< Jenèz 26 >

1 Alò, te gen yon gwo grangou nan peyi a, ki te fèt apre gwo grangou ki te fèt nan jou Abraham yo. Isaac te ale Guérar vè Abimélec, wa Filisten yo.
And there fell a derth in ye lande passinge the first derth yt fell in the dayes of Abraham. Wherfore Isaac went vnto Abimelech kinge of ye Philistias vnto Gerar.
2 Senyè a te parèt a li menm e te di: “Pa desann an Égypte. Rete nan peyi ke Mwen va montre ou a.
The the LORde apeared vnto him and sayde goo not doune in to Egipte but byde in ye land which I saye vnto ye:
3 Rete pou yon tan nan peyi sa a, Mwen va avèk ou, e Mwen va beni ou, paske a ou menm ak desandan ou yo, Mwen va bay tout peyi sa yo, e Mwen va etabli sèman ke Mwen te sèmante a papa ou a, Abraham.
Sogeorne in this lade and I wyll be with ye and wyll blesse ye: for vnto the and vnto thy sede I will geue all these cotreis And I will performe the oothe which I swore vnto Abraha thy father
4 “Mwen va miltipliye desandan ou yo tankou zetwal nan syèl la, e va bay tout tè sa yo a desandan ou yo. E nan desandan ou yo, tout nasyon latè yo va beni,
and will multiplye thy seed as ye starres of heave and will geue vnto thy seed all these contreis. And thorow thy seed shall all the natios of the erth be blessed
5 akoz Abraham te obeyi Mwen, e kenbe chaj Mwen, Kòmandman Mwen yo, règleman Mwen yo, avèk lwa Mwen yo.”
because yt Abraha harkened vnto mi voyce and kepte mine ordinauces comaudmetes statutes and lawes
6 Konsa, Isaac te viv Guérar.
And Isaac dwelled in Gerar.
7 Lè mesye yo nan plas la te mande li de madanm li, li te di: “Li se sè mwen,” paske li te pè pou di “madanm mwen” akoz li te panse: “mesye yo nan zòn sa a ta kapab touye mwen pou Rebecca, paske li bèl.”
And yt me of the place asked hi of his wife and he sayde yt she was his sister: for he feared to calle her his wife lest the me of the place shulde haue kylled hym for hir sake because she was bewtyfull to ye eye.
8 Li te rive lè li te rete la pandan anpil tan, ke Abimélec, wa Filisten yo t ap gade nan yon fenèt, e gade, li te wè Isaac ki t ap karese madanm li, Rebecca.
And it happened after he had bene there longe tyme yt Abimelech kinge of ye Philistias loked out at a wyndow and sawe Isaac sportinge with Rebecca his wife.
9 Alò, Abimélec te rele Isaac e te di: “Gade sa, vrèman li se madanm ou! Kòman ou te fè di mwen: ‘Li se sè mwen’”? Isaac te di li: “Akoz ke mwen te di: ‘Mwen ta kapab mouri akoz li.’”
And Abimelech sende for Isaac and sayde: se she is of a suertie thi wife and why saydest thou yt she was thi sister? And Isaac saide vnto hi: I thoughte yt I mighte peradventure haue dyed for hir sake.
10 Abimélec te di: “Kisa ke ou te fè nou la a? Yon moun nan pèp la ta kapab fasilman vin kouche avèk madanm ou, e ou t ap fè nou vin koupab pou peche sa a.”
The fayde Abimelech: whi hast thou done this vnto vs? one of ye people myght lightely haue lyne by thy wife and so shuldest thou haue broughte synne vpon vs
11 Konsa, Abimélec te bay tout pèp la lòd, e te di: “Moun ki touche mesye sa a, oswa madanm li, asireman va mete a lanmò.”
Tha Abimelech charged all his people saynge: he yt toucheth this man or his wife shall surely dye for it.
12 Alò, Isaac te simen nan peyi sa a, e li te rekòlte nan menm ane a san fwa. Senyè a te beni li.
And Isaac sowed in yt lade and founde in ye same yere an hudred bushels: for ye LORde blessed hi
13 Mesye a te vin rich e li te kontinye vin pi rich jiskaske li te vin ranmase anpil gwo richès.
and the man waxed mightye and wet forth and grewe till he was exceadinge great
14 Li te posede anpil bann mouton, twoupo avèk anpil chan bèt, jiskaske Filisten yo te vin anvi li.
yt he had possessio of shepe of oxe and a myghtie housholde: so yt the Philestians had envy at him:
15 Alò, tout pwi ke sèvitè a papa li yo te fouye nan jou Abraham yo, papa li, Filisten yo te bouche lè yo te ranpli yo avèk tè.
In so moch yt they stopped and fylled vp with erth all the welles which his fathers servauntes dygged in his father Abrahams tyme.
16 Alò, Abimélec te di a Isaac: “Kite nou, paske ou twò fò pou nou.”
Than sayde Abimelech vnto Isaac: gett the fro me for thou art myhhtier then we a greate deale.
17 Konsa, Isaac te pati la. Li te vin rete nan vale Guérar a, e li te fè anplasman la.
Than Isaac departed thense and pitched his tente in the valey Gerar and dwelt there,
18 Isaac te fouye pwi yo ankò, pwi ki te fouye nan jou papa li yo, Abraham, paske Filisten yo te bouche yo apre mò Abraham nan. Epi li te bay yo menm non ke papa li te bay yo.
And Isaac digged agayne the welles of water which they dygged in the dayes of Abraha his father which the Philestias had stoppe after ye deth of Abraha and gaue the the same names which hys father gaue the.
19 Men lè sèvitè Isaac yo te fouye nan vale a, e te twouve la yon pwi dlo ki t ap boujonnen,
As Isaacs seruautes dygged in the valey they founde a well of springynge water.
20 bèje Guérar yo te goumen avèk bèje Isaac yo e te di: “Dlo a se pa nou!” Alò, li te nonmen pwi a Ések akoz ke yo te fè kont ak li.
And the herdme of Gerar dyd stryue with Isaacs herdme saynge: the water is oures Than called he the well Eseck because they stroue with hym.
21 Yo te fouye yon lòt pwi, yo te goumen sou sila a tou e li te nonmen li Sitna.
Than dygged they another well and they stroue for yt also. Therfore called he it Sitena.
22 Li te deplase la, li te fouye yon lòt pwi, e yo pa t goumen sou li. Li te bay li non a Rehoboth, paske li te di: “Koulye a, Bondye vin bannou plas, e nou va rekòlte anpil fwi nan peyi a.”
And than he departed these and dygged a nother well for the which they stroue not: therfore called he it Rehoboth saige: ye LORde hath now made vs rowme and we are encreased vpo the erth.
23 Alò, li te kite la pou monte Beer-Schéba.
Afterward departed he thece and came to Berseba
24 SENYÈ a te parèt a li menm nan nwit lan, e te di: “Mwen se Bondye a papa ou, Abraham. Pa pè, paske Mwen avè w. Mwen va beni ou, e Mwen va fè desandan ou yo miltipliye pou koz a sèvitè Mwen an, Abraham.”
And the LORde apered vnto hi the same nyghte and sayde. I am the God of Abraha thy father feare not for I am with the and will blesse the and multiplye thy sede for my seruaute Abrahams sake.
25 Konsa, li te bati yon lotèl la, li te rele non SENYÈ a, e te monte tant li la. La sèvitè Isaac yo te fouye yon pwi.
And than he buylded an aulter there and called vpo the name of the LORde and there pitched his tente. And there Isaacs servauntes dygged a well.
26 Alò, Abimélec te vin kote li soti Guérar, avèk konseye li, Ahuzath, avèk Picol, kòmandan lame a.
Than came Abimelech to him fro Gerar and Ahusath his frende and Phicol his chefe captayne.
27 Isaac te di yo: “Poukisa nou vin kote m, kòmsi nou rayi mwen, e te pouse mwen lwen nou?”
And Isaac sayde vnto the: wherfore come ye to me seige ye hate me and haue put me awaye fro you?
28 Yo te di: “Nou wè byen klè ke SENYÈ a te avèk ou. Alò, nou te di: ‘Annou fè yon sèman antre nou menm, e kite nou fè yon akò avèk ou,
Than sayde they: we sawe that the LORde was with the and therfore we sayde that there shulde be an oothe betwixte vs ad the and that we wolde make a bonde with the:
29 ke ou p ap fè nou okenn mal, menm jan ke nou pa t touche ou, nou pa t fè ou anyen sof ke byen, e w ap voye nou ale anpè.’ Koulye a, ou se beni a SENYÈ a.”
yt thou shuldeste do vs no hurte as we haue not touched the and haue done vnto the nothinge but good and sed the awaye in peace: for thou art now the blessed of the LORde.
30 Alò, li te fè yon gwo fèt manje pou yo, yo te manje e bwè.
And he made the a feast and they ate ad droke.
31 Nan maten, yo te leve bonè. Yo te sèmante a youn lòt, epi Isaac te voye yo ale kite li anpè.
And they rose vp by tymes in the mornynge and sware one to another. And Isaac sent the awaye. And they departed from him in peace.
32 Li te vin rive nan menm jou a, ke sèvitè Isaac yo te antre e te avèti li de yon pwi ke yo te fouye. Yo te di li: “Nou gen tan twouve dlo.”
And ye same daye came Isaacs servautes and tolde hi of a well which they had dygged: and sayde vnto hi that thei had founde water.
33 Konsa, li te rele li Schiba, akoz sa yo rele vil la Beer-Schéba jis rive jodi a.
And he called it Seba wherfore the name of the cyte is called Berseba vnto this daye.
34 Lè Ésaü te gen karant ane, li te marye avèk Judith, fi Béeri a, Etyen an, e Basmath, fi a Elon an, Etyen an.
When Esau was. xl. yere olde he toke to wyfe Judith the doughter of Bely an Hethite and Busmath the doughter of Elon an Hethite
35 Yo te mennen traka pou twouble Isaac avèk Rebecca.
also which were dishobedient vnto Isaac and Rebecca.

< Jenèz 26 >