< Levitik 9 >

1 Alò, li te vin rive nan uityèm jou a ke Moïse te rele Aaron, fis li yo ak ansyen an Israël yo.
And it comes to pass on the eighth day, Moses has called for Aaron and for his sons, and for [the] elderly of Israel,
2 Konsa, li te di a Aaron: “Pran pou nou menm yon jenn kabrit, yon jenn towo pou yon ofrann peche ak yon belye pou yon ofrann brile, tou de san defo, e ofri yo devan SENYÈ a.
and he says to Aaron, “Take a calf for yourself, a son of the herd, for a sin-offering, and a ram for a burnt-offering, perfect ones, and bring [them] near before YHWH.
3 Epi a fis Israël yo nou va pale pou di: ‘Pran yon mal kabrit pou yon ofrann peche, ak yon jenn kabrit avèk yon jenn mouton, toude nan laj yon ane, san defo, pou yon ofrann brile,
And you speak to the sons of Israel, saying, Take a kid of the goats for a sin-offering, and a calf, and a lamb, sons of a year, perfect ones, for a burnt-offering,
4 epi yon bèf avèk yon belye pou ofrann lapè a, pou fè sakrifis devan SENYÈ a; e yon ofrann sereyal melanje avèk lwil: paske jodi a, SENYÈ a va parèt a nou menm.’”
and a bullock and a ram for peace-offerings, to sacrifice before YHWH, and a present mixed with oil; for today YHWH has appeared to you.”
5 Donk, yo te pran sa ke Moïse te kòmande devan tant asanble a. Tout asanble a te rapwoche pou kanpe devan SENYÈ a.
And they take that which Moses has commanded to the front of the Tent of Meeting, and all the congregation draws near and stands before YHWH;
6 Moïse te di: “Sa se bagay ke SENYÈ a te kòmande nou pou fè, pou glwa SENYÈ a kapab parèt a nou menm.”
and Moses says, “This [is] the thing which YHWH has commanded; do [it], and the glory of YHWH appears to you.”
7 Konsa, Moïse te di a Aaron: “Vin toupre lotèl la, e ofri ofrann peche ak ofrann brile nou yo, pou nou kapab fè ekspiyasyon pou nou menm, ak pou pèp la; pou nou kapab fè ekspiyasyon pou yo, jan SENYÈ a te kòmande a.”
And Moses says to Aaron, “Draw near to the altar, and make your sin-offering, and your burnt-offering, and make atonement for yourself, and for the people, and make the offering of the people, and make atonement for them, as YHWH has commanded.”
8 Donk, Aaron te vin toupre lotèl la. Li te touye jenn kabrit la, ofrann peche ki te pou li menm nan.
And Aaron draws near to the altar, and slaughters the calf of the sin-offering, which [is] for himself;
9 Fis Aaron yo te prezante san an ba li. Li te fonse dwèt li nan san an, li te mete kèk sou kòn lotèl la, e li te vide rès san an nan baz lotèl la.
and the sons of Aaron bring the blood near to him, and he dips his finger in the blood, and puts [it] on the horns of the altar, and he has poured out the blood at the foundation of the altar;
10 Grès la, ren yo avèk gwo mòso fwa ofrann peche a, li te ofri yo nan lafimen sou lotèl la, jis jan ke SENYÈ a te kòmande Moïse la.
and the fat, and the kidneys, and the redundance of the liver, of the sin-offering, he has made incense on the altar, as YHWH has commanded Moses;
11 Men chè a avèk po a, li te brile yo avèk dife deyò kan an.
and he has burned the flesh and the skin with fire, at the outside of the camp.
12 Answit, li te touye ofrann brile a; epi fis Aaron yo te lonje bay li san an, e li te flite li toupatou sou lotèl la.
And he slaughters the burnt-offering, and the sons of Aaron have presented the blood to him, and he sprinkles it around the altar;
13 Yo te lonje ofrann brile a ba li an mòso avèk tèt la, e li te ofri yo nan lafimen sou lotèl la.
and they have presented the burnt-offering to him, by its pieces, and the head, and he makes incense on the altar;
14 Li te lave zantray yo avèk janm yo, e li te ofri yo nan lafimen avèk ofrann brile yo sou lotèl la.
and he washes the innards and the legs, and makes incense for the burnt-offering on the altar.
15 Answit, li te prezante ofrann pèp la, e li te pran kabrit ofrann peche ki te pou pèp la. Li te touye li e li te ofri li pou peche, tankou premye a.
And he brings the offering of the people near, and takes the goat of the sin-offering which [is] for the people, and slaughters it, and makes it a sin-offering, like the first;
16 Li te prezante osi ofrann brile a. Li te ofri li selon òdonans lan.
and he brings the burnt-offering near, and makes it, according to the ordinance;
17 Apre, li te prezante ofrann sereyal la, li te plen men li avèk kèk ladann. Konsa, li te ofri li nan lafimen sou lotèl la, anplis de ofrann brile nan maten an.
and he brings the present near, and fills his palm with it, and makes incense on the altar, apart from the burnt-offering of the morning.
18 Answit, li te touye bèf la avèk belye a, sakrifis lapè ki te pou pèp la. Fis Aaron yo te lonje ba li san an pou li te flite li toupatou sou lotèl la;
And he slaughters the bullock and the ram, a sacrifice of the peace-offerings, which [are] for the people, and sons of Aaron present the blood to him (and he sprinkles it around the altar),
19 ak pati grès ki sòti nan bèf la, nan belye a, grès ke a ak grès ki kouvri ren yo avèk gwo mòso fwa a,
and the fat of the bullock, and of the ram, the fat tail, and the covering [of the innards], and the kidneys, and the redundance on the liver,
20 epi yo te plase pati grès sou pwatrin yo. Konsa, li te ofri yo nan lafimen sou lotèl la.
and they set the fat on the breasts, and he makes incense with the fat on the altar;
21 Men pwatrin yo avèk kwis dwat la, Aaron te prezante yo kòm yon ofrann balanse an lè devan SENYÈ a, jis jan ke Moïse te kòmande a.
and Aaron has waved the breasts and the right leg [as] a wave-offering before YHWH, as He has commanded Moses.
22 Alò, Aaron te leve men li anlè vè pèp la e li te beni yo. Konsa, li te desann lè l te fin fè ofrann peche a, ofrann brile a ak ofrann lapè yo.
And Aaron lifts up his hand toward the people, and blesses them, and comes down from making the sin-offering, and the burnt-offering, and the peace-offerings.
23 Moïse avèk Aaron te antre nan tant asanble a. Lè yo te sòti e te beni pèp la, laglwa SENYÈ a te parèt a tout pèp la.
And Moses goes in—Aaron also—to the Tent of Meeting, and they come out, and bless the people, and the glory of YHWH appears to all the people;
24 Answit, dife te sòti devan SENYÈ a, e ofrann nan te brile nèt ak pati grès sou lotèl la. Lè tout pèp la te wè sa, yo te rele fò, e yo te tonbe sou figi yo.
and fire comes out from before YHWH, and consumes the burnt-offering and the fat on the altar; and all the people see, and cry aloud, and fall on their faces.

< Levitik 9 >