, Teman, Omar, Zefi, Gatam, Kenaz, da Timna wanda aka haifa wa Amalek.
The sons of Eliphaz: Thaeman, and Omar, Sophar, and Gootham, and Kenez, and Thamna, and Amalec.
37 ’Ya’yan maza Reyuwel su ne, Nahat, Zera, Shamma da Mizza.
And the sons of Raguel, Naches, Zare, Some, and Moze.
38 ’Ya’yan Seyir maza su ne, Lotan, Shobal, Zibeyon, Ana, Dishon, Ezer da Dishan.
The sons of Seir, Lotan, Sobal, Sebegon, Ana, Deson, Osar, and Disan.
39 ’Ya’yan Lotan maza su ne, Hori da Homam. Timna ita ce’yar’uwar Lotan.
And the sons of Lotan, Chorri, and Aeman; and the sister of Lotan [was] Thamna.
40 ’Ya’yan Shobal maza su ne, Alwan, Manahat, Ebal, Shefo da Onam.’Ya’yan Zibeyon maza su ne, Aiya da Ana.
The sons of Sobal; Alon, Machanath, Taebel, Sophi, and Onan: and the sons of Sebegon; Aeth, and Sonan.
41 Ɗan Ana shi ne, Dishon.’Ya’yan Dishon maza su ne, Hemdan, Eshban, Itran da Keran.
The sons of Sonan, Daeson: and the sons of Daeson; Emeron, and Asebon, and Jethram, and Charran.
42 ’Ya’yan Ezer maza su ne, Bilhan, Za’aban da Ya’akan.’Ya’yan Dishan maza su ne, Uz da Aran.
And the sons of Hosar, Balaam, and Zucam, and Acan: the sons of Disan, Os, and Aran.
43 Waɗannan su ne sarakunan da suka yi sarauta a Edom kafin wani sarkin mutumin Isra’ila yă yi sarauta. Bela ɗan Beyor, wanda aka kira birninsa Dinhaba.
And these [are] their kings, Balac the son of Beor; and the name of his city [was] Dennaba.
44 Sa’ad da Bela ya mutu sai Yobab ɗan Zera daga Bozra ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Balac died, and Jobab the son of Zara of Bosorrha reigned in his stead.
45 Da Yobab ya mutu, Husham daga ƙasar Temaniyawa ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Jobab died, and Asom of the land of the Thaemanites reigned in his stead.
46 Sa’ad da Husham ya mutu, Hadad ɗan Bedad, wanda ya ci Midiyan da yaƙi a cikin ƙasar Mowab, ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki. Aka kira birninsa Awit.
And Asom died, and Adad the son of Barad reigned in his stead, who struck Madiam in the plain of Moab: and the name of his city [was] Gethaim.
47 Da Hadad ya mutu, Samla daga Masreka ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Adad died, and Sebla of Masecca reigned in his stead.
48 Sa’ad da Samla ya mutu, Sha’ul daga Rehobot na kogi ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Sebla died, and Saul of Rhoboth by the river reigned in his stead.
49 Sa’ad da Sha’ul ya mutu, Ba’al-Hanan ɗan Akbor ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki.
And Saul died, and Balaennor son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
50 Sa’ad da Ba’al-Hanan ya mutu, Hadad ya gāje shi a matsayin sarki. Aka kira birninsa Fau, sunan matarsa kuwa Mehetabel’yar Matired,’yar Me-Zahab.
And Balaennor died, and Adad son of Barad reigned in his stead; and the name of his city [was] Phogor.
51 Hadad shi ma ya mutu. Manyan Edom su ne, Timna, Alwa, Yetet
The princes of Edom: prince Thamna, prince Golada, prince Jether,
52 Oholibama, Ela, Finon
prince Elibamas, prince Elas, prince Phinon,
53 Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar,
prince Kenez, prince Thaeman, prince Babsar, prince Magediel,
54 Magdiyel da Iram. Waɗannan su ne manyan Edom.
prince Zaphoin. These [are] the princes of Edom.

< 1 Tarihi 1 >