< Lik 16 >

1 Alò, Li t ap osi di a disip yo: “Te gen yon sèten mesye rich ki te gen yon jeran. Konsa, yon rapò te vin rive ke li t apgaspiye byen li yo.
And he sayd also vnto his disciples. Ther was a certayne rych man which had a stewarde that was acused vnto him that he had wasted his goodes.
2 Li te rele li, e te di li: ‘Kisa ke m tande sou ou la a? Bay yon kontwòl sou jerans ou, paske ou pa kab jeran ankò.’
And he called him and sayd vnto him: How is it that I heare this of the? Geve a comptes of thy steward shippe: For thou mayste be no longer stewarde.
3 “Jeran an te di a pwòp tèt li: ‘Kisa m ta fè, paske mèt mwen ap retire jerans lan nan men mwen? Mwen pa gen ase fòs pou m fouye, e mwen wont mande lacharite.
The stewarde sayd wt in him selfe: what shall I do? for my master will take awaye fro me ye stewarde shippe. I canot digge and to begge I am ashamed.
4 Mwen konnen kisa mwen va fè, pou lè yo retire m nan jerans lan, pou moun yo kab resevwa m lakay pa yo a.’
I woote what to do yt when I am put out of ye stewardshippe they maye receave me into their houses.
5 “Konsa, li te rele chak moun ki te dwe mèt li a. Li te kòmanse di a premye a: ‘Konbyen ou dwe mèt mwen an?’
Then called he all his masters detters and sayd vnto ye fyrst: how moche owest thou vnto my master?
6 “Li te di: ‘San mezi lwil’. E li te di li: ‘Pran nòt ou e chita byen vit pou ekri senkant.’
And he sayd: an hondred tonnes of oyle. And he sayd to him: take thy bill and syt doune quickly and wryte fiftie.
7 “Answit, li te di a yon lòt: ‘Epi konbyen ou dwe? “Li te reponn: ‘San mezi ble.’ E li te di li: ‘Pran nòt ou pou ekri katreven.’
Then sayd he to another: what owest thou? And he sayde: an hondred quarters of wheate. He sayd to him: Take thy bill and write foure scoore.
8 “Konsa, mèt la te fè konpliman a jeran enjis la, paske li te aji avèk yon koken sajès. Paske fis a laj sila yo pi koken nan relasyon a moun parèy yo pasefis a limyè yo. (aiōn g165)
And the lorde comended the vniust stewarde because he had done wysly. For ye chyldren of this worlde are in their kynde wyser then ye chyldren of lyght. (aiōn g165)
9 “Mwen di nou: “Fè zanmi pou tèt nou pa mwayen arichès enjis yo; pou lè l echwe, yo kapab resevwa nou nan kay ki etènèl yo. (aiōnios g166)
And I saye also vnto you: make you frendes of the wicked mammon that when ye shall departe they may receave you into everlastinge habitacions. (aiōnios g166)
10 “Sila a ki fidèl nan yon ti bagay piti, ap fidèl osi nan bagay ki gran. E sila ki enjis nan ti bagay piti, ap enjis osi nan bagay ki gran.
He that is faithfull in that which is leste ye same is faithfull in moche. And he yt is vnfaithfull in ye least: is vnfaithfull also in moche.
11 “Donk, si nou pa fidèl nan sèvisrichès enjis yo, kilès ki va konfye nou vrè richès yo.
So then yf ye have not ben faithfull in ye wicked mamon? who will beleve you in that which is true?
12 Epi si nou pa fidèl nan sèvis ak sa ki pou yon lòt, kilès ki va bannou sa ki pou nou?
And yf ye have not bene faithfull in another manes busines: who shall geve you youre awne?
13 “Okenn sèvitè pa kapab sèvi de mèt; paske swa l ap rayi youn, e renmen lòt la, oswa l ap kenbe a youn e meprize lòt la. Nou pa kapab sèvi Bondye, ak richès yo.”
No servaunt can serve. ii. masters for other he shall hate ye one and love ye other or els he shall lene to the one and despyse the other. Ye can not serve God and mammon.
14 Alò, Farizyen yo ki te renmen lajan anpil t ap koute tout bagay sa yo, e yo t ap moke L.
All these thinges herde the pharises also which were coveteous and they mocked him.
15 Li te di yo: “Nou menm se sila yo ki jistifye pwòp tèt nou nan zye lèzòm, menBondye konnen kè nou. Paske sila ki gen gwo valè pami lèzòm yo, yo abominab nan zye Bondye.
And he sayd vnto the: Ye are they which iustifie youre selves before me: but God knoweth youre hertes. For ye which is highlie estemed amoge me is abhominable in yt sight of god
16 “Lalwa avèk pwofèt yo te pwoklame jiska Jean. Depi lè sa a bòn nouvèl a wayòm Bondye a preche, e tout moun ap fòse antre ladann.
The lawe and the Prophetes raygned vntyll the tyme of Iohn: and sence that tyme the kyngdom of God is preached and every man stryveth to goo in.
17 Men li pi fasil pou syèl la avèk tè a vin disparèt pase pou yon sèl mak oubyen lèt Lalwa ta anile.
Soner shall heven and erth perisshe then one tytle of the lawe shall perisshe.
18 “Nenpòt moun ki divòse ak madanm li pou marye avèk yon lòt fè adiltè; e sila a ki marye a youn ki divòse ak yon mari, fè adiltè.
Whosoever forsaketh his wyfe and marieth another breaketh matrimony. And every man which marieth her that is devorsed from her husbande committeth advoutry also.
19 “Alò, te gen yon sèten mesye rich ki te toujou abiye an mov ak lèn fen, e ki t ap viv nan gran richès chak jou.
Ther was a certayne ryche man which was clothed in purple and fyne bysse and fared deliciously every daye.
20 “Alò, yon sèten mesye pòv ki te rele Lazare tekouche devan pòtay li, kouvri nèt avèk maleng.
And ther was a certayne begger named Lazarus whiche laye at his gate full of soores
21 Li te byen anvi resevwa sèl ti mòso ki t ap tonbe soti sou tab mesye rich la. Anplis menm chen te konn vin pou niche maleng li yo.
desyringe to be refresshed with the cromes whiche fell from the ryche manes borde. Neverthelesse the dogges came and licked his soores.
22 “Epi li rive ke nonm malere a te mouri, e li te vin pote pa zanj yo pou rive nan senAbraham nan. Konsa, mesye rich la te mouri tou, e li te antere.
And yt fortuned that the begger dyed and was caried by the angelles into Abrahas bosome. The riche man also died and was buried.
23 Nanplas sejou mò yo, li te nan toumant. Li te leve zye li, e te wè Abraham byen lwen, ak Lazare nan sen li. (Hadēs g86)
And beinge in hell in tormetes he lyfte vp his eyes and sawe Abraham a farre of and Lazarus in his bosome (Hadēs g86)
24 Li te kriye fò, e te di: ‘Papa Abraham, fè m gras, voye Lazare pou li kapab mete dwèt li nan dlo pou rafrechi lang mwen! Paske mwen nan doulè ekstrèm nan flanm sa a.
and he cryed and sayd: father Abraham have mercy on me and sende Lazarus that he maye dippe the tippe of his fynger in water and cole my tonge: for I am tourmented in this flame.
25 “Men Abraham te di: ‘Pitit, sonje ke pandan lavi ou, ou te resevwa bon bagay yo. E menm jan an, Lazare te resevwa move bagay yo. Men koulye a, l ap konsole isit la, e ou menm nan gran doulè.
But Abraha sayd vnto him Sonne remembre that thou in thy lyfe tyme receavedst thy pleasure and contrary wyse Lazarus payne. Now therfore is he comforted and thou art punysshed.
26 Anplis de sa, antre nou avèk ou menm, gen yon gran vid byen etabli pou anpeche sila isit yo ki vle travèse kote ou a, e ke pèsòn pa kapab travèse soti la a pou rive kote nou menm nan.’
Beyonde all this bitwene you and vs ther is a greate space set so that they which wolde goo from thence to you cannot: nether maye come from thence to vs.
27 “Pou sa li te di: ‘Alò, mwen sipliye ou Papa, pou ou voye li lakay papa m—
Then he sayd: I praye the therfore father send him to my fathers housse.
28 Pwiske mwen gen senk frè—pou li kapab avèti yo, pou ke yo menm tou pa vini nan plas toumant sa a.’
For I have fyve brethren: for to warne the left they also come into this place of tourmet.
29 “Men Abraham te di: ‘Yo gen Moïse avèk pwofèt yo. Kite yo tande yo.’
Abraha sayd vnto him: they have Moses and the Prophetes let them heare them.
30 “Men li te di: ‘Non. Papa Abraham, men si yon moun ta sòti nan mò a, ale kote yo, yo va repanti!’
And he sayd: naye father Abraham but yf one came vnto the from the ded they wolde repent.
31 “Men li te di yo: ‘Si yo pa koute Moïse avèk pwofèt yo, nonpli, yo p ap kwè menm si yon moun leve soti nan lanmò.
He sayd vnto him: If they heare not Moses and ye prophetes nether will they beleve though one roose from deeth agayne.

< Lik 16 >