< Miche 4 >

1 Men nan dènye jou yo, li va vin rive ke mòn a SENYÈ a va vin etabli kon chèf a mòn yo. Li va vin leve anwo kolin yo, e pèp nasyon yo va kouri kon dlo pou rive kote l.
And it has come to pass, In the latter end of the days, The mountain of the house of YHWH Is established above the top of the mountains, And it has been lifted up above the hills, And flowed to it have peoples.
2 Anpil nasyon va vin di: “Vini, annou monte sou mòn SENYÈ a, lakay Bondye Jacob la, pou L ka enstwi nou nan chemen Li yo e pou nou ka mache sou pa Li yo.” Paske depi nan Sion, lalwa va sòti e pawòl SENYÈ a va soti Jérusalem.
And gone have many nations and said, “Come and we go up to the mountain of YHWH, And to the house of the God of Jacob, And He teaches us of His ways, And we walk in His paths,” For a law goes forth from Zion, And a word of YHWH from Jerusalem.
3 Konsa, Li va jije antre anpil pèp e pran desizyon pou anpil nasyon ki byen lwen. Yo va bat nepe yo pou fè yo tounen cha pou laboure latè yo, ak lans lagè yo pou fè yo tounen kwòk imondaj. Nasyon p ap leve nepe kont nasyon e p ap aprann fè lagè ankò.
And He has judged between many peoples, And given a decision to mighty nations far off, They have beaten their swords to plowshares, And their spears to pruning-hooks, Nation does not lift up sword to nation, Nor do they learn war anymore.
4 Men yo va fè chak moun chita anba chan rezen pa yo, ak anba pye fig pa yo. Pèsòn p ap fè yo pè: paske bouch SENYÈ dèzame yo fin pale sa.
And they have sat each under his vine, And under his fig tree, And there is none troubling, For the mouth of YHWH of Hosts has spoken.
5 Malgre tout pèp yo mache nan non dye pa yo, pou nou menm, nou va mache nan non SENYÈ Bondye nou an jis pou tout tan e pou tout tan.
For all the peoples walk, Each in the name of its god—and we, We walk in the Name of our God YHWH, For all time and forever.
6 “Nan jou sa a”, deklare SENYÈ a, “Mwen va rasanble moun bwate yo, e Mwen va reyini moun rejte yo, ak sa ke M te aflije yo.
“In that day,” a declaration of YHWH, “I gather the halting one, And the driven away one I bring together, And she whom I have afflicted.
7 Mwen va fè moun bwate yo vin yon retay, e moun rejte yo vin yon nasyon pwisan; Konsa, SENYÈ a va renye sou yo nan Mòn Sion depi koulye a rive jis pou tout tan.”
And I have set the halting for a remnant, And the far-off for a mighty nation, And YHWH has reigned over them in Mount Zion, From now on, and for all time.
8 A nou menm, wo tou bann mouton an, mòn fi Sion an, sou ou menm, li va retounen. Wi, menm ansyen pouvwa a, wayòm nan de fi Jérusalem nan.
And you, O Tower of Eder, Fort of the daughter of Zion, to you it comes, Indeed, the former rule has come in, The kingdom to the daughter of Jerusalem.”
9 Alò, poukisa ou rele anmwey konsa? Èske pa gen wa pami nou? Èske konseye nou an fin peri? Kite gwo doulè a sezi nou kon yon fanm k ap pouse fè pitit?
Now why do you shout aloud? Is there no king in you? Has your counselor perished, That pain as of a travailing woman has taken hold of you?
10 Se pou ou vin an doulè, doulè pou pouse fè pitit fi a Sion an, kon yon fanm ki ansent; paske koulye a, ou va sòti nan vil la pou rete nan chan, e ou va ale menm nan Babylone. La, ou va delivre. La, SENYÈ a va rachte ou, soti nan men ènmi ou yo.
Be pained, and bring forth, O daughter of Zion, As a travailing woman, For now you go forth from the city, And you have dwelt in the field, And you have gone to Babylon, There you are delivered, There YHWH redeems you from the hand of your enemies.
11 Epi koulye a, gen anpil nasyon ki rasanble kont ou k ap di: “Kite li fin souye nèt, e kite zye nou wè dezi nou sou Sion.”
And now, many nations have gathered against you, who are saying: “Let her be defiled, and our eyes look on Zion.”
12 Men yo pa konnen refleksyon a SENYÈ a, ni yo pa konprann bi Li a; paske Li te ranmase moun sa yo, kon pakèt sereyal yo, pou pote sou glasi vannen an.
They have not known the thoughts of YHWH, Nor have they understood His counsel, For He has gathered them as a sheaf [into] a threshing-floor.
13 Leve pou bat jèm nan, O fi Sion an! Paske M ap fè kòn ou an vin yon kòn fè, e zago ou kon yon zago an bwonz. Ou va bat an mòso anpil pèp, pou ou kapab konsakre a SENYÈ a tout richès enjis pa yo, ke nou ranmase ak tout byen pa yo, bay SENYÈ tout latè a.
Arise, and thresh, O daughter of Zion, For I make your horn iron, And I make your hooves bronze, And you have beaten small many peoples, And I have devoted to YHWH their gain, And their wealth to the Lord of the whole earth!

< Miche 4 >