< Ezekyèl 2 >

1 Li te di mwen: “Fis a lòm, kanpe sou pye ou pou m ka pale avèk ou!”
His appearance [was] of the likeness of the glory of YHWH, and I see, and fall on my face, and I hear a voice speaking, and He says to me, “Son of man, stand on your feet, and I speak with you.”
2 Pandan Li t ap pale ak mwen an, Lespri a te antre nan mwen. Li te mete mwen sou pye mwen, epi mwen te tande Li pale ak mwen.
And [the] Spirit comes into me when He has spoken to me, and causes me to stand on my feet, and I hear Him who is speaking to me.
3 Li te di m: “Fis a lòm, Mwen ap voye ou kote fis Israël yo, a yon pèp rebèl ki te fè rebèl kont Mwen. Yo menm ak papa zansèt yo te transgrese kont Mwen jis rive jodi a.
And He says to me, “Son of man, I am sending you to the sons of Israel, to rebelling nations who have rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me, to this very day.
4 M ap voye ou kote sila yo ki angran, ki gen tèt di. Ou va di yo: ‘Konsa pale Senyè BONDYE a.’
And the sons [are] brazen-faced and hard-hearted to whom I am sending you, and you have said to them: Thus said Lord YHWH.
5 Pou yo menm, menm si yo koute oswa pa koute—paske se kay rebèl ke yo ye—yo va konnen ke yon pwofèt te pami yo.
And they—whether they hear, or whether they refrain, for they [are] a house of rebellion—have known that a prophet has been in their midst.
6 Epi ou menm, fis a lòm, pa krent yo ni krent pawòl yo, malgre pikan ak zepin avèk ou, e malgre ou chita pami eskòpyon yo. Ni pa krent pawòl yo, ni twouble nan prezans yo, paske se yon kay rebèl ke yo ye.
And you, son of man, you are not afraid of them, indeed, you are not afraid of their words, for briers and thorns are with you, and you are dwelling near scorpions, you are not afraid of their words, and you are not frightened of their faces, for they [are] a house of rebellion,
7 Men ou va pale pawòl Mwen yo avèk yo, menm si yo koute oswa yo pa koute, paske se rebèl yo ye.
and you have spoken My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refrain, for they [are] a rebellion.
8 Alò, ou menm, fis a lòm, koute sa ke M ap pale ou a. Pa vin fè rebèl tankou kay rebèl sila a. Ouvri bouch ou pou manje sa ke M ap bay ou a.”
And you, son of man, hear that which I am speaking to you; do not be of rebellion like the house of rebellion, open your mouth and eat that which I am giving to you.”
9 Konsa, mwen te gade e gade byen, yon men te lonje vè mwen menm. Epi alò, yon woulo liv te ladann.
And I look, and behold, a hand [is] sent forth to me, and behold, a roll of a scroll [is] in it,
10 Lè L te louvri li devan mwen, li te ekri ni pa devan ni pa dèyè, e ekri sou li, se te lamantasyon, doulè ak mizè.
and He spreads it before me, and it is written in front and behind, and written on it [are] lamentations, and mourning, and woe!

< Ezekyèl 2 >