< Jij 16 >
1 Alò, Samson te desann Gaza, e li te wè yon pwostitiye. Li te antre nan li.
Then went Samson to Azzah, and sawe there an harlot, and went in vnto her.
2 Lè sa li te pale pami moun Gaza yo: “Samson vin isit la!” Yo te antoure kote a e yo te kache tann li tout lannwit vè pòtay lavil la. Yo te rete an silans tout nwit lan e yo te di: “Annou tann jis li fè klè maten e nou va touye li.”
And it was tolde to the Azzahites, Samson is come hither. And they went about, and laied wayte for him all night in the gate of the citie, and were quiet all the nyght, saying, Abide till the morning earely, and we shall kill him.
3 Alò, Samson te kouche jis minwi e a minwi, li te leve pran pòtay lavil yo avèk de poto yo. Li te rale fè yo monte, ansanm avèk ba travès pa yo. Epi li te mete yo sou zepòl li, e li te pote yo monte pou rive anwo tèt mòn ki anfas Hébron an.
And Samson slept till midnight, and arose at midnight, and tooke the doores of the gates of the citie, and the two postes and lift them away with the barres, and put them vpon his shoulders, and caried them vp to the top of the mountaine that is before Hebron.
4 Apre sa, li te vin rive ke li te renmen yon fanm nan vale Sorek la, ke yo te rele Delila.
And after this hee loued a woman by the riuer of Sorek, whose name was Delilah:
5 Prens Filisten yo te ale kote li e te di fanm nan: “Mennen li ak dousè e twouve kote gran fòs li a sòti, e kijan nou kapab vin genyen l pou nou kapab mare li pou aflije li. Epi nou chak va ba ou onz-san pyès ajan.”
Vnto whome came the princes of the Philistims, and said vnto her, Entise him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what meane we may ouercome him, that we may binde him, and punish him, and euery one of vs shall giue thee eleuen hundreth shekels of siluer.
6 Konsa, Delila te di a Samson: “Souple, pale m kote gran fòs ou a ye ak kijan ou kapab vin mare pou ou ta aflije.”
And Delilah saide to Samson, Tell mee, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest bee bound, to doe thee hurt.
7 Samson te di li: “Si yo mare m avèk sèt kòd nèf ki poko sèch; alò, mwen va devni fèb e mwen va vin tankou nenpòt lòt gason.”
Samson then answered vnto her, If they binde mee with seuen greene cordes, that were neuer dryed, then shall I bee weake, and be as an other man.
8 Epi prens Filisten yo te mennen ba li sèt kòd nèf ki potko sèch e li te mare li avèk yo.
And the princes of the Philistims brought her seuen greene cordes that were not dry, and she bound him therewith.
9 Alò, te gen moun ki te kache ap tann nan chanm anndan an. Epi li te di li: “Men Filisten yo rive sou ou, Samson!” Konsa li te pete kòd yo tankou fisèl pit chire lè l touche dife. Konsa, fòs li a pa t revele.
(And she had men lying in wayte with her in the chamber) Then she said vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee brake the cordes, as a threede of towe is broken, when it feeleth fire: so his strength was not knowen.
10 Epi Delila te di a Samson: “Gade byen, se twonpe ou twonpe m, ou ban m yon bann manti; alò, koulye a, souple, di m kijan ou kab mare.”
After Delilah saide vnto Samson, See, thou hast mocked mee and tolde mee lies. I pray thee nowe, tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound.
11 Li te di li: “Si yo mare m byen di ak kòd nèf ki pa t janm sèvi; alò, mwen va devni fèb tankou nenpòt lòt gason.”
Then he answered her, If they binde mee with newe ropes that neuer were occupied, then shall I be weake, and be as an other man.
12 Konsa, Delila te pran kòd nèf e li te mare li avèk yo e te di li: “Men Filisten yo sou ou, Samson!” Paske gason yo t ap tann nan chanm anndan an. Men li te pete kòd yo nan bra li tankou fisèl pou koud.
Delilah therefore tooke newe ropes, and bounde him therewith, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson: (and men lay in wayte in the chamber) and hee brake them from his armes, as a threede.
13 Epi Delila te di a Samson: “Jis koulye a, ou te twonpe m e ban m bann manti; di mwen kijan ou kapab mare.” Epi li te di li: “Si ou trese sèt très cheve m nan ansanm très la, epi tache l avèk gwo epeng tout très la, m ap vin fèb tankou nenpòt lòt gason.”
Afterward Delilah said to Samson, Hitherto thou hast beguiled mee, and tolde me lies: tell me how thou mightest be bounde. And he sayde vnto her, If thou plattedst seuen lockes of mine head with the threedes of the woufe.
14 Konsa, pandan li t ap dòmi, Delila te pran sèt très a cheve li yo, li te trese yo nan ansanm très la. Li te tache li avèk epeng lan, e li te di li: “Men Filisten yo sou ou, Samson!” Men li te leve nan dòmi li, li te rale fè epeng lan sòti nan ansanm très la e li te rale cheve l nan griyaj très la.
And she fastened it with a pinne, and saide vnto him, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And he awoke out of his sleepe, and went away with the pinne of the webbe and the woufe.
15 Alò li te di li: “Kijan ou kapab di, ‘Mwen renmen ou,’ lè kè ou pa avè m? Ou te twonpe m twa fwa sila yo e pa t di mwen kote gran fòs ou a ye.”
Againe shee sayde vnto him, Howe canst thou say, I loue thee, when thine heart is not with me? thou hast mocked mee these three times, and hast not tolde me wherein thy great strength lieth.
16 Li te vin rive ke lè li te toumante li chak jou avèk pawòl li yo e te bourade li, ke nanm li te vin twouble jiska lanmò.
And because shee was importunate vpon him with her wordes continually, and vexed him, his soule was pained vnto the death.
17 Konsa, li te fè l konnen tout sa ki te nan kè li e li te di li: “Yon razwa pa t janm vini nan tèt mwen; paske mwen se te yon Nazareyen a Bondye soti nan vant manman m. Si cheve m vin taye; alò, fòs mwen an va kite mwen e mwen va devni tankou nenpòt lòt gason.”
Therefore he tolde her all his heart, and said vnto her, There neuer came rasor vpon mine head: for I am a Nazarite vnto God from my mothers wombe: therefore if I bee shauen, my strength will goe from me, and I shalbe weake, and be like all other men.
18 Lè Delila te wè ke li te di li tout sa ki te nan kè li, li te rele prens a Filisten yo e li te di yo: “Vini yon fwa ankò; paske li fin di mwen tout sa ki te nan kè li.” Epi prens a Filisten yo te vin kote li, e yo te pote lajan pou li a nan men yo.
And when Delilah sawe that he had tolde her all his heart, she sent, and called for the Princes of ye Philistims, saying, Come vp once againe: for he hath shewed mee all his heart. Then the Princes of the Philistims came vp vnto her, and brought the money in their handes.
19 Li te fè li dòmi sou jenou li, li te rele yon mesye pou te fè l pase razwa retire tout sèt très cheve li yo. Alò, li te kòmanse aflije li e fòs li a te vin kite l.
And she made him sleepe vpon her knees, and she called a man, and made him to shaue off the seuen lockes of his head, and shee began to vexe him, and his strength was gone from him.
20 Li te di: “Men Filisten yo sou ou, Samson!” Li te leve soti nan dòmi li, e te di: “Mwen va sòti tankou lòt fwa yo e souke kò m pou m vin lib.” Men li pa t konnen ke SENYÈ a te gen tan kite li.
Then she said, The Philistims be vpon thee, Samson. And hee awoke out of his sleepe, and thought, I will go out now as at other times, and shake my selfe, but he knewe not that the Lord was departed from him.
21 Alò, Filisten yo te sezi li. Yo te kreve rete zye li, epi yo te mennen li Gaza. Yo te mare l avèk chenn fèt an bwonz ki te konn vire moulen nan prizon an.
Therefore the Philistims tooke him, and put out his eyes, and brought him downe to Azzah, and bounde him with fetters: and hee did grinde in the prison house.
22 Men cheve tèt li t ap grandi ankò lè l te fin koupe yo.
And the heare of his head began to growe againe after that it was shauen.
23 Alò, prens Filisten yo te rasanble pou ofri yon gran sakrifis a Dagon, dye pa yo a e pou rejwi yo, paske yo te di: “Se dye pa nou an ki livre Samson, lènmi nou an, nan men nou.”
Then the Princes of the Philistims gathered them together for to offer a great sacrifice vnto Dagon their god, and to reioyce: for they said, Our god hath deliuered Samson our enemie into our handes.
24 Lè pèp la te wè li, yo te fè lwanj a dye pa yo a, paske yo te di: “Se dye pa nou an ki te livre lènmi nou an, nan men nou, menm destriktè a peyi nou an, ki te touye anpil nan nou.”
Also when the people saw him, they praysed their god: for they sayde, Our god hath deliuered into our hands our enemie and destroyer of our countrey, which hath slayne many of vs.
25 Li te vin rive ke pandan yo te ranpli avèk kè kontan, ke yo te di: “Rele Samson pou l kapab amize nou.” Konsa, yo te rele Samson soti nan prizon an pou li te amize yo. Epi yo te fè l kanpe antre pilye yo.
And when their heartes were merie, they said, Call Samson, that he may make vs pastime. So they called Samson out of the prison house, and he was a laughing stocke vnto them, and they set him betweene the pillars.
26 Alò, Samson te di a gason ki te kenbe men l lan: “Kite mwen manyen pilye kote kay la kanpe yo pou m kab apiye sou yo.”
Then Samson saide vnto the seruant that led him by the hande, Lead me, that I may touch the pillars that the house standeth vpon, and that I may leane to them.
27 Alò, kay la te ranpli avèk gason ni fanm e tout prens a Filisten yo te la. Epi anviwon twa-mil gason avèk fanm te anba twati a e yo t ap gade Samson pandan li t ap amize yo.
(Nowe the house was full of men and women, and there were all the princes of the Philistims: also vpon the roofe were about three thousande men and women that behelde while Samson played)
28 Konsa, Samson te rele SENYÈ a e te di: “O Senyè BONDYE, souple, sonje mwen, e souple, ranpli fòs mwen pou sèl fwa sa a, O Bondye pou m kapab jwenn vanjans sou Filisten yo pou de zye mwen yo.”
Then Samson called vnto the Lord, and sayde, O Lord God, I pray thee, thinke vpon me: O God, I beseech thee, strengthen me at this time onely, that I may be at once auenged of the Philistims for my two eyes.
29 Samson te kenbe byen di de pilye mitan yo sou sila kay la te poze yo, li te ranfòse li sou yo, youn avèk men dwat li e youn avèk men goch li.
And Samson layd hold on the two middle pillars whereupon the house stood, and on which it was borne vp: on the one with his right hand, and on the other with his left.
30 Epi Samson te di: “Kite mwen mouri avèk Filisten yo!” Epi li te koube avèk tout fòs li jiskaske kay la te vin tonbe sou tout prens yo ak tout moun ki te ladann yo. Konsa, kantite moun ke li te touye lè l te mouri an te plis ke sila ke li te touye pandan tout vi li yo.
Then Samson saide, Let me lose my life with the Philistims: and he bowed him with all his might, and the house fell vpon the princes, and vpon all the people that were therein. so the dead which he slewe at his death were more then they which he had slaine in his life.
31 Alò, frè li yo avèk tout lakay papa li te desann pran li, mennen li monte e te antere li antre Tsorea ak Eschthaol nan tonm Manoach la, papa li. Konsa, li te jije Israël pandan ventan.
Then his brethren, and all the house of his father came downe and tooke him, and brought him vp and buryed him betweene Zorah and Eshtaol, in the sepulchre of Manoah his father: nowe he had iudged Israel twenty yeeres.