< Revelasyon 21 >
1 Epi mwen te wè yon syèl tounèf ak yon tè tounèf. Paske premye syèl la ak premye tè a te pase, e nanpwen lanmè ankò.
And I sawe a newe heven and a newe erth For the fyrst heven and the fyrst erth were vanysshed awaye and there was no more see.
2 Mwen te wè vil sen an, Jérusalem tounèf la, desann sòti nan syèl la kote Bondye. Li te prepare tankou yon lamarye ki abiye pou mari li.
And I Iho sawe that holy cite newe Ierusalem come doune from God oute of heven prepared as a bryde garnysshed for hyr husband.
3 Epi konsa, mwen te tande yon gwo vwa sòti nan twòn nan ki t ap di: “Gade, tabènak Bondye a pami lèzòm, e Li va rete pami yo. Yo va pèp Li, e Li va Bondye yo. Li menm, va pami yo tankou Bondye yo.
And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
4 Li va siye tout dlo ki sòti nan zye yo. P ap gen lanmò ankò. P ap genyen lamante ankò, ni kriye, ni doulè, paske premye bagay yo fin pase.”
And God shall wype awaye all teares fro their eyes. And there shalbe nomore deeth nether sorowe nether cryinge nether shall there be eny more payne for the olde thynges are gone.
5 Epi Sila ki te chita sou twòn nan te di: “Gade, m ap fè tout bagay vin tounèf.” Epi Li te di: “Ekri, paske pawòl sa yo fidèl e vrè.”
And he that sate apon the seate sayde: Behold I make all thynges newe. And he sayde vnto me: wryte for these wordes are faythfull and true.
6 Answit, Li te di mwen: “Mwen se Alfa a ak Omega a, kòmansman an ak lafen an. Mwen va bay a sila ki swaf yo nan sous dlo lavi a san frè.
And he sayde vnto me: it is done I am Alpha and Omega the begynnynge and the ende. I will geve to him yt is a thyrst of the well of the water of lyfe fre.
7 Sila ki venkè a va eritye bagay sa yo. Mwen va Bondye Li e li va fis Mwen.
He that overcometh shall inheret all thynges and I will be his God and he shalbe my sonne.
8 Men pou kapon yo, enkredil yo, abominab ak asasen yo, moun imoral yo, majisyen yo, idolat ak tout mantè yo, pati pa yo va nan lak ki brile avèk dife ak souf la, ki se dezyèm lanmò a.” (Limnē Pyr )
But the fearefull and vnbelevynge and the abhominable and murdrers and whormongers and sorcerers and ydolaters and all lyars shall have their parte in the lake which burnyth with fyre and brymstone which is the seconde deth. (Limnē Pyr )
9 Answit, youn nan sèt zanj ki te gen sèt gode ki te plen avèk sèt dènye fleyo yo te vini pale avè m. Li t ap di: “Vini isit la. Mwen va montre ou lamarye a, madanm Jèn Mouton an.”
And there cam vnto me one of the vii. angels which had the vii. vyals full of the vii. laste plages: and talked with me sayinge: come hydder I will shewe the the bryde the lambes wyfe.
10 Konsa, li te pote mwen ale nan lespri a nan yon gwo mòn wo, e li te montre m vil sen an, Jérusalem, ki t ap desann sòti nan syèl la kote Bondye.
And he caryed me awaye in the sprete to a grett and an hye mountayne and he shewed me the grett cite holy Ierusalem descendinge out of heven fro God
11 Li te gen laglwa Bondye. Li te klere tankou yon pyè presye ki koute trè chè, tankou yon pyè jasp klè tankou kristal.
havynge the brightnes of God. And her shynynge was lyke vnto a stone moste precious even a Iaspar cleare as cristall:
12 Li te gen yon gwo miray wo avèk douz pòt. Nan pòt yo, te gen douz zanj, epi non yo te ekri sou yo, ki se non a douz tribi a fis Israël yo.
and had walles grett and hye and had xii gates and at the gates xii. angels: and names written which are the xii. trybes of Israell:
13 Te gen twa pòt nan lès, twa pòt nan nò, twa pòt nan sid, e twa pòt nan lwès.
on the est parte iii gatis and on the north syde iii gates and to wardes the south iii gates and from the west iii gates:
14 Epi miray vil la te gen douz wòch nan fondasyon an, e sou yo, se te douz non a douz apot Jèn Mouton an.
and the wall of the cite had xii foundacions and in them the names of the lambes. xii. Apostles.
15 Sila ki te pale avè m nan te gen yon baton mezi ki te fèt an lò pou mezire vil la, pòtay li yo, ak miray li a.
And he that talked with me had a golden read to measure the cite with all and the gates therof and the wall therof.
16 Vil la te fèt kòn yon kare. Longè li te menm fòs ak lajè li. Li te mezire vil la avèk baton an: de-mil-de-san kilomèt. Longè li, lajè li ak wotè li te egal.
And the cite was bylt iiii. square and the length was as large as the bredth of it and he measured the cite with the rede. xii M. fur longes: and the lenght and the bredth and ye heyth of it were equall.
17 Epi li te mezire miray li a, swasann-douz mèt, selon mezi a yon moun, sa vle di, yon zanj.
And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiii. cubittes: the measure that ye angell had was after the measure that man vseth.
18 Materyèl miray la te jasp. Vil la se te lò pi, tankou vit klè.
And the byldinge of the wall of it was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse
19 Fondasyon pou miray vil la te dekore avèk tout kalite pyè presye. Wòch premye fondasyon an se te jasp, dezyèm nan, Safi, twazyèm nan, agat, katriyèm nan, emwod,
and the foundacions of the wall of ye cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The fyrste foundacion was iaspar the seconde saphyre the thyrde a calcedony the fourth an emeralde:
20 senkyèm nan, oniks, sizyèm nan, sadwàn, setyèm nan, krizolit, uityèm nan, beril, nevyèm nan, topaz, dizyèm nan, krizopraz, onzyèm nan, tikwaz, douzyèm nan, ametis.
the fyft sardonix: the sixt sardeos: the seventh crysolite the ayght berall: the nynth a topas: the tenth a crysoprasos: the eleventh a iacyncte: the twelfe an amatist.
21 Epi douz pòtay yo se te douz pèl. Chak pòtay te yon sèl pèl. Epi ri vil la te an lò pi, tankou vit klè.
The xii. gates were xii pearles every gate was of one pearle and the strete of the cite was pure golde as thorowe shynynge glasse.
22 Mwen pa t wè tanp ladann, paske Senyè Bondye Toupwisan an ak Jèn Mouton an se te tanp li.
And there was no temple therin. For the lord god allmyghty and the lambe are the temple of it
23 Vil la pa gen bezwen solèy oubyen lalin pou klere sou li, paske laglwa Bondye te klere li, e lanp li se te Jèn Mouton an.
and the cite hath no nede of the sonne nether of the mone to lyghten it. For the bryghtnes of God dyd light it: and the lambe was the light of it.
24 Nasyon yo va mache pa limyè li. E wa latè yo va pote laglwa nasyon yo ladann.
And the people which are saved shall walke in the light of it: and the kynges of the erth shall brynge their glory vnto it.
25 Nan lajounen (paske p ap gen lannwit la), pòtay li yo p ap janm fèmen.
And ye gates of it are not shut by daye. For there shalbe no nyght there.
26 Konsa, yo va pote laglwa ak lonè a nasyon yo ladann pou yo ka antre.
27 P ap gen anyen ki pa pwòp. Moun ki pratike abominasyon ak manti p ap janm antre ladann, men sèlman sila ke non yoekri nan liv lavi a Jèn Mouton an.
And there shall entre into it none vnclene thynge: nether what soever worketh abhominacion: or maketh lyes: but they only which are wrytten in the lambes boke of lyfe.