< Levitik 19 >

1 Alò, SENYÈ a te pale ak Moïse. Li te di:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
2 “Pale avèk tout asanble a fis Israël yo. Di yo: ‘Nou va sen, paske Mwen menm, SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an, Mwen sen.
Speak to the congregation of the children of Israel, and you shall say to them, You shall be holy; for I the Lord your God [am] holy.
3 “‘Nou chak va onore manman nou ak papa nou, e nou va kenbe Saba Mwen yo. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
Let every one of you reverence his father and his mother; and you shall keep my sabbaths: I [am] the Lord your God.
4 “‘Pa vire vè zidòl yo, ni fè pou nou menm dye metal fonn yo. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
You shall not follow idols, and you shall not make to yourselves molten gods: I [am] the Lord your God.
5 “‘Alò, lè nou ofri yon sakrifis lapè bay SENYÈ a, nou va ofri li pou nou kapab vin aksepte.
And if you will sacrifice a peace-offering to the Lord, you shall offer it acceptable from yourselves.
6 Li va manje nan menm jou ke nou ofri li a, ak jou apre a. Si gen ki rete jis nan twazyèm jou a, li va vin brile avèk dife.
In what day soever you shall sacrifice it, it shall be eaten; and on the following day, and if any of it should be left till the third day, it shall be thoroughly burnt with fire.
7 Konsa, si li ta manje menm nan twazyèm jou a, sa se yon ofans. Li p ap aksepte.
And if it should be at all eaten on the third day, it is unfit for sacrifice: it shall not be accepted.
8 Tout sila ki manje li yo, va pote inikite li, paske li te degrade bagay sen SENYÈ a. Konsa, moun sa a va koupe retire de pèp li a.
And he that eats it shall bear his iniquity, because he has profaned the holy things of the Lord; and the souls that eat it shall be destroyed from among their people.
9 “‘Alò, lè nou fè rekòlt nan tè nou, nou p ap rekòlte rive jis nan kwen chan an, ni nou p ap ranmase ti rès ki tonbe a.
And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not complete the reaping of your field with exactness, and you shall not gather that which falls from your reaping.
10 Ni nou p ap ranmase ti rès fwi nan chan rezen nou yo. Nou va kite yo pou malere yo ak etranje yo. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
And you shall not go over the gathering of your vineyard, neither shall you gather the remaining grapes of your vineyard: you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God.
11 “‘Nou pa pou vòlè, ni twonpe, ni manti youn ak lòt.
You shall not steal, you shall not lie, neither shall one bear false witness as an informer against his neighbor.
12 “‘Nou pa pou fè fo sèman nan non Mwen pou degrade non a Bondye nou an. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
And you shall not swear unjustly by my name, and you shall not profane the holy name of your God: I am the Lord your God.
13 “‘Nou pa pou oprime vwazen nou, ni vòlè li. Salè a yon ouvriye jounalye pa pou rete nan men nou tout lannwit pou rive nan maten.
You shall not injure your neighbor, neither do you rob [him], neither shall the wages of your hireling remain with you until the morning.
14 “‘Nou pa pou anmède yon moun soud, ni mete yon obstak pou fè avèg la tonbe, men nou va gen krentif pou Bondye nou an. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
You shall not revile the deaf, neither shall you put a stumbling block in the way of the blind; and you shall fear the Lord your God: I am the Lord your God.
15 “‘Nou pa pou fè lenjistis nan jijman nou yo. Nou pa pou apiye vè malere a, ni apiye vè moun pwisan an, men nou va jije vwazen nou avèk jistis.
You shall not act unjustly in judgment: you shall not accept the person of the poor, nor admire the person of the mighty; with justice shall you judge your neighbor.
16 “‘Nou pa pou mache bay kout lang pami pèp nou an. Nou pa pou fè zak kont lavi vwazen nou yo. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
You shall not walk deceitfully among your people; you shall not rise up against the blood of your neighbor: I am the Lord your God.
17 “‘Nou pa pou rayi pwochen peyi nou nan kè nou. Nou mèt toujou korije vwazen nou, pou nou pa pote peche akoz li.
You shall not hate your brother in your heart: you shall in any wise rebuke your neighbor, so you shall not bear sin on his account.
18 “‘Nou pa pou pran vanjans ni pote lahèn nan kè nou kont fis pèp nou an; men nou va renmen pwochen nou tankou tèt nou. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
And your hand shall not avenge you; and you shall not be angry with the children of your people; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.
19 “‘Se pou nou kenbe règleman Mwen yo. Nou pa pou fè kwazman de ras bèf. Nou pa pou plante chan nou avèk de kalite grenn; Ni pou abiye ak yon vètman ki gen de kalite twal ki mele ansanm.
You shall observe my law: you shall not let your cattle gender with one of a different kind, and you shall not sow your vineyard with diverse seed; and you shall not put upon yourself a mingled garment woven of two [materials].
20 “‘Alò, si yon nonm kouche nan zak seksyèl avèk yon fanm ki se yon esklav ki te pwomèt pou yon lòt gason, men ki pa t peye ranson li, ni pa t bay li libète l, li va pini. Malgre sa, yo p ap mete li a lanmò, paske li pa t lib.
And if any one lie carnally with a woman, and she should be a home-servant kept for a man, and she has not been ransomed, [and] her freedom has not been given to her, they shall be visited [with punishment]; but they shall not die, because she was not set at liberty.
21 Gason an va pote ofrann koupab li devan SENYÈ a nan pòtay tant asanble a; yon belye pou ofrann koupab la.
And he shall bring for his trespass to the Lord to the door of the tabernacle of witness, a ram for a trespass-offering.
22 Prèt la va fè ekspiyasyon pou li avèk belye ofrann koupab la devan SENYÈ a pou peche ke li te fè a, e selon peche ke li te fè a, li va vin padone.
And the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of the trespass-offering, before the Lord, for the sin which he sinned; and the sin which he sinned shall be forgiven him.
23 “‘Lè nou antre nan peyi sa a, e plante tout kalite bwa pou manje, alò, nou va kontwole premye fwi pa yo kòm entèdi. Pandan twazan, li va entèdi a nou menm. Li p ap pou manje.
And whenever you shall enter into the land which the Lord your God gives you, and shall plant any fruit tree, then shall you purge away its uncleanness; its fruit shall be three years uncleansed to you, it shall not be eaten.
24 Nan katriyèm ane a, tout fwi li yo va vin sen. Yo va vin yon ofrann lwanj bay SENYÈ a.
And in the fourth year all its fruit shall be holy, a subject of praise to the Lord.
25 Nan senkyèm ane a, nou gen pou manje nan fwi li, pou donn li kapab vin anpil pou nou menm. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
And in the fifth year you shall eat the fruit, its produce is an increase to you. I am the Lord your God.
26 “‘Nou pa pou manje anyen avèk san ki rete nan li. Nou pa pou pratike maji ni divinasyon zetwal ni predi evenman k ap vin rive.
Eat not on the mountains, nor shall you employ auguries, nor divine by inspection of birds.
27 “‘Nou pa pou koupe kwen cheve tèt nou, ni taye sou kote bab nou.
You shall not make a round cutting of the hair of your head, nor disfigure your beard.
28 “‘Nou pa pou koupe kò nou pou moun mouri yo, ni fè tatou sou kò nou: Mwen se SENYÈ a.
And you shall not make cuttings in your body for a [dead] body, and you shall not inscribe on yourselves any marks. I am the Lord your God.
29 “‘Pa degrade pwòp fi nou pou fè l vin yon pwostitiye, sòf ke peyi a menm ta tonbe nan pwostitisyon, e ranpli avèk tout kalite bagay lèd.
You shall not profane your daughter to prostitute her; so the land shall not go a whoring, and the land be filled with iniquity.
30 “‘Nou va kenbe Saba Mwen yo, e nou va onore sanktyè Mwen an. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
You shall keep my sabbaths, and reverence my sanctuaries: I am the Lord.
31 “‘Pa vire bò kote moun ki fè kontak ak mò yo, ni ki chache move lespri yo. Pa chache yo pou nou pa vin degrade pa yo menm. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
You shall not attend to those who have in them divining spirits, nor attach yourselves to enchanters, to pollute yourselves with them: I am the Lord your God.
32 “‘Nou va leve devan moun cheve blanch yo. Nou va bay lonè a granmoun yo. Nou va gen lakrent pou Bondye nou an. Mwen se SENYÈ a.
You shall rise up before the hoary head, and honor the face of the old man, and shall fear your God: I am the Lord your God.
33 “‘Lè yon etranje rete avèk nou nan peyi nou, nou pa pou fè l tò.
And if there should come to you a stranger in your land, you shall not afflict him.
34 Etranje ki rete avèk nou an va, pou nou, tankou pwòp moun peyi nou. Nou va renmen li tankou tèt nou, paske nou te etranje nan peyi Égypte la. Mwen se SENYÈ a, Bondye nou an.
The stranger that comes to you shall be among you as the native, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
35 Nou pa pou fè move jijman, ni nan mezire longè, pwa, oubyen kapasite.
You shall not act unrighteously in judgment, in measures and weights and scales.
36 Fòk balans nou yo jis, e pèz pwa nou yo jis; yon efa (22 lit) ki jis, e yon in (36 lit) ki jis. Mwen se SENYÈ nou an, ki te fè nou sòti nan peyi Égypte la.
There shall be among you just balances and just weights and just liquid measure. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
37 “‘Se konsa nou va obsève tout règleman Mwen yo ak tout òdonans Mwen yo, e fè yo. Mwen se SENYÈ a.’”
And you shall keep all my law and all my ordinances, and you shall do them: I am the Lord your God.

< Levitik 19 >