< Matye 10 >

1 Jésus te rele douz disip li yo. Li te bay yo pouvwa sou move lespri yo, pou chase yo deyò, e pou geri tout kalite enfimite avèk maladi.
And he called to himself his twelve disciples, and gave them authority over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal every disease and every sickness.
2 Alò, non a douz apot yo te konsa: Premye a, Simon, ke yo rele Pierre, André, frè li, Jacques, fis a Zébédée, Jean, frè li,
Now the names of the twelve apostles are these. The first, Simon, who is called Peter; and Andrew his brother; and James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;
3 Philippe ak Barthélèmy; Thomas ak Matthieu ki te kolektè kontribisyon an, Jacques, fis Alphée a, ak Thaddée;
Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus;
4 Simon, Zelòt la ak Judas Iscariot, sila ki te trayi Jésus a.
Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.
5 Douz sila yo Jésus te voye lè Li te fin enstwi yo konsa: “Pa antre nan chemen payen yo, ni pa antre nan okenn vil ki pou Samariten yo,
Jesus sent these twelve out, and commanded them, saying, "Do not go among the non-Jews, and do not enter into any city of the Samaritans.
6 Men pito ale vè mouton ki pèdi lakay Israël yo.
Rather, go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
7 Pandan n ap prale, preche epi di: ‘Wayòm syèl la prèt pou rive.’
And as you go, proclaim, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is near.'
8 Geri malad yo, leve mò yo, pirifye lepre yo, chase move lespri yo. Nou te resevwa gratis, nou mèt bay gratis.
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
9 Nou pa pou pran ni lò, ni lajan ni kwiv pou mete nan bous senti nou,
Do not take any gold, nor silver, nor copper in your money belts.
10 Ni yon sak pou vwayaj nou, pa menm de chemiz, ni sapat, ni baton; paske yon ouvriye merite soutyen li.
Take no bag for your journey, neither two tunics, nor shoes, nor staff: for the laborer is worthy of his food.
11 “Nan nenpòt vil oubyen bouk ke nou antre, mande kilès ki gen merit nan li, epi ak li pou nou rete jis lè nou kite vil sa a.
And into whatever city or village you enter, find out who in it is worthy; and stay there until you go on.
12 Pandan n ap antre nan kay la, bay li salitasyon nou.
And as you enter into the household, greet it.
13 Epi si kay la gen merit, ke benediksyon lapè nou rete sou li, men si li pa gen merit, ke benediksyon lapè nou retounen sou nou.
And if the household is worthy, let your peace come on it, but if it is not worthy, let your peace return to you.
14 Nenpòt moun ki pa resevwa nou, ni pa okipe pawòl nou, lè nou kite kay sa a, oubyen vil sa a, souke pye nou pou pousyè li pa rete.
And whoever does not receive you, nor hear your words, as you leave that house or that city, shake off the dust from your feet.
15 Anverite Mwen di nou, l ap pi tolerab pou peyi Sodome ak Gomorrhe nan jou jijman an pase vil sa a.”
Truly I tell you, it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city.
16 Veye byen, Mwen voye nou tankou mouton nan mitan lou. Konsa, se pou nou saj kon sèpan, men inosan kon toutrèl.
"Look, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be cunning as snakes and innocent as doves.
17 Men veye lèzòm, y ap livre nou devan tribinal yo, e y ap bat nou ak fwèt nan sinagòg yo.
But beware of people: for they will deliver you up to councils, and in their synagogues they will scourge you.
18 Konsa, y ap menm fè nou vini devan ofisye ak wa yo pou non Mwen, kon yon temwayaj de yo menm ak lòt nasyon yo.
Yes, and you will be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony to them and to the nations.
19 Men lè yo livre nou nan men yo, pa enkyete pou sa n ap di; paske nou va resevwa nan lè sa, sa nou gen pou nou pale.
But when they deliver you over, do not be anxious how or what you will say, for it will be given you in that hour what you will say.
20 Paske se pa nou menm k ap pale, men se Lespri Papa nou an k ap pale nan nou.
For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
21 Frè va livre frè l a lanmò, e papa va livre Pitit li. Zanfan yo ap leve kont paran yo e fè mete yo a lanmò.
"And brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child. Children will rise up against parents, and cause them to be put to death.
22 Nou va rayi pa tout moun akoz non Mwen, men sila ki reziste jiska lafen an ap sove.
And you will be hated by everyone because of my name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.
23 Men nenpòt lè ke yo pèsekite nou nan yon vil, sove ale nan yon lòt. Paske anverite Mwen di nou, nou p ap gen tan fin pase nan tout vil Israël yo, pou lè Fis a Lòm nan vini.
But when they persecute you in one city, flee to the other. And if they persecute you in the other, flee to the next. For truly I tell you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
24 Yon disip pa pi wo pase enstriktè li, ni yon esklav pase mèt li.
"A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his lord.
25 Se kont pou yon disip pou li vini menm jan avèk enstriktè li, e yon esklav menm jan ak mèt li. Si yo rele mèt kay la Béelzébul, konbyen anplis pou yo kalomye manm kay li yo!
It is enough for the disciple that he be like his teacher, and the servant like his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more those of his household.
26 Pou sa, pa pè yo; paske pa gen anyen ki kouvri ki p ap dekouvri, e kache ki p ap revele.
Therefore do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed; and hidden that will not be known.
27 Sa ke Mwen di nou nan tenèb, pale li nan plen limyè, e sa ke nou tande yo chikote nan zòrèy nou, pwoklame li sou twati kay la.
What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in the ear, proclaim on the housetops.
28 Epi pa pè sa ki kapab touye kò a men ki pa ka touye nanm nan. Men pito pè sila ki kapab detwi ni nanm nan, ni kò a nan lanfè. (Geenna g1067)
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. (Geenna g1067)
29 Èske yo pa vann de zwazo pou yon santim? Malgre sa, pa gen youn nan yo k ap tonbe atè san ke Papa nou pa konnen.
"Are not two sparrows sold for an assarion coin? Not one of them falls on the ground apart from your Father's will,
30 Men menm chak ti grenn cheve nan tèt nou gen tan kontwole.
but the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
31 Konsa, nou pa bezwen pè. Nou gen bokou plis valè pase anpil zwazo.
Therefore do not be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows.
32 Pou sa, tout moun ki konfese M devan lòm, Mwen menm osi, M ap konfese l devan Papa m ki nan syèl la.
Everyone therefore who confesses me before people, him I will also confess before my Father who is in heaven.
33 Men nenpòt moun ki renye m devan lòm, M ap renye l devan papa M ki nan syèl la.
But whoever denies me before people, him I will also deny before my Father who is in heaven.
34 Pa sipoze ke Mwen vini pou pote lapè sou latè. Mwen pa t vini pou pote lapè, men nepe.
"Do not think that I came to send peace on the earth. I did not come to send peace, but a sword.
35 Mwen te vini pou mete yon nonm kont papa li, yon fi kont manman li, e yon bèlfi kont bèlmè Li.
For I came to set a man at odds against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
36 Epi lènmi a yon nonm ap manm a pwòp kay li.
And a person's foes will be those of his own household.
37 Sila ki renmen papa li oubyen manman li plis ke Mwen, li pa dign de Mwen; e sila ki renmen fis li, oubyen fi li plis ke Mwen, li pa dign de Mwen.
Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 Epi sila ki pa pran kwa li pou swiv Mwen, li pa merite Mwen.
And whoever does not take his cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me.
39 Sila k ap konsève lavi li, li va pèdi li; men sila ki pèdi vi li pou Mwen, l ap twouve li.
Whoever seeks his life will lose it; and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
40 Sila ki resevwa nou menm, resevwa M; e si la ki resevwa Mwen, resevwa Sila ki te voye Mwen an.
Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.
41 Sila ki resevwa yon pwofèt nan non a yon pwofèt ap resevwa rekonpans a yon pwofèt. Epi li ki resevwa yon nonm ladwati nan non a yon nonm ladwati, va resevwa rekonpans la a yon nonm dwat.
The one who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and the one who receives a righteous person because he is a righteous person will receive a righteous person's reward.
42 Nenpòt moun ki nan non a yon disip, bay youn nan pitit sa yo menm yon tas dlo frèt pou bwe; anverite, Mwen di nou li pa p pèdi rekonpans li.
And whoever gives one of these little ones just a cup of cold water to drink because he is a disciple, truly I tell you he will in no way lose his reward."

< Matye 10 >