< Pwovèb 10 >

1 Pwovèb a Salomon yo. Yon fis ki saj fè papa li kontan, men yon fis ki plen ak foli se yon gwo doulè pou manman l.
proverb Solomon son: child wise to rejoice father and son: child fool grief mother his
2 Richès ranmase pa mechanste pa reyisi, men ladwati delivre soti nan lanmò.
not to gain treasure wickedness and righteousness to rescue from death
3 SENYÈ a p ap kite moun ladwati yo grangou, men l ap rejte lanvi mechan an.
not be hungry LORD soul: appetite righteous and desire wicked to thrust
4 Malere se sila ki travay ak men lach; men lamen moun dilijan an, anrichi.
be poor to make palm slackness and hand sharp to enrich
5 Sila ki fè rekòlt nan gran sezon an a, se yon fis ki aji ak sajès; men sila ki dòmi nan lè rekòlt la, fè gwo wont.
to gather in/on/with summer son: child be prudent to sleep in/on/with harvest son: child be ashamed
6 Benediksyon se sou tèt a moun dwat la; men bouch mechan an kache vyolans.
blessing to/for head righteous and lip wicked to cover violence
7 Memwa a moun dwat la beni; men non mechan an vin pouri.
memorial righteous to/for blessing and name wicked to rot
8 Saj nan kè yo va resevwa lòd chèf la; men yon moun fou ki pale anpil ap pèdi.
wise heart to take: recieve commandment and fool(ish) lip: words to ruin
9 Sila ki mache ak entegrite a, mache an sekirite; men sila ki fè wout kwochi a va vin dekouvri.
to go: walk in/on/with integrity to go: walk security and to twist way: conduct his to know
10 Sila ki bat zye a, koze pwoblèm, e moun fou a ki pale anpil, fè dega.
to wink eye to give: give injury and fool(ish) lip: words to ruin
11 Bouch a moun dwat se yon fontèn dlo lavi, men bouch a mechan an kache vyolans.
fountain life lip righteous and lip wicked to cover violence
12 Rayisman pwovoke konfli; men lanmou kouvri tout fot.
hating to rouse strife and upon all transgression to cover love
13 Sou lèv a moun ki konn disène, nou twouve sajès; men gen baton pou do a sila ki manke konprann nan.
in/on/with lips to understand to find wisdom and tribe: staff to/for back lacking heart
14 Moun saj yo ranmase konesans; men ak bouch moun fou a, destriksyon an toupre.
wise to treasure knowledge and lip fool(ish) terror near
15 Byen a moun rich se yon sitadèl pou li. Sa ki detwi malere a se mizè.
substance rich town strength his terror poor poverty their
16 Salè a moun dwat se lavi; revni a mechan an se pinisyon.
wages righteous to/for life produce wicked to/for sin
17 Sila ki swiv enstriksyon an, sou wout lavi; men sila ki pa tande repwòch la vin egare nèt.
way to/for life to keep: careful discipline and to leave: neglect argument to go astray
18 Sila ki kache rayisman an gen lèv k ap bay manti; e sila ki gaye difamasyon an se yon moun fou.
to cover hating lips deception and to come out: speak slander he/she/it fool
19 Lè gen anpil pawòl, transgresyon pa kab evite; men sila ki frennen lèv li gen sajès.
in/on/with abundance word not to cease transgression and to withhold lips his be prudent
20 Lang a moun dwat yo se tankou ajan pi chwazi a; men kè a mechan an vo piti.
silver: money to choose tongue righteous heart wicked like/as little
21 Lèv a moun dwat yo fè anpil moun manje; men moun fou yo mouri akoz mank bon konprann.
lips righteous to pasture many and fool(ish) in/on/with lacking heart to die
22 Benediksyon SENYÈ a fè moun rich; konsa li pa mele ak chagren.
blessing LORD he/she/it to enrich and not to add toil with her
23 Fè mal se tankou fè spò pou moun san konprann nan; e se konsa sajès la ye pou moun entèlijan an.
like/as laughter to/for fool to make: do wickedness and wisdom to/for man understanding
24 Sa ke mechan an pè a, ap rive sou li; men sa ke moun dwat la vle, va vin reyisi.
fear wicked he/she/it to come (in): come him and desire righteous to give: give
25 Lè toubiyon an fin pase, mechan an vin disparèt; men moun dwat la gen yon fondasyon etènèl.
like/as to pass whirlwind and nothing wicked and righteous foundation forever: enduring
26 Tankou vinèg anba dan ak lafimen nan zye; se konsa parese a ye pou sila ki voye li yo.
like/as vinegar to/for tooth and like/as smoke to/for eye so [the] sluggish to/for to send: depart him
27 Lakrent SENYÈ a pwolonje lavi; men lane mechan yo va kout.
fear LORD to add: again day and year wicked be short
28 Lespwa a moun dwat la se kè kontan; men entansyon mechan an va peri.
hope righteous joy and hope wicked to perish
29 Chemen Bondye a se yon sitadèl pou moun dwat yo; men destriksyon nèt pou tout ouvriye inikite yo.
security to/for integrity way: conduct LORD and terror to/for to work evil: wickedness
30 Moun ladwati a p ap janm souke; men mechan yo p ap demere nan peyi a.
righteous to/for forever: any time not to shake and wicked not to dwell land: country/planet
31 Bouch a moun dwat la koule ak sajès; men lang pèvès la vin koupe.
lip righteous to bear fruit wisdom and tongue perversity to cut: cut
32 Lèv a moun dwat yo fè parèt sa ki bon; men bouch a mechan an, sa ki pèvèti.
lips righteous to know [emph?] acceptance and lip wicked perversity

< Pwovèb 10 >