< Matye 8 >

1 Lè Jésus te fin desann mòn nan, yon gran foul te swiv Li.
When he was come downe from the moutayne moch people folowed him.
2 Epi yon moun lalèp te vin kote L, te bese devan Li. Li te di: “Senyè, si se volonte Ou, Ou kapab fè m vin pwòp”.
And lo ther came a lepre and worsheped him sayinge: Master if thou wylt thou canst make me clene.
3 Jésus te lonje men Li e te touche l. Li te di l: “Se volonte Mwen; vin pwòp.” Imedyatman lèp la te vin pwòp.
And Iesus put forthe hys hond and touched hym sayinge: I wyll be thou clene and immediatly hys leprosie was clensed.
4 Jésus te di li: “Gade pou ou pa di pèsòn sa, men ale prezante ou devan prèt la, epi bay yo ofrann lan ke Moïse te mande a kon yon temwayaj a yo menm.”
And Iesus sayde vnto him. Se thou tell no man but go and shewe thy selfe to the preste and offer the gyfte that Moses comaunded in witnes to them.
5 Lè Jésus te fin antre Capernaüm, yon chèf sentiwon Women te vin sipliye Li:
When Iesus was entred into Capernau ther came vnto him a certayne Centurion and besought hym
6 “Senyè, sèvitè mwen an kouche paralize lakay mwen. L ap soufri anpil.”
sayinge: Master my seruaunt lyeth sicke at home of ye palsye and ys greuously payned.
7 Jésus Li te di li: “M ap vin geri li.”
And Iesus sayd vnto hym: I will come and heale him.
8 Men sentiwon an te reponn Li: “Senyè, mwen pa dign pou Ou pase anba twati kay mwen, men sèlman di yon mo, e sèvitè mwen an va geri.
The Centurio answered and sayde: Syr I am not worthy yt thou shuldest come vnder my rofe but speake ye worde only and my servaut shalbe healed.
9 Paske mwen menm tou se yon moun anba otorite, avèk sòlda anba mwen. Mwen di a youn ‘ale’, li ale, e a yon lòt ‘vini’, e li vini, epi a esklav mwen ‘Fè sa’ e li fè l.”
For I also my selfe am a man vndre power and have sowdiers vndre me and I saye to one go and he goeth and to anothre come and he cometh: and to my seruaut do this and he doeth it.
10 Lè Jésus te tande sa, Li te etone e te di a sila ki t ap swiv Li yo: “Anverite, Mwen di nou, Mwen pa twouve lafwa konsa nan okenn moun an Israël.
When Iesus hearde yt he marveled and sayd to them yt folowed hym. Derely I say vnto you I have not foude so great fayth: no not in Israel.
11 Konsa, Mwen di nou ke anpil moun va vin soti nan lès ak lwès pou chita sou tab avèk Abraham, Isaac ak Jacob nan wayòm syèl la;
I say therfore vnto you that many shall come fro the eest and weest and shall rest wt Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdome of heve:
12 men fis yo a wayòm lan ap jete deyò nan fon tenèb. E nan plas sa a, yo va rele anmwey e yo va manje dan yo.”
and the chyldren of ye kyngdome shalbe cast out in to vtter darcknes: there shalbe wepinge and gnasshing of tethe.
13 Jésus te di a sentiwon an: “Ou mèt ale. Ke sa fèt pou ou jan ou kwè a.” Konsa, sèvitè li a te geri nan menm lè sa a.
The Iesus sayd vnto ye Centurion go thy waye and as thou belevest so be it vnto the. And his servaunt was healed the selfe houre.
14 Lè Jésus te antre lakay Pierre, Li te wè bèlmè li kouche malad sou kabann li avèk lafyèv.
And then Iesus went to Peters housse and sawe hys wyves mother lyinge sicke of a fevre
15 Lè Li fin touche men li, lafyèv la te kite l. Konsa, li te leve pou sèvi Li.
and touched her hande and the fevre left hir: and she arose and ministred vnto them.
16 Lè fènwa te vin rive, yo te pote bay Li anpil moun ki te gen move lespri. Li te jete move lespri sa yo deyò avèk yon mo, e te geri tout malad yo.
When the eue was come they brought vn to him many yt were possessed with devyllis. And he cast out ye spirites with a worde and healed all yt were sicke
17 Sa te fèt pou akonpli sa ke pwofèt Ésaïe te pale lè li te di: “Li menm te pran tout enfimite nou yo, e pote tout maladi nou yo.”
to fulfill yt which was spoke by Esayas ye Prophet sayinge. He toke on him oure infirmities and bare oure sickneses.
18 Lè Jésus te wè yon foul t ap antoure l, Li te pase lòd pou pati ale lòtbò lanmè a.
Whe Iesus sawe moche people about him he comaunded to go over ye water.
19 Yon sèten skrib te parèt. Li te di L: “Mèt, m ap swiv ou nenpòt kote ou ale.”
And ther came a scribe and sayd vnto hym: master I wyll folowe ye whyther so ever thou goest.
20 Jésus te di li: “Rena yo gen twou pou yo kache, e zwazo anlè yo gen nich pa yo, men Fis a Lòm nan pa gen kote pou repoze tèt Li.”
And Iesus sayd vnto him: the foxes have holes and the bryddes of the ayer have nestes but ye sonne of the man hath not whero to rest his heede.
21 Yon lòt nan disip Li yo te di Li: “Senyè, kite mwen premyèman ale antere papa m.”
A nothre yt was one of hys disciples sayd vnto hym: master suffre me fyrst to go and burye my father.
22 Men Jésus te di li: “Swiv Mwen. Kite mò yo antere mò parèy yo.”
But Iesus sayd vnto him: folowe me and let the deed burie their deed.
23 Lè L fin antre nan kannòt la, disip Li yo te swiv Li.
And he entred in to a shyppe and his disciples folowed him.
24 Epi konsa, te vin leve yon gwo tanpèt sou lanmè a, ki te fè vag lanmè yo kouvri kannòt la; men Jésus, Li menm, t ap dòmi.
And beholde there arose a a greate tepest in ye see in so moche yt the shippe was covered wt waves and he was a slepe.
25 Disip Li yo te vin fè L leve. Yo te di L: “Senyè, sove nou! N ap peri!”
And his disciples came vn to him and awoke hym sayinge: master save vs we perishe.
26 Li te reponn yo: “Poukisa nou pè konsa, moun ak ti lafwa piti?” Konsa Li te leve. Li te reprimande van an avèk lanmè a, e tan an te vin kalm nèt.
And he sayd vnto them: why are ye fearfull o ye of lytell faithe? Then he arose and rebuked ye wyndes and the see and ther folowed a greate calme.
27 Moun yo te etone. Yo te di: “Ki kalite moun sa a ye, ke menm van avèk lanmè obeyi Li?”
And the men marveyled and sayd: what man is this that bothe wyndes and see obey hym?
28 Lè li te rive lòtbò nan peyi Gadarenyen yo, de moun ki te gen move lespri te rankontre li pandan yo t ap soti nan tonm yo. Yo te tèlman vyolan ke pèsòn pa t kapab pase nan chemen sa a.
And when he was come to ye other syde in to ye coutre of ye Gergesites ther met him two possessed of devylles which came out of the graves and were out of measure fearce so yt no ma myght go by that waye.
29 Epi yo te kriye e te di: “Kisa nou gen avè W, Fis Bondye a? Èske Ou vini la pou toumante nou avan lè a?”
And behold they cryed out sayinge: O Iesu the sonne of God what have we to do with the? Art thou come hyther to tormet vs before the tyme be come?
30 A yon distans, te gen yon bann kochon ki t ap manje.
And ther was a good waye of fro them a greate heerd of swyne fedinge.
31 Epi lespri yo te kòmanse sipliye Li konsa: “Si ou ap mete nou deyò, voye nou nan bann kochon sa yo.”
Then ye devyles besought him sayinge: if thou cast vs out suffre vs to go oure waye in to the heerd of swyne.
32 Li te di yo: “Ale!” Yo te pati e te ale nan kochon yo. Lapoula, tout bann kochon yo te kouri desann falèz la, tonbe nan lanmè, pou mouri nan dlo a.
And he sayd vnto the: go youre wayes. Then wet they out and departed into ye heerd of swyne And beholde ye whoale heerd of swyne was caryed wt violence hedlinge in to the see and perisshed in ye water.
33 Gadyen yo te kouri ale antre nan vil la kote yo te fè rapò tout bagay sa yo, ansanm avèk sa ki te rive moun move lespri yo.
Then ye heerdme fleed and wet their ways in to ye cyte and tolde every thinge and what had fortuned vnto the possessed of the devyls.
34 Konsa, tout vil la te soti pou rankontre Jésus. Lè yo te wè L, yo te sipliye Li pou kite peyi yo a.
And beholde all the cyte came out and met Iesus. And when they sawe hym they besought hym to departe oute of their costes.

< Matye 8 >