< Eklezyas 5 >

1 Veye pa ou yo pandan w ap desann lakay Bondye a, e vin toupre pou koute olye ofri sakrifis a moun ensanse yo. Paske yo pa konnen ke se mal y ap fè.
Take heede to thy foote when thou entrest into the House of God, and be more neere to heare then to giue the sacrifice of fooles: for they knowe not that they doe euil.
2 Pa fè vit avèk pawòl ou, ni kouri twò vit pou soulve yon refleksyon devan prezans Bondye. Paske Bondye nan syèl la, e ou sou tè a; pou sa pa kite pawòl ou yo vin anpil.
Be not rash with thy mouth, nor let thine heart be hastie to vtter a thing before God: for God is in the heauens, and thou art on the earth: therefore let thy wordes be fewe.
3 Paske rèv la vin akonpli ak anpil travay; e vwa a yon moun ensanse, ak anpil pawòl.
For as a dreame commeth by the multitude of businesse: so the voyce of a foole is in the multitude of wordes.
4 Lè ou fè yon ve a Bondye, pa fè reta pou peye l; paske li pa pran plezi nan moun ki plen foli. Peye sa ou te pwomèt la!
When thou hast vowed a vowe to God, deferre not to pay it: for he deliteth not in fooles: pay therefore that thou hast vowed.
5 Li pi bon pou pa fè ve pase fè yon ve pou pa peye l.
It is better that thou shouldest not vowe, then that thou shouldest vow and not pay it.
6 Pa kite pawòl ou yo fè ou fè peche, e pa di nan prezans a mesaje Bondye a ke ou te mal pale. Poukisa Bondye ta dwe vin fache akoz vwa ou, e detwi tout zèv men ou yo?
Suffer not thy mouth to make thy flesh to sinne: neither say before the Angel, that this is ignorance: wherefore shall God bee angry by thy voyce, and destroy the worke of thine hands?
7 Paske nan fè anpil rèv ak nan anpil pawòl, gen yon gwo vid. Pito gen lakrent Bondye.
For in the multitude of dreames, and vanities are also many wordes: but feare thou God.
8 Si ou wè malere a vin oprime e pa gen lajistis nan pwovens yo, pa sezi lè ou wè l. Paske gen chèf sou chèf, e gen chèf pi wo sou yo.
If in a countrey thou seest the oppression of the poore, and the defrauding of iudgement and iustice, be not astonied at the matter: for hee that is higher then the highest, regardeth, and there be higher then they.
9 Apre tout bagay, yon wa ki kiltive latè se yon avantaj pou peyi a.
And the abundance of the earth is ouer all: the King also consisteth by the fielde that is tilled.
10 Sila ki renmen lajan an p ap satisfè ak lajan; ni sila ki renmen richès la ak sa li reyisi. Sa anplis se vanite.
He that loueth siluer, shall not be satisfied with siluer, and he that loueth riches, shalbe without the fruite thereof: this also is vanitie.
11 Lè bon bagay ogmante, sila ki manje yo ogmante. Konsa, pa gen lòt avantaj pou mèt yo, sof ke kanpe veye?
When goods increase, they are increased that eate them: and what good commeth to the owners thereof, but the beholding thereof with their eyes?
12 Dòmi a ouvriye a dous, kit li manje piti oswa anpil; men vant plen a moun rich la p ap kite l dòmi.
The sleepe of him that traueileth, is sweete, whether he eate litle or much: but the sacietie of the riche will not suffer him to sleepe.
13 Gen yon gwo mechanste ke m konn wè anba solèy la: richès sere pa mèt li jiskaske li rive donmaje pwòp tèt li.
There is an euill sickenes that I haue seene vnder the sunne: to wit, riches reserued to the owners thereof for their euill.
14 Lè richès sa yo te pèdi akoz yon move envestiman, e li vin papa a yon fis; alò, nanpwen anyen pou ba li.
And these riches perish by euill trauel, and he begetteth a sonne, and in his hand is nothing.
15 Kon li soti nan vant manman li toutouni an; se konsa li va retounen jan li te sòti a. Li p ap pote anyen nan men l kon fwi travay li.
As hee came foorth of his mothers belly, he shall returne naked to goe as he came, and shall beare away nothing of his labour, which hee hath caused to passe by his hand.
16 Sa anplis se yon gwo malè—menm jan yon nonm fèt la, se konsa l ap mouri. Alò, kote avantaj pou sila k ap travay di nan van an?
And this also is an euill sickenes that in all pointes as he came, so shall he goe, and what profit hath he that he hath traueiled for the winde?
17 Pandan tout lavi li, li manje nan tenèb ak gwo chagren, maladi ak kòlè.
Also all his dayes hee eateth in darkenes with much griefe, and in his sorowe and anger.
18 Men sa mwen konn wè ki bon e ki pwòp pou moun fè a: manje, bwè e fè kè kontan nan tout travay ke li fè anba solèy la, pandan ti tan kout ke Bondye ba li a. Paske se sa ki rekonpans li.
Beholde then, what I haue seene good, that it is comely to eate, and to drinke, and to take pleasure in all his labour, wherein he traueileth vnder the sunne, the whole nomber of the dayes of his life, which God giueth him: for this is his portion.
19 Anplis, menm jan pou tout moun ke Bondye te bay richès ak byen yo, anplis Li te bay li kapasite pou manje ladann yo e rejwi nan travay li. Sa se don Bondye a.
Also to euery man to whom God hath giuen riches and treasures, and giueth him power to eate thereof, and to take his part, and to enioy his labour: this is the gift of God.
20 Konsa, se pa souvan ke moun nan va konsidere ane lavi li yo, paske Bondye kenbe l okipe tout tan ak rejwisans kè li.
Surely hee will not much remember the dayes of his life, because God answereth to the ioy of his heart.

< Eklezyas 5 >