< Jòb 12 >
Then answered Job, and said,
2 Anverite, konsa, se nou menm ki se pèp la. Se ak nou menm tout sajès ap mouri!
Truly ye are indeed the [right kind of] people, and with you wisdom must die out.
3 Men mwen gen lespri menm tankou ou; mwen pa pi ba pase ou. Epi se kilès ki pa konnen bagay parèy a sila yo?
I also have sense like you; I do not fall short compared with you: and who possesseth not such things as these?
4 Mwen se yon blag devan zanmi mwen yo, sila ki te fè apèl Bondye a, e Li te reponn li an. Nonm nan ki dwat e san tò a vin yon blag.
I am as one laughed at by his friend, who calleth upon God, while he answered him: [yea, ] a laughing-stock though righteous and innocent.
5 Sila ki alèz la ri sou malè a; men l ap tan pye l chape.
To the unfortunate there is given contempt— according to the thoughts of him that is at ease— prepared [also] for those whose foot slippeth.
6 Tant volè a fè pwofi, e sila ki pwovoke Bondye byen alez. Se nan men yo pote dye pa yo.
Prosperous are the tents of robbers, and security is given to those that provoke God. to him who carrieth his god in his hand.
7 “Alò, mande bèt yo menm pou yo kab enstwi ou; ak zwazo syèl yo; kite yo pale ou.
Yet, do only ask of the beasts, and they will instruct thee; and the fowls of the heavens, and they will tell it thee;
8 Oswa, pale ak tè a e kite li enstwi ou. Kite pwason lanmè yo fè deklarasyon pou ou.
Or speak to the earth, and she will instruct thee; and the fishes of the sea will inform thee
9 Se kilès pami tout sila yo ki pa konnen ke se men SENYÈ a ki fè sa?
Who knoweth not through all these that the hand of the Lord hath wrought this?
10 Nan men a Sila poze lavi a tout sa ki viv la, ansanm ak souf tout limanite a.
[He] in whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of all the bodies of men?
11 Èske zòrèy la pa pase a leprèv tout pawòl, menm jan ke bouch la goute manje li a?
Doth not the ear try words, as the palate tasteth food for itself?
12 Sajès rete ak granmoun; yon lavi ki long gen bon konprann.
So It with the ancients wisdom, and with [those of] length of days understanding,
13 “Avèk Bondye se sajès ak pwisans. A Li menm se konsèy avèk bon konprann.
That with him are wisdom and strength, his are counsel and understanding.
14 Gade byen, se Li menm ki detwi; e sa p ap kab rebati. Li mete yon nonm nan prizon, e nanpwen lage pou li.
Behold, he pulleth down, and there can be no rebuilding: he locketh [the prison] upon a man, and there can be no opening,
15 Gade byen, Li anpeche dlo yo, e yo seche nèt; Li voye yo deyò pou yo inonde latè a.
Behold, he restraineth the waters, and they dry up; or he suffereth them to flow, and they overturn the earth.
16 Avèk Li menm se fòs ak sajès pwofon; sa ke lòt moun egare ak sila ki egare yo, tou de se pou Li.
With him are strength and counsel: his are the deceived and the deceiver.
17 Li fè konseye yo mache pye atè e fè jij yo antre nan foli.
He leadeth counsellors away bereft of sense, and maketh the judges fools.
18 Li detache chenn ki mare wa yo, e mare senti yo ak yon sentiwon.
He looseth the bond of kings, and bindeth a girdle around their loins.
19 Li fè prèt yo mache san rad, e boulvèse sila ki ansekirite yo.
He leadeth priests away bereft of sense, and the powerful he causeth to walk on crooked paths.
20 Li fè moun konfyans pa kab pale, e retire bon jijman a ansyen yo.
He removeth the speech from trusty speakers, and taketh away the intelligence of the aged.
21 Li vide mepriz sou prens yo, e lache senti a pwisan yo.
He poureth contempt upon princes, and the belt of the mighty be looseneth.
22 Li devwale mistè ki nan tenèb yo, e mennen fènwa pwofon yo antre nan limyè a.
He layeth open deep things from the midst of darkness, and bringeth out unto light the shadow of death.
23 Li fè nasyon yo vin gran, e Li detwi yo. Li fè nasyon yo grandi, e Li mennen yo ale.
He permitteth the nations to become great, and destroyeth them: he spreadeth out the nations, and leadeth them away.
24 Li rache lespri a chèf pèp latè yo, e fè yo egare nan yon savann san chemen.
He taketh away the sense of the chiefs of the people of the land, and causeth them to wander astray in a wilderness when there is no way.
25 Yo tatonnen nan fènwa a san limyè. Li fè yo kilbite tankou moun sou.
They grope in the dark without light, and he causeth them to wander astray like a drunken man.