< Danyèl 5 >
1 Belschatsar, wa a te fè yon gran fèt pou yon milye nan gwo chèf li yo, e li t ap bwè diven nan prezans a milye a gwo chèf yo.
Belshazzar, the king, made a great feast for a thousand of his nobles, and each one of them drank according to his age.
2 Lè Belschatsar te goute diven an, li te pase lòd pou pote veso fèt an lò ak ajan ke Nebucadnetsar, papa li, te retire nan tanp ki te Jérusalem yo, pou wa a ak prens li yo, madanm li yo ak ti mennaj li yo ta kapab bwè nan yo.
And so, when they were drunk, he instructed that the vessels of gold and silver should be brought, which Nebuchadnezzar, his father, had carried away from the temple, which was in Jerusalem, so that the king, and his nobles, and his wives, and the concubines, might drink from them.
3 Konsa, yo te mennen veso fèt an lò ki te sòti nan tanp lan, lakay Bondye ki te Jérusalem nan. Epi wa a ak prens li yo, madanm li yo ak ti mennaj li yo te bwè nan yo.
Then the gold and silver vessels were presented, which he had carried away from the temple and which had been in Jerusalem, and the king, and his nobles, wives, and concubines, drank from them.
4 Yo te bwè diven an e te louwe dye a lò, ak ajan, bwonz, fè, bwa ak wòch yo.
They drank wine, and they praised their gods of gold, and silver, brass, iron, and wood and stone.
5 Sibitman, men a yon moun te vin parèt. Li te kòmanse ekri anfas chandelye sou randisaj miray palè a Wa a, e wa a te wè pati nan men ki t ap ekri a.
In the same hour, there appeared fingers, as of the hand of a man, writing on the surface of the wall, opposite the candlestick, in the king’s palace. And the king observed the part of the hand that wrote.
6 Konsa, figi a wa a te vin blanchi, refleksyon li yo te fè l gen gwo laperèz; jwen ren li te vin pèdi fòs e jenou li te kòmanse souke jiskaske youn t ap frape kont lòt.
Then the king’s countenance was changed, and his thoughts disturbed him, and he lost his self-control, and his knees knocked against one other.
7 Wa a te rele byen fò pou yo mennen mèt zetwal yo, Kaldeyen ak divinò yo. Wa a te pale e te di a mesye saj Babylone yo: “Nenpòt moun ki ka li enskripsyon sa a e eksplike entèpretasyon li, li va abiye an mov, resevwa yon kolye an lò nan kou li, e vin jwenn pozisyon kon twazyèm chèf nan peyi a.”
And the king cried out loudly for them to bring in the astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers. And the king proclaimed to the wise men of Babylon, saying, “Whoever will read this writing and make known to me its interpretation will be clothed with purple, and will have a golden chain on his neck, and will be third in my kingdom.”
8 Alò, tout moun nan mesye saj a wa yo te antre, men yo pa t ka li enskripsyon an ni fè wa a konnen sa li vle di.
Then, in came all the wise men of the king, but they could neither read the writing, nor reveal the interpretation to the king.
9 Epi wa Belschatsar te plen ak gwo laperèz, figi li te vin pi pal e prens li yo te vin twouble.
Therefore, king Belshazzar was quite confused, and his face was altered, and even his nobles were disturbed.
10 Rèn nan te antre nan kay bankè a akoz pawòl a wa a ak prens li yo. Rèn nan te pale e te di: “O wa, viv jis pou tout tan! Pa kite refleksyon ou yo fè ou pè, ni figi ou vin pal.
But the queen, because of what had happened to the king and his nobles, entered the banquet house. And she spoke out, saying, “O king, live forever. Do not let your thoughts confuse you, neither should your face be altered.
11 Gen yon nonm nan wayòm ou a, nan li menm twouve lespri a dye sen yo; epi nan jou a papa ou yo, limyè, bon konprann, ak sajès tankou sajès a dye yo te twouve nan li. Epi Wa Nebucadnetsar, papa ou, Wa a, te chwazi li chèf sou majisyen yo, mèt zetwal yo, Kaldeyen ak divinò yo.
There is a man in your kingdom, who has the spirit of the holy gods within himself, and in the days of your father, knowledge and wisdom were found in him. For king Nebuchadnezzar, your father, appointed him leader of the astrologers, enchanters, Chaldeans, and soothsayers, even your father, I say to you, O king.
12 Se te akoz yon lespri ekstrawòdinè, konesans, bon konprann, entèpretasyon a rèv yo, eksplikasyon a fraz ki nwa ak kapasite pou rezoud pwoblèm difisil. Tout sa te twouve nan Daniel sila a, ke wa a te rele Beltschatsar. Kounye a, kite yo rele Daniel e li va fè deklarasyon a entèpretasyon an.”
For a greater spirit, and foresight, and understanding, and interpretation of dreams, and the revealing of secrets, and the solution to difficulties were found in him, that is, in Daniel, to whom the king gave the name Belteshazzar. Now, therefore, let Daniel be summoned, and he will explain the interpretation.”
13 Konsa, Daniel te mennen devan wa a. Wa a te pale e te di a Daniel: “Èske ou se menm Daniel ki te youn nan egzile a Juda yo, ke papa mwen, wa a, te mennen soti Juda a?
Then Daniel was brought in before the king. And the king spoke to him, saying, “Are you Daniel, of the sons of the captivity of Judah, whom my father the king led out of Judea?
14 Alò, mwen te tande de ou menm, ke lespri a dye yo nan ou, ke konesans, bon konprann ak sajès ki depase tout moun twouve nan ou.
I have heard of you, that you have the spirit of the gods, and that greater knowledge, as well as understanding and wisdom, have been found in you.
15 Epi koulye a, mesye saj yo, mèt zetwal yo te mennen devan m pou yo ta ka li enskripsyon sa a e fè entèpretasyon an vin konnen a mwen menm, men yo pa t ka deklare entèpretasyon a mesaj la.
And now the wise astrologers have entered into my presence, so as to read this writing and to reveal to me its interpretation. And they were not able to tell me the meaning of this writing.
16 Men mwen te tande konsènan ou menm, ke ou kapab bay entèpretasyon, e rezoud pwoblèm difisil. Alò, si ou kapab li enskripsyon an, e fè mwen konnen entèpretasyon an, ou va abiye an mov, pote yon kolye an lò nan kou ou e ou va gen otorite kon twazyèm chèf nan wayòm nan.”
Furthermore, I have heard about you that you can interpret obscure things and solve difficulties. So then, if you succeed in reading the writing, and in revealing its interpretation, you will be clothed with purple, and you will have a chain of gold around your neck, and you will be the third leader in my kingdom.”
17 Daniel te reponn e te di devan wa a: “Kenbe kado ou yo pou ou menm, oswa bay rekonpans ou yo a yon lòt moun. Sepandan, mwen va li enskripsyon an pou wa a, e fè l konnen lentèpretasyon an.
To this Daniel responded by saying directly to the king, “Your rewards should be for yourself, and the gifts of your house you may give to another, but I will read to you the writing, O king, and I will reveal to you its interpretation.
18 “O wa, Bondye Pi Wo a te bay souverènte, grandè ak glwa a Nebucadnetsar, papa ou.
O king, the Most High God gave to Nebuchadnezzar, your father, a kingdom and greatness, glory and honor.
19 Akoz grandè ke Li te bay li a, tout pèp yo, nasyon ak lang yo te gen lakrent li, e te tranble devan l. Nenpòt moun li te pito, li te touye l, e nenpòt moun li te pito, li te lese l viv. Epi nenpòt moun li te pito, li te leve l e nenpòt moun li te pito, li te imilye l.
And because of the greatness that he gave to him, all peoples, tribes, and languages trembled and were afraid of him. Whomever he wished, he put to death; and whomever he wished, he destroyed; and whomever he wished, he exalted; and whomever he wished, he lowered.
20 Men lè kè l te vin egzalte wo, lespri li te vin tèlman ògeye, ke li te aji ak awogans, li te depoze de twòn wayal li a, e glwa li a te rache soti nan men l.
But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit was hardened in arrogance, he was deposed from the throne of his kingdom and his glory was taken away.
21 Anplis, li te chase lwen de lòm, kè l te vin transfòme kon kè a bèt, e li te vin rete ak bourik mawon. Yo te fè li manje zèb kon bèf, e kò l te tranpe ak lawouze syèl la jiskaske li te vin rekonèt Bondye Pi Wo a se chèf sou wayòm a lèzòm, e ke li mete chèf sou li sila ke Li pito.
And he was expelled from the sons of men, and so his heart was placed with the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild donkeys, and he ate hay like an ox, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he realized that the Most High holds power over the kingdom of men, and that whoever he wishes, he will set over it.
22 “Malgre sa, ou menm, fis li a, Belschatsar pa t imilye kè ou, malgre ou te konnen tout sa,
Likewise, you, his son Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, though you knew all these things.
23 men ou te egzalte tèt ou kont Senyè syèl la. Konsa, yo te mennen veso lakay Li yo devan ou e ou menm ak prens ou yo, madanm ou yo, ak ti mennaj ou yo t ap bwè diven nan yo. Ou te bay lwanj a dye a ajan, lò, bwonz, fè, bwa, ak wòch yo, ki pa wè, tande, ni konprann. Men Bondye, nan men a Sila souf lavi ou ye a, pou Sila tout chemen ou yo ye a, ou pa t bay Li glwa.
But you have lifted yourself up against the Lord of heaven. And the vessels of his house have been presented before you. And you, and your nobles, and your wives, and your concubines, have drunk wine from them. Likewise, you have praised the gods of silver, and gold, and brass, iron, and wood and stone, who neither see, nor hear, nor feel, yet you have not glorified the God who holds your breath and all your ways in his hand.
24 Konsa, men an te voye devan l, e sa se enskripsyon ki te byen ekri a.
Therefore, he has sent the part of the hand which has written this, which has been inscribed.
25 “Alò, sa se enskripsyon ki te byen ekri a: ‘MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.’
But this is the writing that has been decreed: MANE, THECEL, PHARES.
26 “Sa se entèpretasyon a mesaj la: ‘MENE’—Bondye te konte wayòm ou an e te mete fen a li.
And this is the interpretation of the words. MANE: God has numbered your kingdom and has finished it.
27 ‘TEKEL’—ou te peze sou balans e ou te manke.
THECEL: you have been weighed on the scales and found lacking.
28 ‘PERES’—wayòm ou an vin divize, e li va bay a moun Mèd ak Pès yo.”
PHARES: your kingdom has been divided and has been given to the Medes and the Persians.
29 Konsa, Belschatsar te pase lòd pou yo te abiye Daniel an mov, e mete yon kolye an lò nan kou li. Li te pibliye yon dekrè selon li ke Daniel te gen otorite kon twazyèm chèf nan wayòm nan.
Then, by the king’s command, Daniel was dressed with purple, and a chain of gold was placed around his neck, and it was proclaimed of him that he held power as the third in the kingdom.
30 Menm nwit sa a, Belschatsar, wa Kaldeyen an te touye.
That same night, king Belshazzar the Chaldean was killed.
31 Konsa Darius, Mèd la, te resevwa wayòm nan ak anviwon laj swasann-de lane.
And Darius the Mede succeeded to the kingdom, at the age of sixty-two years.