< Jeremi 20 >

1 Lè Paschhur, prèt la, fis a Immer a, ki te chèf ofisye lakay SENYÈ a, te tande Jérémie fè pwofesi sila yo,
And Phassur, the sone of Emyner, the preest, that was ordeyned prince in the hous of the Lord, herde Jeremye profesiynge these wordis.
2 Paschhur te fè yo bat Jérémie, pwofèt la. Li te mete li nan sèp yo ki te kote Pòtay Anwo Benjamin an, ki te nan lakay SENYÈ a.
And Phassur smoot Jeremye, the profete, and sente hym in to the stockis, that weren in the hiyere yate of Beniamyn, in the hous of the Lord.
3 Nan pwochen jou a, lè Paschhur te lage Jérémie sòti nan sèp yo, Jérémie te di li: “Paschhur se pa non ke SENYÈ a te bay ou, men pito Magor-Missabib.
And whanne it was cleer in the morewe, Phassur ledde Jeremye out of the stockis. And Jeremye seide to hym, The Lord clepide not Phassur thi name, but Drede on ech side.
4 Paske konsa pale SENYÈ a: ‘Gade byen, Mwen va fè ou vin yon gwo laperèz pou pwòp tèt ou, ak tout zanmi ou yo. Pandan zye ou toujou ap gade, yo va tonbe pa nepe lènmi pa yo. Se konsa, mwen va livre tout Juda, pou tonbe nan men a wa Babylone nan. Li va pote yo ale tankou egzile Babylone e li va touye yo ak nepe.
For the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal yyue thee and alle thi freendis in to drede, and thei schulen falle doun bi the swerd of her enemyes; and thin iyen schulen se; and Y schal yyue al Juda in the hond of the king of Babiloyne, and he schal lede hem ouer in to Babiloyne, and he schal smyte hem bi swerd.
5 Anplis, Mwen va livre tout richès vil sa a, tout pwodwi li yo ak tout bagay koute chè li yo, menm tout trezò a wa a Juda yo, e mwen va livre yo nan men a lènmi yo. Yo va piyaje yo, pote yo ale, e pote yo Babylone.
And Y schal yyue al the catel of this citee, and al the trauel therof, and al the prijs; and Y schal yyue alle the tresours of the kingis of Juda in the hond of her enemyes; and thei schulen rauysche tho, and schulen take, and lede forth in to Babiloyne.
6 Konsa, ou menm, Paschhur, ou menm ak tout sila ki rete lakay ou yo, va ale an kaptivite. Ou va antre nan Babylone. Ou va mouri la, e la, ou va antere; ou menm avèk tout zanmi ou yo ki te bay fo pwofesi yo.’”
Forsothe thou, Phassur, and alle the dwelleris of thin hous, schulen go in to caitifte; and thou schalt come in to Babiloyne, and thou schalt die there; and thou schalt be biried there, thou and alle thi freendis, to whiche thou profesiedist a leesyng.
7 O SENYÈ, Ou te mennen m e mwen te mennen; Ou pi fò pase m, e Ou te genyen m. Mwen te vin yon gwo blag tout lajounen; se tout moun k ap moke mwen.
Lord, thou disseyuedist me, and Y am disseyued; thou were strongere than Y, and thou haddist the maistrie; Y am maad in to scorn al dai.
8 Paske chak fwa ke m pale, mwen kriye fò; mwen pwoklame vyolans ak destriksyon! Konsa, pawòl SENYÈ a te fè m resevwa repwòch. Mwen pase nan rizib tout lajounen.
Alle men bymowen me, for now a while ago Y speke criynge wickidnesse, and Y criede distriynge. And the word of the Lord is maad to me in to schenschip, and in to scorn al dai.
9 Si mwen di: “Mwen p ap sonje Li ankò, ni pale ankò nan non Li”, alò, anndan kè mwen vin kon yon dife k ap brile ki fèmen nan zo m. Mwen bouke kenbe l anndan m, mwen pa kapab.
And Y seide, Y schal not haue mynde on hym, and Y schal no more speke in his name. And the word of the Lord was maad, as fier swalynge in myn herte, and cloosid in my boonys; and Y failide, not suffryng to bere.
10 Paske mwen tande detripe nan zòrèy anpil moun: “Danje, danje toupatou! Denonse! Wi, annou denonse li!” Tout zanmi m ke m kon fè konfyans yo, k ap tann pou yo wè lè mwen tonbe, ap di: “Petèt nou ka mennen l, pou nou ka vin enpoze nou sou li e konsa, nou va pran vanjans sou li.”
For Y herde dispisyngis of many men, and drede in cumpas, Pursue ye, and pursue we hym, of alle men that weren pesible to me, and kepynge my side; if in ony maner he be disseyued, and we haue the maistrie ayens hym, and gete veniaunce of hym.
11 Men SENYÈ a avè m kon yon ewo fewòs. Akoz sa, pèsekitè mwen yo va tonbe vin fè bak. Yo p ap reyisi. Yo va wont nèt akoz yo fè fayit, ak yon wont ki p ap janm pase, ki p ap janm bliye.
Forsothe the Lord as a stronge werriour is with me, therfor thei that pursuen me schulen falle, and schulen be sijk; and thei schulen be schent greetli, for thei vndurstoden not euerlastynge schenschip, that schal neuere be don awei.
12 Sepandan, O SENYÈ dèzame yo, Ou menm ki sonde moun dwat yo, ki wè panse ak kè a; kite mwen wè vanjans Ou sou yo; paske a Ou menm, mwen te konfye ka m nan.
And thou, Lord of oostis, the preuere of a iust man, which seest the reynes and herte, Y biseche, se Y thi veniaunce of hem; for Y haue schewid my cause to thee.
13 Chante a SENYÈ a, louwe SENYÈ a! Paske Li te delivre nanm a malere a soti nan men a malfektè yo.
Synge ye to the Lord, herie ye the Lord, for he delyueride the soule of a pore man fro the hond of yuel men.
14 Kite jou ke mwen te fèt la modi; kite jou ke manman m te akouche m nan vin pa beni!
Cursid be the dai where ynne Y was borun, the dai where ynne my modir childide me, be not blessid.
15 Kite nonm ki te mennen nouvèl kote papa m nan, ki te di: “Yon tigason te fèt a ou menm,” e ki te fè l byen kontan an, vin modi.
Cursid be the man, that telde to my fadir, and seide, A knaue child is borun to thee, and made hym glad as with ioye.
16 Men kite nonm sa a vin kon gwo vil ke SENYÈ a te kraze nèt san pitye. Kite li tande gwo kri nan granmmaten ak kri “Anmwey” a midi,
Thilke man be as the citees ben, whiche the Lord distriede, and it repentide not hym;
17 akoz li pa t touye m avan mwen te fèt, pou manman m ta ka sèvi kon tonbo a pou vant li rete ansent pou tout tan.
he that killide not me fro the wombe, here cry eerli, and yellynge in the tyme of myddai; that my modir were a sepulcre to me, and hir wombe were euerlastinge conseyuyng.
18 Poukisa mwen te janm sòti nan vant, pou m ta gade twoub ak tristès, pou jou m yo ta pase nan wont?
Whi yede Y out of the wombe, that Y schulde se trauel and sorewe, and that mi daies schulen be waastid in schenschipe?

< Jeremi 20 >