< Mak 9 >
1 Jésus te di yo: “Anverite Mwen di nou, gen kèk moun nan sila ki kanpe la yo ki p ap goute lanmò jouk lè yo fin wè wayòm Bondye a rive avèk pouvwa.”
AND he said to them, Amen I say to you, There are some who are standing here, who shall not taste death, until they shall have seen the kingdom of Aloha come with power.
2 Sis jou pita, Jésus te pran avè L, Pierre, Jacques, avèk Jean, e te mennen yo sou yon mòn wo pou kont yo. La, devan yo, Li te transfòme nan yon lòt fòm.
And after six days Jeshu took Kipha, and Jacub, and Juchanon, and led them up to a high mountain by themselves. And he was altered before their eyes:
3 Rad Li yo te vin klere jis yo blanchi nèt, blanch kon okenn moun k ap fè lesiv nan mond sa a, pa t janm kab fè.
and his raiment shone, and became exceeding white as the snow; as the sons of man on earth could not make white.
4 Konsa, Élie ak Moïse te parèt devan yo ansanm, e yo t ap pale avèk Jésus.
And there were seen with them Musha and Elia discoursing with Jeshu.
5 Pierre te reponn pou di Jésus: “Mèt, se bon pou nou isit la; annou fè twa tabènak, youn pou Ou, youn pou Moïse, e youn pou Élie.”
And Kipha said to him, Rabi, it is good for us here to be: and let us make three tabernacles; for thee one, and for Musha one, and for Elia one.
6 Paske li pa t konnen ki repons pou bay, akoz kè yo te plen avèk laperèz.
But he knew not what he said, for they were in fear.
7 Konsa, yon nwaj te fòme ki te vin mete yo nan fon lonbraj, e yon vwa te vin sòti nan nwaj la, “Sa se Fis Mwen; koute Li!”
And there was the cloud, and it shadowed over them: and the voice was from the cloud, saying, This is my Son, the Beloved, him hear.
8 Nan menm moman sa a, yo te gade toupatou e pa t wè pèsòn avèk yo ankò, sof ke Jésus sèl.
And instantly, while the disciples looked, they saw no man, but Jeshu alone with them.
9 Pandan yo t ap desann mòn nan, Li te bay yo lòd pou pa di pèsòn sa yo te wè a, jouk lè ke Fis a Lòm nan ta leve soti nan lanmò.
And while they were descending from the mountain, he charged them to tell no man what they had seen, until the Son of man should have arisen from the dead.
10 Yo te reflechi anpil sou pawòl sa a, e te diskite youn avèk lòt sou sa sa vle di: “leve soti nan lanmò an”.
And they held discourse among themselves, and inquired what was this word, when he should have arisen from among the dead.
11 Yo te mande Li: “Poukisa skrib yo di ke Élie oblije vini avan an?”
And they asked him, saying, How then say the Sophree that Elia must come before?
12 Li te di yo: “Élie vrèman ap vini avan pou restore tout bagay. Men poukisa li ekri sou Fis a Lòm nan ke Li va soufri anpil bagay, e vin meprize?
He said to them, Elia doth come before, to restore all things; and how it is written concerning the Son of man, that much he should suffer, and be rejected.
13 Men Mwen di nou Élie vrèman gen tan vini, e yo te fè l sa ke yo te pito, jan ke sa ekri sou li a.”
But I tell you, Elia hath also come, and they have done to him whatever they would, as it is written concerning him.
14 Lè yo te retounen kote disip yo, yo te wè yon gwo foul ki te antoure yo, e kèk skrib ki t ap diskite avèk yo.
AND when he came to his disciples, he saw with them a great crowd, and the Sophree questioning with them.
15 Imedyatman, lè tout foul la te wè Li, yo te etone, e yo te kouri vini salye Li.
And immediately all the crowd saw him, and wondered, and ran to salute him.
16 E Li te mande yo: “Kisa nou ap diskite avèk yo la a?”
And he inquired of the Sophree, What dispute you with them?
17 Epi yon moun nan foul la te reponn Li: “Mèt, mwen te pote bay Ou fis Mwen an, ki gen yon move lespri ki fè l bèbè;
And one from the company answered and said, Malphona, I had brought my son to thee, because he hath a spirit which speaketh not;
18 epi lè li sezi l, li voye li atè. Li kimen nan bouch e manje dan l; kò li vin tou rèd. Mwen te pale disip Ou yo pou chase l, men yo pa t kapab.”
and when he seizeth him, he dasheth him, and teareth and grindeth his teeth, and he becometh dry. And I spake to thy disciples that they should cast him out, but they could not.
19 Konsa, Li te reponn yo e te di: “O jenerasyon enkredil, pou konbyen de tan ankò M ap avèk nou? Konbyen de tan ankò M ap sipòte nou? Fè l vin kote Mwen!”
Jeshu answered, and said to him, O generation that believeth not! how long shall I be with you? how long shall I tolerate you? bring him to me.
20 Yo te pote gason an kote Li. E lè li te wè L, lapoula lespri a te jete li nan yon gwo kriz. Li te tonbe atè, te kòmanse woule toupatou e kimen nan bouch.
And they brought him unto him: and when the spirit saw him, he immediately dashed him, and he fell upon the ground; and was convulsed, and was torn.
21 Jésus te mande papa li: “Depi kilè bagay sa a konn rive li?” Li te di: “Depi li timoun.
And Jeshu asked the father, How long is it from the time from which it was thus? He saith to him, Behold, from his childhood.
22 Souvan li konn voye li ni nan dlo, ni nan dife pou l detwi l. Men si Ou kapab fè yon bagay, gen pitye pou nou, e ede nou!”
And many times he casteth him into the fire, and into the waters, to destroy him: but whatever thou canst, help me, and have mercy upon me.
23 Jésus te di li: “Si Ou kapab? Tout bagay posib pou sila a ki kwè a.”
Jeshu saith to him, If thou canst believe, every thing can be to him who believeth.
24 Konsa, papa a tigason an te kriye fò e te di: “Mwen kwè; ede enkredilite Mwen an.”
And in a moment the father of the youth cried out, weeping and saying, I am believing; help the defect of my faith.
25 Lè Jésus te wè yon foul moun t ap rasanble, Li te reprimande move lespri a. Li te di L: “Ou menm lespri soud e bèbè, Mwen kòmande ou, sòti nan li, e pa antre nan li ankò.”
But when Jeshu saw the people running together, and assembling to him, he rebuked the unclean spirit, and said to him, Spirit, deaf and unspeaking! I command thee, come forth from him, and enter not into him again!
26 Lè lespri a fin kriye fò, e jete li nan gwo kriz tèrib, li te sòti. Ti gason an te tèlman parèt kon yon kadav, ki te fè pi fò nan yo te di: “Li mouri!”
And that devil cried greatly, and crushed him, and went forth. And he became as the dead; as that many would say, He is dead.
27 Men Jésus te pran li pa men li, te leve l, e Li te kanpe.
But Jeshu took him by the hand, and raised him.
28 Lè Li te vini nan kay la, disip Li yo te kòmanse kesyone Li an prive: “Poukisa nou pa t kapab chase l?”
But when Jeshu had gone into the house, his disciples inquired of him by themselves, Why could not we cast him out?
29 Li te di yo: “Kalite sila a p ap kab sòti pa anyen, sof ke lapriyè.”
Jeshu said to them, This kind with nothing can be cast out, but by fasting and prayer.
30 Depi la yo te ale pase nan tout Galilée, e Li pa t vle ke pèsòn konnen anyen sou sa.
And when he had gone forth from thence, they passed into Galila: and he was not willing that any man should know of him.
31 Paske Li t ap enstwi disip Li yo e t ap di yo: “Fis a Lòm nan va livre nan men a lèzòm, e yo va touye Li. Epi lè Li fin touye, L ap resisite ankò twa jou pita.”
And he taught his disciples, and told them, That the Son of man would be delivered into the hands of men, and they would kill him; and that when he was slain, on the third day he should arise.
32 Men yo pa t konprann pawòl sila a, e yo te pè mande L.
But they understood not his word, and feared to ask him.
33 Yo te vini Capernaüm, e lè Li te nan kay la, Li te kòmanse kesyone yo: “De kisa nou t ap diskite nan wout la?”
AND they came to Kapher-nachum: and when they had entered the house, he asked them of what they had argued in the way among themselves.
34 Men yo te rete an silans; paske nan wout la, yo t ap diskite de kilès nan yo ki te pi gran.
But they were silent: for they had contended in the way one with another, who should be greatest among them.
35 Lè Li te fin chita, Li te rele douz yo, e Li te di yo: “Si yon moun vle premye, li va dènye de tout moun, e vin sèvitè a tout moun.”
And Jeshu sat, and he called the twelve, and said to them, Whoever wills to be the first, shall be the last of all, and the servant of all.
36 Li te pran yon timoun, e te fè l chita devan yo. Epi lè L pran li nan bra Li, Li te di yo:
And he took a certain child, and made him stand in the midst: and he took him upon his arms, and said to them,
37 “Nenpòt moun ki resevwa yon timoun tankou sila a nan non pa M, resevwa M; e nenpòt moun ki resevwa M, li pa resevwa Mwen, men Sila ki voye Mwen an.”
Every one who receiveth (one who is) as this child in my name, me he receiveth: and whoever me receiveth, not me he receiveth, but Him who sent me.
38 Jean te di Li: “Mèt, nou te wè yon moun ki t ap chase move lespri yo nan non Ou, e nou te eseye fè l sispann, paske li pa t ap swiv nou.”
Juchanon said to him, Rabi, we saw a man casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he did not adhere to us.
39 Men Jésus te di: “Pa anpeche li, paske pa gen moun k ap fè yon mirak nan non Mwen, e apre byen vit ki ka pale mal de Mwen.
Jeshu saith to them, Forbid him not; for no man who doeth powerful works in my name, can soon speak of me that which is evil.
40 Paske sila ki pa kont nou an, li pou nou.
He therefore who is not against you is for you.
41 Paske nenpòt moun ki bay nou yon tas dlo pou bwè akoz nou nan Kris yo, anverite Mwen di nou, li p ap pèdi rekonpans li.
For every one who shall give you only a cup of waters to drink in the name that you are of the Meshicha, Amen I say to you, He shall not lose his reward.
42 “Nenpòt moun ki fè youn nan pitit sa yo ki kwè vin chape tonbe, li t ap pi bon pou li si yo te mete yon gwo wòch moulen nan kou li, e jete l nan lanmè.
And every one who shall offend one of these little ones who believe in me, it had been better for him that an ass-millstone had been set to his neck, and he had been cast forth into the sea.
43 “Si men nou fè nou chape tonbe, koupe l nèt; li pi bon pou nou ta antre nan lavi kokobe, pase avèk de men, pou nou ta jete nan twou san fon an, nan lanfè ki “pa kapab etenn nan, (Geenna )
But if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: better for thee mutilated to go into life, than having two hands to go into gihana; (Geenna )
44 ‘kote vè pa mouri, e dife pa janm etenn.’
where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched.
45 “E si pye nou fè nou chape tonbe, koupe li nèt; li pi bon pou nou antre nan lavi bwete, pase genyen tou de pye nou, e vin jete nan lanfè, (Geenna )
And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: better for thee to go into life lame, than having two feet to fall into gihana: (Geenna )
46 kote vè pa mouri, e dife pa janm etenn.
where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched.
47 “Si zye nou fè nou chape tonbe, retire li jete; li pi bon pou nou antre nan wayòm Bondye a avèk yon sèl zye, pase jete nan lanfè avèk de zye. (Geenna )
And if thine eye offend thee, root it out: better for thee that with one eye thou enter the kingdom of Aloha, than having two eyes to fall into the gihana of fire: (Geenna )
48 Kote vè pa mouri, e dife pa janm etenn.
where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not quenched.
49 “Paske tout moun va vin sale ak dife, e chak sakrifis ap sizonnen ak sèl.
For every (thing) with fire is salted, and every victim with salt shall be salted.
50 “Disèl la bon, men si disèl la vin pèdi gou, kilès k ap fè l gen gou sèl ankò. Fòk nou gen sèl nan nou, e rete anpè youn avèk lòt.”
Good is salt: but if the salt shall (become) insipid, how shall it be salted? Let there be in you salt, and in peace be one with another.