< Ezayi 13 >

1 Pwofesi konsènan Babylon ke Ésaïe, fis a Amots la, te wè a.
The burden of Babylon that Isaiah son of Amoz has seen:
2 Leve yon drapo sou mòn toutouni an! Leve vwa nou vè yo! Fè sign ak men pou yo ka antre nan pòt a prens yo!
“Lift up an ensign on a high mountain, Raise the voice to them, wave the hand, And they go into the openings of nobles.
3 Mwen te pase lòd anvè konsakre Mwen yo; menm gran gèrye Mwen yo. Mwen te rele sila ki rejwi nan pwisans Mwen yo, pou egzekite kòlè Mwen.
I have given charge to My sanctified ones, Also I have called My mighty ones for My anger, Those rejoicing at My excellence.”
4 Yon bri a gwo zen sou mòn yo, tankou bri anpil moun! Yon son a gwo bri nan wayòm yo; son a nasyon yo ki vin rasanble ansanm! SENYÈ dèzame yo ap rasanble lame a pou batay.
A voice of a multitude in the mountains, A likeness of a numerous people, A voice of noise from the kingdoms of nations who are gathered, YHWH of Hosts inspecting a host of battle!
5 Yo sòti nan yon peyi byen lwen, soti nan ekstremite pi lwen yo, SENYÈ a avèk zouti a gwo kòlè Li yo, pou detwi tout peyi a.
They are coming in from a far-off land, From the end of the heavens, YHWH and the instruments of His indignation, To destroy all the land.
6 Rele anmwey, paske jou SENYÈ a toupre! Li va rive tankou yon destriksyon k ap sòti nan Toupwisan an.
Howl, for the Day of YHWH [is] near, It comes as destruction from the Mighty.
7 Akoz sa, tout men yo va tonbe san fòs e kè a tout moun va fann.
Therefore, all hands fail, And every heart of man melts.
8 Y ap vin pè anpil; doulè ak gwo lapèn va sezi yo nèt. Yo va vire tòde tankou fanm k ap akouche; youn va gade lòt ak sezisman. Figi yo k ap fè flanm dife.
And they have been troubled, Pains and pangs take them, They are pained as a travailing woman, A man marvels at his friend, The appearance of flames—their faces!
9 Gade byen, jou SENYÈ a ap vini, byen sovaj ak gwo kòlè tèrib; kòlè k ap brile pou fè peyi a dezole! Li va ekstèmine pechè ki sou li yo.
Behold, the Day of YHWH comes, Fierce, with wrath, and heat of anger, To make the land become a desolation, Indeed, He destroys its sinning ones from it.
10 Konsa, zetwal syèl yo ak fòmasyon yo p ap bay limyè yo. Solèy la va nwa lè l leve e lalin nan p ap bay limyè li.
For the stars of the heavens, and their constellations, Do not cause their light to shine, The sun has been darkened in its going out, And the moon does not cause its light to come forth.
11 Konsa Mwen va pini mond lan pou mechanste li ak mechan yo pou inikite yo. Mwen va mete fen ak awogans moun ògeye e desann awogans a sila ki san pitye a.
“And I have appointed evil on the world, And on the wicked their iniquity, And have caused the excellence of the proud to cease, And I make the excellence of the terrible low.
12 Mwen va fè lòm mòtèl la vin pi ra pase lò san tach, e limanite ke lò Ophir.
I make man more rare than fine gold, And a common man than pure gold of Ophir.
13 Pou sa, Mwen va fè syèl yo tranble e latè va fin souke jiskaske li kite plas li nan kòlè a SENYÈ dèzame yo nan jou kòlè Li k ap anflame a.
Therefore I cause the heavens to tremble, And the earth shakes from its place, In the wrath of YHWH of Hosts, And in a day of the heat of His anger.
14 Konsa li va rive ke menm tankou yon antilop k ap chase, oswa mouton san moun pou rasanble yo, yo chak va vire vè pwòp pèp yo, e yo chak va sove ale rive nan pwòp peyi yo.
And it has been, as a roe driven away, And as a flock that has no gatherer, Each to his people—they turn, And each to his land—they flee.
15 Nenpòt moun yo rankontre, yo va frennen touye nèt, e nenpòt moun ke yo kaptire, va mouri pa nepe.
Everyone who is found is thrust through, And everyone who is added falls by sword.
16 Timoun piti pa yo, anplis, va kraze an mòso devan zye yo. Lakay yo va piyaje e madanm yo va vyole.
And their sucklings are dashed to pieces before their eyes, Their houses are spoiled, and their wives lain with.
17 Gade byen, Mwen va fè Mèdes leve kont yo; kont sila ki p ap bay ajan valè yo, ni pran plezi nan lò yo.
Behold, I am stirring up the Medes against them, Who do not esteem silver, And gold—they do not delight in it.
18 Banza yo va koupe jennonm yo tankou zèb; yo p ap menm gen konpasyon pou fwi zantray la, ni zye yo p ap fè pitye pou timoun.
And bows dash young men to pieces, And they do not pity the fruit of the womb, Their eye has no pity on sons.
19 Konsa, Babylon bèlte a wayòm yo, glwa ak ògèy a Kaldeyen yo, va tankou lè ke Bondye te boulvèse Sodome ak Gomorrhe a.
And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, The glory, the excellence of the Chaldeans, Has been as overthrown by God, With Sodom and with Gomorrah.
20 Li p ap janm abite ankò, ni pèsòn p ap viv ladann soti nan yon jenerasyon a yon lòt. Arab la p ap monte tant li la, ni bèje yo p ap fè twoupo yo kouche la.
She does not sit forever, Nor continue to many generations, Nor does Arab pitch tent there, And shepherds do not lie down there.
21 Men se bèt sovaj dezè ki va kouche la, e lakay yo va plen jakal. Anplis, otrich va viv la e kabrit mawon k ap vòltije la.
And desert-dwellers have lain down there, And their houses have been full of howlers, And daughters of an ostrich have dwelt there, And goats skip there.
22 Chat mawon va plenyen nan fò ki wo yo, e jakal yo nan bèl palè yo. Move lè pa li a va rive ase vit e jou li yo p ap pwolonje.
And howlers—he has responded in his forsaken habitations, And dragons in palaces of delight, And her time [is] near to come, And her days are not drawn out!”

< Ezayi 13 >