< Egzòd 4 >

1 Moïse te di: “Men kisa si yo pa kwè m, ni koute sa ke mwen di a?” Paske yo ka petèt di: “SENYÈ a pa t parèt kote ou.”
Moses answered, "But, look, they will not believe me, nor listen to my voice; for they will say, 'God has not appeared to you.'"
2 SENYÈ a te di li: “Kisa sa ye nan men ou la a?” Epi li te di: “Yon baton.”
The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" He said, "A staff."
3 Li te di: “Jete l atè.” Moïse te jete l atè, e li te vin tounen yon sèpan; epi Moïse te kouri kite l.
He said, "Throw it on the ground." He threw it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses ran away from it.
4 Men SENYÈ a te di a Moïse: “Lonje men ou e kenbe l nan ke l.” Li te lonje men l, li te kenbe l nan ke l, e li te tounen yon baton nan men li.
The LORD said to Moses, "Put forth your hand, and take it by the tail." He put forth his hand, and laid hold of it, and it became a staff in his hand.
5 “Pou yo ta kapab kwè ke SENYÈ a, Bondye Abraham nan, Bondye Isaac la, ak Bondye Jacob la te parèt a ou.”
"That they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."
6 SENYÈ a anplis te di l: “Alò, fouye men ou antre kot kè ou.” Konsa, li te mete men l anndan sou kè li, e lè l te rale l deyò, li te devni lèp tankou lanèj.
The LORD said furthermore to him, "Now put your hand inside your cloak." He put his hand inside his cloak, and when he took it out, look, his hand was leprous, as white as snow.
7 Li te di l: “Mete men ou antre kot kè ou ankò.” Li te mete men l antre kot kè l ankò, e lè l te rale l, konsa, li te vin nèf tankou rès chè li.
He said, "Put your hand inside your cloak again." He put his hand inside his cloak again, and when he took it out of his cloak, look, it had turned again as his other flesh.
8 “Si yo pa kwè ou ni resevwa temwayaj premye sign lan, yo ka petèt kwè temwayaj dènye sign lan.
"It will happen, if they will neither believe you nor listen to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.
9 Men si yo pa kwè menm de sign sa yo ni koute sa ou di a, alò, ou va pran kèk dlo nan lariviyè Nil lan, e vide li sou tè sèch la; epi dlo ke ou pran nan Nil lan va vin tounen san sou tè sèch la.”
It will happen, if they will not believe even these two signs, neither listen to your voice, that you shall take of the water of the river, and pour it on the dry land. The water which you take out of the river will become blood on the dry land."
10 Moïse te di a SENYÈ a: “Souple, SENYÈ, mwen pa t janm yon moun ki fò nan pale, ni nan tan sa a, ni nan tan pase, ni depi Ou te pale a Sèvitè ou a, paske mwen lan nan pale, e mwen lan nan langaj.”
Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before now, nor since you have spoken to your servant; for I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue."
11 SENYÈ a te di li: “Kilès ki te fè bouch a lòm? Oswa kilès ki te fè l bebe, (oswa) soud, oswa pou l wè oswa pou li pa wè. Èske se pa Mwen, SENYÈ a?
The LORD said to him, "Who made man's mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Is it not I, God?
12 Alò ale, e Mwen menm, Mwen va avèk bouch ou, pou enstwi ou nan kisa ou gen pou di.”
Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth, and teach you what you shall speak."
13 Men li te di: “Souple, Senyè, koulye a voye mesaj la pa nenpòt lòt moun ke ou pito.”
He said, "Oh, Lord, please send someone else."
14 Konsa, lakòlè SENYÈ a te brile kont Moïse, e Li te di: “Èske pa gen frè ou a, Aaron, Levit la? Mwen konnen ke li konn pale avèk fasilite. E anplis de sa, gade, l ap vin rankontre ou. Lè li wè ou, kè li va kontan.
The anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses, and he said, "What about Aaron, your brother, the Levite? I know that he can speak well. Also, look, he comes forth to meet you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.
15 “Ou gen pou pale avèk li, e mete pawòl yo nan bouch li. Mwen va avèk bouch pa w ak bouch pa l, e Mwen va enstwi ou kisa ou gen pou fè.
You shall speak to him, and put the words in his mouth. I will be with your mouth, and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do.
16 “Anplis de sa, li va pale a pèp la pou ou. Li va tankou bouch ou, e ou va tankou Bondye pou li.
He will be your spokesman to the people; and it will happen, that he will be to you a mouth, and you will be to him as God.
17 Ou va pran nan men ou baton sila a; avèk li ou va fè sign yo.”
You shall take this staff in your hand, with which you shall do the signs."
18 Konsa, Moïse te pati e te retounen vè Jéthro, bòpè li a. Li te di li: “Souple, kite mwen ale pou mwen kapab retounen bò kote frè m yo an Égypte, pou wè si yo toujou vivan.” Jéthro te di a Moïse: “Ale anpè.”
Moses went and returned to Jethro his father-in-law, and said to him, "Please let me go and return to my brothers who are in Egypt, and see whether they are still alive." Jethro said to Moses, "Go in peace."
19 Alò SENYÈ a te di a Moïse nan Madian: “Ale retounen an Égypte, paske tout mesye ki t ap chache lavi ou yo gen tan mouri.”
The LORD said to Moses in Midian, "Go, return into Egypt; for all the men who sought your life are dead."
20 Moïse te pran madanm li avèk fis li yo; yo te monte sou yon bourik e yo te retounen nan peyi Égypte la. Anplis, Moïse te pran baton Bondye a nan men l.
Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them on a donkey, and he returned to the land of Egypt. Moses took God's staff in his hand.
21 SENYÈ a te di a Moïse: “Lè ou retounen an Égypte, fè byen si ke ou fè tout mèvèy yo devan Farawon ke M te bay ou pouvwa fè yo. Men Mwen va fè kè l di pou li pa kite pèp la ale.
The LORD said to Moses, "When you go back into Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the wonders which I have put in your hand, but I will harden his heart and he will not let the people go.
22 Ou va di a Farawon: ‘Men kijan SENYÈ a pale: Israël se fis Mwen, premye ne Mwen an.
You shall tell Pharaoh, 'Thus says the LORD, Israel is my son, my firstborn,
23 Epi Mwen te di ou: Kite fis Mwen an ale pou l kapab sèvi M, men ou te refize kite l ale. Gade byen, Mwen va touye fis ou a, premye ne pa w la.’”
and I have said to you, "Let my son go, that he may serve me;" and you have refused to let him go. Look, I will kill your son, your firstborn.'"
24 Alò li te vin rive ke nan plas lojman an sou wout la SENYÈ a te rankontre Moïse e Li te chache touye li.
It happened on the way at a lodging place, that the LORD met him and wanted to kill him.
25 Konsa, Séphora te pran yon kouto wòch silèks, li te koupe prepis a fis li a; li te jete li devan pye a Moïse, e te di li: “Ou vrèman se yon mari pa san pou mwen menm.”
Then Zipporah took a flint, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet; and she said, "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me."
26 Epi li te kite li anpè. Nan moman sa a, li te di: “Ou se yon mari pa san —akoz sikonsizyon an.”
So he let him alone. Then she said, "You are a bridegroom of blood," because of the circumcision.
27 Alò SENYÈ a te di a Aaron: “Ale rankontre Moïse nan dezè a.” Konsa li te ale rankontre li nan mòn Bondye a e te bo li.
The LORD said to Aaron, "Go into the wilderness to meet Moses." He went, and met him on God's mountain, and kissed him.
28 Moïse te di Aaron tout pawòl ke SENYÈ a te voye avèk li a, ak tout sign ke Li te bay li lòd fè yo.
Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD with which he had sent him, and all the signs with which he had instructed him.
29 Alò, Moïse avèk Aaron te ale e te reyini tout ansyen nan fis Israël yo.
Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the children of Israel.
30 Konsa, Aaron te pale tout mo ke SENYÈ a te pale bay Moïse yo. Epi li te fè tout sign yo devan zye a pèp la.
Aaron spoke all the words which God had spoken to Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people.
31 Alò pèp la te vin kwè, lè yo te tande ke SENYÈ a te gen kè pou fis Israël yo, e ke Li te vin wè afliksyon yo. Yo te bese ba, pou te adore Li.
The people believed, and when they heard that God had visited the children of Israel, and that he had seen their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshiped.

< Egzòd 4 >