< Ezayi 30 >

1 “Malè a pitit k ap fè rebèl yo”, deklare SENYÈ a: “Sila ki resevwa konsèy, men ki pa pa M; ki fè yon alyans, men pa nan Lespri pa M, pou ogmante peche sou peche;
“Woe to the rebellious children”, says the LORD, “who take counsel, but not from me; and who make an alliance, but not with my Spirit, that they may add sin to sin;
2 ki fè wout desann an Égypte san konsilte Mwen, pou yo ka fè azil, pou Farawon bay yo sekirite, e pou yo chache pwotèj nan lonbraj Égypte!
who set out to go down into Egypt without asking for my advice, to strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh, and to take refuge in the shadow of Egypt!
3 Akoz sa, sekirite Farawon va vin wont nou, e pwotèj nan lonbraj Égypte la va fè imilyasyon nou.
Therefore the strength of Pharaoh will be your shame, and the refuge in the shadow of Egypt your confusion.
4 Paske prens pa yo se nan Tsoan e anbasadè pa yo vin parèt nan Hanès.
For their princes are at Zoan, and their ambassadors have come to Hanes.
5 Tout moun va vin wont akoz yon pèp ki p ap ka bay yo okenn avantaj, ni pou sekou, ni pou pwofi, men pou wont, e anplis, pou repwòch.”
They shall all be ashamed because of a people that cannot profit them, that are not a help nor profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.”
6 Pwofesi konsènan bèt nan dezè Midi yo. Atravè yon peyi gwo twoub ak gwo doulè, ladan ki sòti manman lyon ak lyon an, vipè ak sèpan volan an; yo pote gwo kantite byen yo sou do jenn bourik, e trezò yo sou do chamo, pou rive kote yon pèp ki pa kapab bay yo okenn avantaj.
The burden of the animals of the South. Through the land of trouble and anguish, of the lioness and the lion, the viper and fiery flying serpent, they carry their riches on the shoulders of young donkeys, and their treasures on the humps of camels, to an unprofitable people.
7 Paske sekou Égypte, se vanite san rezilta. Akoz sa, Mwen te rele li Rahab ki kanpe janm.
For Egypt helps in vain, and to no purpose; therefore I have called her Rahab who sits still.
8 Koulye a, ale, ekri li sou yon adwaz devan yo, e enskri li sou yon woulo papye pou l ka sèvi nan tan k ap vini yo. Konsa la sèvi yon temwen jis pou tout tan.
Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and inscribe it in a book, that it may be for the time to come forever and ever.
9 Paske sa se yon pèp rebèl, fis manti, fis ki refize koute enstriksyon SENYÈ a;
For it is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the LORD’s law;
10 ki di a konseye yo, “Ou pa dwe wè vizyon”, epi a pwofèt yo, “Ou pa dwe pwofetize a nou menm sa ki dwat. Pale nou bèl pawòl dous, pwofetize ilizyon.
who tell the seers, “Do not see!” and the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things. Tell us pleasant things. Prophesy deceits.
11 Sòti nan wout la, vire sou kote chemen an. Pa kite nou tande menm ankò afè a Sila Ki Sen an Israël la.”
Get out of the way. Turn away from the path. Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.”
12 Akoz sa, konsa pale Sila Ki Sen an Israël la: “Akoz nou te rejte pawòl sa a, e te mete konfyans nou nan opresyon ak desepsyon, e te depann de yo,
Therefore the Holy One of Israel says, “Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and rely on it,
13 akoz sa, inikite sa a va pou nou kon yon gwo brèch nan miray ki prèt pou tonbe a, yon gwo pati k ap souke nan yon miray ki wo, ki ka pete tonbe sibitman, nan yon enstan.
therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose breaking comes suddenly in an instant.
14 Lè l vin kraze, l ap tankou po a mèt kanari a, ki tèlman kraze ak vyolans ke yon mòso cha p ap ka twouve pami mòso yo, ki ta ka menm pote dife sòti nan founo a, oswa kenbe dlo ki sòti nan sitèn nan.”
He will break it as a potter’s vessel is broken, breaking it in pieces without sparing, so that there will not be found among the broken pieces a piece good enough to take fire from the hearth, or to dip up water out of the cistern.”
15 Paske konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a, sèl Sila Ki Sen an Israël la te di: “Nan repantans ak repo, nou va sove. Nan kalm ak konfyans, fòs nou ye.” Men nou pa t vle.
For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, “You will be saved in returning and rest. Your strength will be in quietness and in confidence.” You refused,
16 Nou te di: “Non, paske nou va sove ale sou cheval”. Akoz sa, nou va sove ale! “Nou va sove ale ak tout vitès”. Konsa, sila ki kouri dèyè ou va vini byen rapid.
but you said, “No, for we will flee on horses;” therefore you will flee; and, “We will ride on the swift;” therefore those who pursue you will be swift.
17 Mil moun va sove ale menase pa yon sèl moun. Nou va sove ale sou menas a senk moun, jiskaske nou vin lage tankou yon drapo sou yon do mòn; tankou yon siyal k ap limen sou yon kolin.
One thousand will flee at the threat of one. At the threat of five, you will flee until you are left like a beacon on the top of a mountain, and like a banner on a hill.
18 Konsa, SENYÈ a ap tan. Li vle fè nou gras pou Li kapab egzalte, pou Li kapab fè nou mizerikòd. Paske SENYÈ a se yon Bondye de jistis. A la beni tout sila k ap tan Li yo beni!
Therefore the LORD will wait, that he may be gracious to you; and therefore he will be exalted, that he may have mercy on you, for the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for him.
19 Paske moun yo va rete nan Sion, nan Jérusalem. Nou p ap kriye ankò. Anverite Li va fè nou gras lè L tande vwa kriye nou. Lè L tande l, Li va reponn nou.
For the people will dwell in Zion at Jerusalem. You will weep no more. He will surely be gracious to you at the voice of your cry. When he hears you, he will answer you.
20 Sepandan, Senyè a te bay nou pen advèsite, ak dlo lafliksyon, malgre, pwofesè nou yo, p ap kache tèt yo ankò, men zye nou va wè pwofesè nou yo.
Though the Lord may give you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, yet your teachers will not be hidden any more, but your eyes will see your teachers;
21 Nenpòt lè ou vire adwat oswa agoch, zorèy nou va tande yon pawòl dèyè nou: “Sa se chemen an, mache ladann”.
and when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way. Walk in it.”
22 Nou va kraze jete limaj taye nou yo ki kouvri ak yon kouch ajàn, ak limaj an lò fon yo. Nou va gaye yo tankou bagay sal. Nou va di yo: “Retire ou la!”
You shall defile the overlaying of your engraved images of silver, and the plating of your molten images of gold. You shall cast them away as an unclean thing. You shall tell it, “Go away!”
23 Epi Li va bay lapli pou grenn semans ke ou simen nan tè a, ak pen ki soti nan rekòlt tè a. Li va bon e li va anpil. Nan jou sa a, bèt nou yo va manje nan yon patiraj byen laj.
He will give the rain for your seed, with which you will sow the ground; and bread of the increase of the ground will be rich and plentiful. In that day, your livestock will feed in large pastures.
24 Anplis, bèf ak bourik ki travay latè yo va manje yon manje bon gou, ki te vannen ak pèl ak fouchèt.
The oxen likewise and the young donkeys that till the ground will eat savory feed, which has been winnowed with the shovel and with the fork.
25 Sou chak mòn ki wo ak chak kolin, va gen sous ki kouri ak dlo nan jou gwo masak la lè fò yo vin tonbe.
There will be brooks and streams of water on every lofty mountain and on every high hill in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.
26 Limyè lalin nan va tankou limyè solèy la, e limyè solèy la va sèt fwa pi klere tankou limyè ki pou sèt jou, nan jou ke SENYÈ a geri frakti a pèp Li a e panse blesi ki te frape yo.
Moreover the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD binds up the fracture of his people, and heals the wound they were struck with.
27 Gade byen, non a SENYÈ a sòti yon kote byen lwen. Lakòlè Li plen chalè ak lafimen k ap monte byen pwès. Lèv Li plen ak gwo kòlè e lang Li tankou yon dife k ap brile tout bagay.
Behold, the LORD’s name comes from far away, burning with his anger, and in thick rising smoke. His lips are full of indignation. His tongue is as a devouring fire.
28 Souf Li tankou yon flèv k ap debòde, ki rive jis nan kou, pou souke nasyon yo. L ap fè yo ale retou nan yon paswa destriksyon. Yon brid ki mennen nan destriksyon an va plase nan bouch a pèp yo.
His breath is as an overflowing stream that reaches even to the neck, to sift the nations with the sieve of destruction. A bridle that leads to ruin will be in the jaws of the peoples.
29 Konsa, nou va chante tankou nan lannwit la, tankou lè nou rete nan fèt ak kè kontan, tankou lè yon moun ap mache sou son a flit, pou ale nan mòn SENYÈ a, Wòch Israël la.
You will have a song, as in the night when a holy feast is kept, and gladness of heart, as when one goes with a flute to come to the LORD’s mountain, to Israel’s Rock.
30 SENYÈ a va fè yo tande vwa otorite Li, bra Li k ap desann ak gwo kòlè, nan flanm dife k ap brile tout bagay la, nan nwaj k ap pete ak gwo lapli ak lagrèl yo.
The LORD will cause his glorious voice to be heard, and will show the descent of his arm, with the indignation of his anger and the flame of a devouring fire, with a blast, storm, and hailstones.
31 Paske ak vwa SENYÈ a, Assyrie va vin etone nèt. L ap vin frape ak baton.
For through the LORD’s voice the Assyrian will be dismayed. He will strike him with his rod.
32 Chak kout baton pinisyon ke SENYÈ a mete sou li, va fèt ak mizik a tanbouren ak gita. Li va fè batay ak yo. L ap rale tout zam yo parèt. Li va goumen kont yo.
Every stroke of the rod of punishment, which the LORD will lay on him, will be with the sound of tambourines and harps. He will fight with them in battles, brandishing weapons.
33 Paske plas pou brile a te prepare depi lontan. Anverite, li te prepare pou wa a. Li te fè l fon e laj, yon boukan ak anpil bwa. Se souf SENYÈ a, tankou yon tòran souf k ap limen dife sou li.
For his burning place has long been ready. Yes, it is prepared for the king. He has made its pyre deep and large with fire and much wood. The LORD’s breath, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.

< Ezayi 30 >