< Sòm 23 >

1 Yon sòm David Bondye se bèje mwen; mwen p ap janm manke anyen.
A Psalme of David. The Lord is my shepheard, I shall not want.
2 Li fè m kouche nan patiraj vèt yo. Li mennen m akote dlo pezib yo.
He maketh me to rest in greene pasture, and leadeth me by the still waters.
3 Li restore nanm mwen. Li gide mwen nan chemen ladwati yo, akoz non sen Li an.
He restoreth my soule, and leadeth me in the paths of righteousnesse for his Names sake.
4 Malgre mwen ta mache nan vale lonbraj lanmò a, mwen p ap pè okenn mal, paske Ou avè m. Baton Ou avèk kwòk Ou fè m gen konfyans.
Yea, though I should walke through the valley of the shadowe of death, I will feare no euill: for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staffe, they comfort me.
5 Ou ranje yon tab devan mwen nan prezans lènmi mwen yo. Ou onksyone tèt mwen avèk lwil. Tas mwen fin debòde nèt.
Thou doest prepare a table before me in the sight of mine aduersaries: thou doest anoynt mine head with oyle, and my cuppe runneth ouer.
6 Anverite, bonte Ou avèk lanmou dous Ou va swiv mwen pou tout jou lavi mwen yo, E mwen va viv lakay SENYÈ a jis pou tout tan.
Doubtlesse kindnesse and mercie shall follow me all the dayes of my life, and I shall remaine a long season in the house of the Lord.

< Sòm 23 >