< Sòm 37 >

1 Yon Sòm David Pa twouble tèt ou akoz mechan yo. Pa vin pote lanvi pou malfektè yo.
BY DAVID. [ALEPH-BET] Do not fret because of evildoers, Do not be envious against doers of iniquity,
2 Paske yo va fennen vit tankou zèb chan, e disparèt tankou zèb ki vèt.
For they are cut off speedily as grass, And fade as the greenness of the tender grass.
3 Mete konfyans ou nan SENYÈ a, e fè sa ki bon. Demere nan peyi a e kiltive nan bon tè.
Trust in YHWH, and do good, Dwell [in] the land, and enjoy faithfulness,
4 Pran plezi ou nan SENYÈ a. Konsa, Li va bay ou tout dezi a kè ou.
And delight yourself on YHWH, And He gives to you the petitions of your heart.
5 Dedye chemen ou a SENYÈ a. Mete konfyans nan Li, e sa L ap fè:
Roll your way on YHWH, And trust on Him, and He works,
6 Li va mennen fè parèt ladwati ou kon limyè, Ak jijman ou klere kon midi.
And has brought out your righteousness as light, And your judgment as noon-day.
7 Pran repo nan SENYÈ a, e tann Li ak pasyans; Pa twouble ou akoz (sila) ki reyisi nan chemen li an, Akoz nonm nan ki reyisi fè manèv mechan li yo.
Be silent for YHWH, and stay yourself for Him, Do not fret because of him Who is making his way prosperous, Because of a man doing wicked schemes.
8 Sispann fache pou l pa mennen ou nan fè mal. Pa kite kè ou twouble; l ap mennen ou nan mechanste
Desist from anger, and forsake fury, Do not fret yourself to only do evil.
9 Konsa, malfektè yo va koupe retire nèt, men (sila) k ap tann SENYÈ yo, va vin genyen peyi a kon eritaj yo.
For evildoers are cut off, As for those waiting on YHWH, they possess the land.
10 Men yon ti tan ankò, mechan an va disparèt. Ou va chache avèk atansyon plas li, men li p ap egziste.
And yet a little [while], and the wicked is not, And you have considered his place, and it is not.
11 Konsa, enb yo va fè eritaj peyi a. Yo va pran plezi yo nan reyisi anpil.
And the humble possess the land, And they have delighted themselves In the abundance of peace.
12 Mechan an fè konplo kont (sila) ki dwat yo. Li manje dan l sou li.
The wicked is devising against the righteous, And gnashing his teeth against him.
13 SENYÈ a ri sou li, paske Li wè ke jou li a ap rive.
The Lord laughs at him, For He has seen that his day comes.
14 Mechan yo rale nepe e koube banza yo, pou jete aflije yo avèk malere a, pou touye (sila) ki dwat nan kondwit yo.
The wicked have opened a sword, And they have bent their bow, To cause the poor and needy to fall, To slaughter the upright of the way.
15 Nepe yo va antre nan pwòp kè yo. Banza yo ap kase.
Their sword enters into their own heart, And their bows are shattered.
16 Pi bon se ti kras a moun dwat yo, pase abondans anpil a mechan yo.
Better [is] the little of the righteous, Than the store of many wicked.
17 Paske bra a mechan yo va kase, men SENYÈ a va ranfòse moun dwat yo.
For the arms of the wicked are shattered, And YHWH is sustaining the righteous.
18 SENYÈ a konnen jou a (sila) ki dwat yo. Eritaj yo va dire jis pou tout tan.
YHWH knows the days of the perfect, And their inheritance is for all time.
19 Yo p ap wont nan move tan. Nan jou gwo grangou yo, y ap jwenn kont.
They are not ashamed in a time of evil, And they are satisfied in days of famine.
20 Men mechan yo va peri. Lènmi a SENYÈ a, tankou laglwa a bèl chan yo. Yo va vin disparèt. Tankou lafimen, yo ale nèt.
But the wicked perish, and the enemies of YHWH, Have been consumed as the preciousness of lambs, They have been consumed in smoke.
21 Mechan an prete, men li pa remèt, men moun dwat la ranpli ak gras pou l ka bay an abondans.
The wicked is borrowing and does not repay, And the righteous is gracious and giving.
22 Paske (sila) ke Bondye beni yo, va eritye peyi a, men (sila) ke Li modi yo, va vin koupe retire nèt.
For His blessed ones possess the land, And His reviled ones are cut off.
23 Pa a yon nonm etabli pa SENYÈ a. Konsa, Li pran plezi nan chemen li.
The steps of a man [are] from YHWH, They have been prepared, And He desires his way.
24 Lè li tonbe, li p ap voye tèt anba nèt, paske SENYÈ a se (Sila) ki kenbe men li an.
When he falls, he is not cast down, For YHWH is sustaining his hand.
25 Mwen te jèn e koulye a, mwen fin granmoun, men mwen poko wè moun dwat ki abandone, ni desandan li yo k ap mande pen.
I have been young, I have also become old, And I have not seen the righteous forsaken, And his seed seeking bread.
26 Tout lajounen, moun dwat la plen ak gras pou prete moun. Desandan li yo se yon benediksyon.
All the day he is gracious and lending, And his seed [is] for a blessing.
27 Kite mal e fè sa ki bon, pou ou kab viv jis pou tout tan.
Turn aside from evil, and do good, and dwell for all time.
28 Paske SENYÈ a renmen jistis, e li pa abandone fidèl li yo. Yo prezève pou tout tan, men mechan yo va vin koupe retire nèt.
For YHWH is loving judgment, And He does not forsake His saintly ones, They have been kept for all time, And the seed of the wicked is cut off.
29 Moun ladwati yo va eritye peyi a, pou viv ladann pou tout tan.
The righteous possess the land, And they dwell on it forever.
30 Bouch a moun dwat yo va eksprime sajès, epi lang li va pale jistis.
The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, And his tongue speaks judgment.
31 Lalwa Bondye nan kè li. Pa li yo pa janm glise.
The law of his God [is] his heart, His steps do not slide.
32 Mechan an ap veye dwat la pou chache touye li.
The wicked is watching for the righteous, And is seeking to put him to death.
33 SENYÈ a p ap kite l lantre nan men li, ni kite li kondane lè li jije.
YHWH does not leave him in his hand, Nor condemn him in his being judged.
34 Tann SENYÈ a e kenbe chemen Li an. Konsa, Li va leve ou wo pou eritye peyi a. Lè mechan yo koupe retire, ou va gen tan wè l.
Look to YHWH, and keep His way, And He exalts you to possess the land, In the wicked being cut off—you see!
35 Mwen konn wè yon nonm mechan e vyolan Ki gaye kò l tankou yon gwo pyebwa nan tè peyi natal li.
I have seen the wicked terrible, And spreading as a green native plant,
36 Konsa, li mouri nèt, e vwala, li pa t la ankò. Mwen te chache li, men li pa t kab twouve.
And he passes away, and behold, he is not, And I seek him, and he is not found!
37 Byen remake nonm san tò a, epi gade byen nonm ladwati a, paske nonm lapè a va gen posterite.
Observe the perfect, and see the upright, For the latter end of each [is] peace.
38 Men pechè a va detwi nèt. Posterite a mechan an va koupe retire nèt.
And transgressors were destroyed together, The latter end of the wicked was cut off.
39 Men delivrans a moun dwat yo soti nan SENYÈ a. Se Li menm ki fòs yo nan tan twoub la.
And the salvation of the righteous [is] from YHWH, Their strong place in a time of adversity.
40 SENYÈ a ede yo e delivre yo. Li delivre yo soti nan men mechan yo e sove yo. Li sove yo, akoz se nan Li ke yo kache.
And YHWH helps them and delivers them, He delivers them from the wicked, And saves them, Because they trusted in Him!

< Sòm 37 >