< Mak 7 >
1 Farizyen yo avèk kèk nan skrib yo te antoure Jésus lè yo te sòti Jérusalem.
AND there gathered to him Pharishee and Sophree, who had come from Urishlem;
2 Lè yo te wè ke kèk nan disip Li yo t ap manje pen avèk men enpi, sa vle di, san lave,
and they saw some of his disciples eating bread with their hands not washed; and they complained.
3 (pwiske Farizyen yo avèk tout Jwif yo pa manje sof ke yo lave men yo kòrèk, pou obsève tradisyon a ansyen yo.
For all the Jihudoyee and Pharishee, unless they carefully wash their hands, do not eat, because they hold the tradition of the elders;
4 Lè yo sòti nan mache, yo pa manje sof ke yo gen tan benyen. Anplis yo gen anpil lòt bagay ke yo konn resevwa kon prensip, tankou lavaj a tas, avèk krich, ak po kwiv yo.)
and (coming) from the market, unless they lave, they eat not. And many other of those (things) there are which they have received to observe, (as) the baptisms of cups, and of measures, and of brasen utensils, and of beds.
5 Pou sa, Farizyen yo ak skrib yo te mande L: “Poukisa disip ou yo pa mache selon tradisyon ansyen yo, men manje pen avèk men ki pa lave?”
And the Sophree and Pharishee questioned him, Why do not your disciples walk according to the tradition of the elders; but, while their hands are not washed, eat bread?
6 Li te reponn yo: “Byen jis Ésaïe te fè pwofesi sou nou kom ipokrit, lè li te ekri: ‘Pèp sa bay Mwen lonè avèk lèv yo, men kè yo lwen Mwen.
But he said to them, Well prophesied concerning you Eshaia the prophet, you hypocrites; as it is written, This people with their lips honour me, but their heart is very far from me.
7 Men anven yo adore Mwen lè y ap enstwi kòm doktrin, prensip a lòm.’
But in vain do they reverence me while they teach the teachings of the commandments of men.
8 “Nou neglije kòmandman a Bondye yo, pou kenbe tradisyon a lòm yo—kon lavaj krich yo ak anpil lòt bagay”
For you have abandoned the commandment of God and hold the tradition of men, as the baptisms of cups and measures, and many things like these.
9 Li t ap di yo anplis: “Ak konesans nou mete kòmandman Bondye a akote, pou kenbe tradisyon pa nou yo.
He said to them (moreover), You decently suppress the commandment of God, that you may establish your tradition.
10 Paske Moïse te di: ‘Onore papa ou avèk manman ou’; epi ‘sila ki pale mal a papa li oswa manman li, fòk li mete a lanmò.’
For Musha hath said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and whosoever curseth father and mother, the death he shall die.
11 “Men nou di: ‘Si yon nonm di a papa l, ni a manman l, nenpòt sa ke m genyen se Kòba’” (sa vle di, “bay a Bondye”),
But you say, If a man shall say to his father, or to his mother, My oblation, (be that) whatever from me thou mayest profit;
12 “Nou pa pèmèt moun nan fè anyen ankò ni pou papa l, ni pou manman l.
and you permit him not to do any thing for his father and his mother.
13 Konsa nou fè pawòl Bondye a vin nil ak tradisyon ke nou transmèt a youn lòt. Nou fè anpil bagay konsa.”
But you reject the word of Aloha for the sake of the tradition which you have delivered: and many similar (observances) to these you practise.
14 Li te rele foul la kote Li ankò. Li te di yo: “Koute Mwen, nou tout, e konprann:
And Jeshu called the whole multitude, and said to them, Hear me, all of you, and understand:
15 Nanpwen anyen deyò yon nonm k ap fè l sal, men se bagay ki sòti pa anndan yon nonm ki fè l sal.
It is not that which is without the man, and which entereth into him, that can defile him: but that which proceedeth from him, that defileth a man.
16 Si yon moun gen zòrèy, kite li tande.”
He who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
17 Lè Li te kite foul la, Li te antre nan kay la. Disip Li yo te kesyone L sou parabòl sila a.
But when Jeshu had gone into the house (apart) from the multitude, his disciples asked him concerning that parable.
18 Epi Li te di yo: “Èske nou si tèlman manke konprann tou? Èske nou pa konprann ke sa ki sòti deyò yon nonm pou antre ladann pa kapab souye l,
He said to them, How dull are even you! Know you not, that nothing from without that entereth a man can defile him,
19 paske sa pa antre nan kè l, men nan vant li epi li vin elimine?” (Konsa Li te deklare ke tout kalite manje pwòp.)
because it entereth not into his heart, but into his belly, and is cast out in the purgation which all food purgeth?
20 Li te di: “Sa ki sòti nan yon moun, se sa ki souye l.
But that which proceedeth from a man, that polluteth a man.
21 Paske pa anndan, sòti nan kè lòm tout move panse, fònikasyon, vòl, touye moun, adiltè,
For from within, from the heart of the sons of men, go forth evil thoughts, adultery, fornication, robbery, murder,
22 zak lanvi sa ki pou lòt, mechanste, desepsyon, sansyalite, jalouzi, kout lang, ògèy, ak tout kalite foli.
rapacity, malice, fraud, obscenity, an evil eye, blasphemy, vain-glory, folly;
23 Tout mal sa yo sòti pa anndan, epi souye yon nonm.”
all these evils come from within, and they defile a man.
24 Jésus te leve e te pati pou rejyon Tyr la. Lè Li te antre nan yon kay, Li pa t vle pèsòn konnen sa, men Li pa t kab evite atire atansyon.
FROM thence Jeshu arose and went to the confine of Tsur and of Tsaidon, and entered into a certain house: and he was unwilling that any man should know of him, but he could not conceal.
25 Men lè yon fanm ak yon tifi ki te gen yon move lespri te tande de Jésus, li te vin kote L nan menm moman an, e te tonbe nan pye Li.
For immediately heard a certain woman concerning him, whose daughter had an unclean spirit; and she came, (and) fell before his feet.
26 Alò, fanm sila a te yon moun etranje nan ras Siwofonisyèn. E li te kontinye mande L pou chase move lespri a sou pitit li a.
But that woman was a Gentile of Phuniki of Suria, and she prayed of him to cast out the demon from her daughter.
27 Jésus te di li: “Kite zanfan yo satisfè avan, paske li pa bon pou pran pen timoun yo pou jete l bay chen.”
But Jeshu said to her, Let the children first be filled; for it is not well to take the bread of the children and cast it to the dogs.
28 Men fanm nan te reponn Li: “Wi Mèt, men menm ti chen anba tab yo manje ti moso ke timoun yo lese tonbe yo.”
But she answering said to him, Yes, my Lord, yet the dogs also from beneath the table eat the crumbs of the children.
29 Konsa Li te di li: “Akoz repons sa a, al fè wout ou; move lespri a gen tan kite fi ou a.”
Jeshu saith to her, Go; on account of that word, the demon hath gone forth from thy daughter.
30 E lè fanm nan te retounen lakay li, li te twouve tifi a byen kouche sou kabann nan, e move lespri a te gen tan kite li.
And she went to her house, and found her daughter lying on the couch, and the demon had gone out from her.
31 Ankò Li te kite rejyon Tyr la, e te pase pa Sidon jiska lanmè Galilée a, nan rejyon Decapolis.
Jeshu again departed from the confine of Tsur and of Tsaidon, and came to the sea of Galila, on the confine of the Ten Cities;
32 Yo te mennen bay Li yon moun ki te soud, ki te pale avèk anpil difikilte, e yo te sipliye L pou mete men Li sou li.
and they brought to him a blind man, a stammerer, and besought him to lay upon him the hand.
33 Jésus te mennen l apa gran foul la, e te mete dwat Li anndan zòrèy moun nan. Li te krache, e te touche lang li avèk krache a.
And he took him aside from the crowd by himself, and put his fingers in his ears, and spat, and touched his tongue.
34 Pandan Li gade vè syèl la, Li te soupire byen fò, e te di li: “Ifafata!” Sa vle di “Ouvri!”
And he looked up to heaven, and sighed, and said to him, Be opened:
35 Konsa zòrèy li te louvri. Lang lou a te disparèt, e li te vin pale kon nòmal.
and in that hour his ears were opened, and the bond of his tongue was loosed, and he spake plainly.
36 Li te bay yo lòd pou yo pa pale avèk pèsòn; men plis Li te bay lòd, plis yo te kontinye gaye nouvèl la toupatou.
And he charged them that to no man they should tell this. But so much as he charged them, they the more proclaimed it;
37 Yo te vin etone nèt. Yo t ap di: “Li fè tout bagay byen. Li fè menm soud yo tande, e bèbè yo pale”.
and they were exceedingly astonished, and said, He doeth every thing well; the deaf he maketh to hear, and them who spoke not, to speak.