< Danyèl 11 >

1 “Nan premye ane Darius, Mèd la, Mwen te leve pou m ta kapab vin yon ankourajman ak yon pwotèj pou li.
In the first year of Darius the Mede, I myself came to support and protect Michael.
2 “Epi koulye a, mwen va di ou verite a. Gade byen, va gen twa wa ankò ki va leve Perse. Epi katriyèm nan va bokou pi rich ke tout lòt yo. Lè li vin fò akoz richès li yo, li va pwovoke tout pouvwa li a kont wayòm Grèce la.
Now I will tell you the truth. Three kings will arise in Persia, and a fourth will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power through his riches, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece.
3 Konsa, yon wa pwisan va vin leve. Li va gouvène ak gwo otorite e fè sa li pito.
A mighty king will rise up who will rule a very great kingdom, and he will act according to his desires.
4 Epi lè li fin leve, wayòm li an va vin kraze e divize vè kat van syèl yo, men se pa a pwòp desandan pa li, ni selon otorite ke li te gouvène, paske wayòm li an va vin dechouke e vin bay a lòt moun ke yo menm.
When he has risen up, his kingdom will be broken and divided to the four winds of heaven, but not to his own descendants, and not with his power when he had been ruling. For his kingdom will be uprooted for others besides his descendants.
5 “Epi wa a Sid la va vin fò, ansanm ak youn nan prens li yo ki va vin pi fò ke li, e li va domine li. Dominasyon li an va vrèman gran.
The king of the South will become strong, but one of his commanders will become even stronger than he and will rule his kingdom with great power.
6 Apre kèk ane, yo va fè yon alyans e fi wa a Sid la va vin kote wa Nò a pou antann yo pou yo gen lapè. Men fi a p ap ka kenbe pozisyon pouvwa li a. Ni li menm wa Sid la, li p ap ka kenbe pouvwa pa li a; men fi a va vin livre, ansanm ak sila ki te mennen l antre ak sila ki te devni papa l, menm ak sila ki te bay li soutyen nan lè sa yo.
After a few years, when the time is right, they will make an alliance. The daughter of the king of the South will come to the king of the North to confirm the agreement. But she will not keep her arm's strength, nor will he stand, or his arm. She will be abandoned—she and those who brought her, and her father, and the one who supported her in those times.
7 “Men youn nan desandan fanmi fi yo va leve nan plas li. Li va vin kont lame pa yo, pou l antre nan sitadèl wa Nò a. Li va aji kont yo, e li va vankre yo.
But a branch from her roots will rise up in her place. He will attack the army and enter the fortress of the king of the North. He will fight them, and he will conquer them.
8 Anplis dye, imaj metal, veso presye an ajan ak lò yo, li va pote yo an kaptivite an Egypte. Konsa, li va sispann atake wa Nò a pandan kèk ane.
He will carry off to Egypt their gods along with their cast metal figures and their precious vessels of silver and of gold. For some years he will stay away from the king of the North.
9 Li va antre nan wayòm a wa Sid la, men li va retounen nan pwòp peyi li.
Then the king of the North will invade the realm of the king of the South, but he will withdraw to his own land.
10 Fis li yo va rasanble yon gwo lame ki va vin debòde e travèse. Konsa, yo va retounen fè lagè rive jis nan pwòp sitadèl li a.
His sons will get ready and assemble a great army. It will keep coming and will flood everything; it will pass through all the way to his fortress.
11 “Wa Sid la va anraje e vin goumen ak wa Nò a. Epi dezyèm nan va leve yon gwo foul lame kont premye a, men foul lame sila a va livre nan men a premye a.
Then the king of the South will become very angry; he will go and fight against him, the king of the North. The king of the North will raise up a great army, but the army will be given into his hand.
12 Epi foul lame a va vin leve retire. Kè li va vin egzalte e li va fè sòlda tonbe pa di-milye, men, li p ap ka enpoze li.
The army will be carried off, and the heart of the king of the South will be lifted up, and he will make tens of thousands to fall, but he will not be victorious.
13 Paske, wa Nò a va retounen e leve yon foul ki pi gwo ke sa avan an. Epi li va vini nan fen tan yo, menm nan fen ane yo, avèk yon gwo lame e avèk anpil minisyon.
Then the king of the North will raise up another army, greater than the first. After some years, the king of the North will surely come with a great army supplied with much equipment.
14 “Alò, nan tan sila yo, va gen anpil moun ki va leve kont wa Sid la. Sila ki vyolan pami pèp nou an va leve yo menm pou etabli vizyon an, men yo va tonbe.
In those times many will rise against the king of the South. Sons of the violent among your people will set themselves in order to fulfill a vision, but they will stumble.
15 Epi wa Nò a va vini, li va monte yon teras e li va pran yon vil byen fòtifye. Konsa, lame a Sid yo p ap ka kanpe, ni meyè solda byen chwazi li yo. Li p ap gen okenn fòs pou l ka kanpe.
The king of the North will come, pour out earth for siege mounds, and capture a city with fortifications. The forces of the South will not be able to stand, not even their best soldiers. There will be no strength to stand.
16 Men sila ki vini kont li an va fè sa li pito, e nanpwen moun ki ka kanpe devan li. Konsa, li va kanpe nan peyi laglwa a, e nan men li va gen destriksyon.
Instead, the one who comes will act according to his desires against him; no one will stand in his way. He will stand in the land of beauty, and destruction will be in his hand.
17 Li va mete fas li pou vini ak pouvwa a tout wayòm li a. Li va mennen avèk li yon pwopozisyon lapè, ke li va etabli. Li va anplis bay li fi a fanm nan pou detwi wayòm nan. Men li p ap kanpe pou li, ni bay li soutyen.
The king of the North will set his face to come with the strength of his entire kingdom, and with him will be an agreement that he will make with the king of the South. He will give him a daughter of women in marriage to ruin the kingdom of the South. But the plan will not succeed or help him.
18 Apre sa li va vire fas li vè peyi kot yo, e li va kaptire anpil nan yo. Men yon chèf va fè repwòch li a sispann. Anplis, li va fè l peye pou ensolans li.
After this, the king of the North will pay attention to the coastlands and will capture many of them. But a commander will end his arrogance and will cause his arrogance to turn back upon him.
19 Konsa, li va vire fas li vè fòterès pwòp peyi li a, men li va glise tonbe, e li p ap ka releve ankò.
Then he will pay attention to the fortresses of his own land, but he will stumble and fall; he will not be found.
20 “Epi nan plas li a, yon moun va koze yon mèt kontribisyon a travèse wayòm nan pou kontwole glwa li. Malgre sa, nan kèk jou, li va vin detwi, malgre se pa ni nan kòlè, ni nan batay.
Then someone will rise up in his place who will make a tax collector pass through for the sake of the splendor of the kingdom. But in the next days he will be broken, but not in anger or in battle.
21 “Nan plas li a, yon nonm meprizab va vin leve, a sila tit a wa a pa t vin bay. Men li va vini nan yon tan trankil e li va sezi wayòm nan ak ti manèv koken flatè moun.
In his place will rise up a despised person to whom the people will not have given the honor of royal power; he will come unexpectedly and will take over the kingdom by trickery.
22 Lame debòde peyi a va soti devan l, e vin kraze nèt, ansanm ak prens akò a.
An army will be swept away like a flood from before him. Both that army and the leader of the covenant will be destroyed.
23 Apre yon akò lapè fin fèt ak li, li va fè travay desepsyon. Li va monte reyisi pran pouvwa a ak yon ti ekip tou piti.
From the time an alliance is made with him, he will act deceitfully; with only a small number of people he will become strong.
24 Nan tan lapè a, li va antre nan pati wayòm ki pi rich la, e li va fè sa ke zansèt li yo pa t janm fè, ni zansèt zansèt li yo. Li va distribye piyaj ak byen yo pami yo. Konsa, li va fòme yon plan kont sitadèl yo, men sèlman pou yon ti tan.
Without warning he will come into the richest part of the province, and he will do what neither his father nor his father's father did. He will spread among his followers the booty, the plunder, and the wealth. He will plan the overthrow of fortresses, but only for a time.
25 “Li va pwovoke pwisans ak kouraj li kont wa a Sid la ak yon gwo lame. Konsa, wa Sid la va fòme yon vrèman gwo lame pou fè lagè, men li p ap ka kanpe, paske yo va fòme yon plan kont li.
He will wake up his power and his heart against the king of the South with a great army. The king of the South will wage war with a large, very powerful army, but he will not stand because others will make plots against him.
26 Sila ki te kon manje pi bon manje nan men l, va detwi li, epi lame li a va bale nèt. Konsa, anpil moun va tonbe mouri.
Even those who eat his fine food will try to destroy him. His army will be swept away like a flood, and many of them will fall killed.
27 Selon toulède wa sa yo, kè yo apiye vè fè mal. Yo va pale manti youn ak lòt sou menm tab, men sa p ap reyisi, paske fen an toujou gen pou vini nan lè apwente a.
Both these kings, with their hearts set on evil against each other, will sit at the same table and lie to each other, but it will be of no use. For the end will come at the time that has been fixed.
28 Konsa, li va retounen nan sid, nan peyi li ak anpil piyaj. Men kè li va kont akò sen an, e li va pran desizyon retounen nan peyi li.
Then the king of the North will go back into his land with great riches, with his heart set against the holy covenant. He will act and then will return to his own land.
29 “Nan lè apwente a, li va retounen antre nan Sid la. Men nan fwa sa a, li p ap menm jan li te ye fwa avan an.
At the appointed time he will return and come against the South again. But this time it will not be as before.
30 Paske bato a Kittim yo va vini kont li. Akoz sa, li va vin gen chagren. Li va retounen byen anraje kont akò sen an, e li va aji. Konsa, li va retounen pran desizyon pou antann li ak sila ki vyole akò sen yo.
For ships of Kittim will come against him, and he will become afraid and will turn back. He will be furious against the holy covenant, and he will show favor to those who forsake the holy covenant.
31 “Sòlda li yo va pwofane sanktyè a, fò a menm, e fè sakrifis nòmal la vin sispann. Konsa, yo va fè monte abominasyon dezolasyon an.
His forces will rise up and profane the fortress sanctuary. They will take away the regular burnt offering, and they will set up the abomination that causes desolation.
32 Ak lèv flatè, li va sedwi sila ki vyole akò yo, men pèp ki konnen Bondye a va kanpe fèm pou aji.
As for those who acted wickedly against the covenant, he will deceive them and corrupt them. But the people who know their God will be strong and will take action.
33 “Sila ki gen bon konprann pami pèp la va bay konesans a anpil moun. Malgre sa, yo va tonbe pa nepe, pa dife, pa kaptivite e pa piyaj pandan anpil jou.
The wise among the people will make many understand. But they will stumble by the sword and by flame; they will stumble into captivity and into being robbed for days.
34 Alò, lè yo tonbe, yo va resevwa yon ti èd, men anpil lòt moun va vin jwenn ak yo an ipokrizi.
In their stumbling, they will be helped with a little help. In hypocrisy many will join themselves with them.
35 Kèk nan sila ki gen bon konprann yo va tonbe pou yo ka rafine pirifye, e fè yo blan, jis menm lè dènye tan an rive. Akoz li toujou gen pou vini nan lè apwente a.
Some of the wise will stumble so that refining will happen to them, and cleansing, and purifying, until the time of the end. For the appointed time is still to come.
36 “Konsa, wa a va fè sa li pito. Li va vin egzalte. Li va bay tèt li glwa pi wo pase tout dye yo, e li va pale anpil bagay byen move kont Bondye a dye yo. Konsa, li va pwospere jiskaske endiyasyon an fini, paske dekrè ki pibliye a va akonpli.
The king will act according to his desires. He will lift himself up and make himself great above every god. Against the God of gods he will say astonishing things, for he will succeed until the wrath is completed. For what has been decreed will be done.
37 Li p ap montre okenn respè pou dye a zansèt li yo, ni pou dezi fanm, ni li p ap gen respè pou okenn lòt dye. Paske li va leve tèt li ak glwa pi wo ke yo tout.
He will pay no attention to the gods of his ancestors or to the god desirable to women. Neither will he will pay attention to any other god. For all above every one he will make himself great.
38 Men olye de sa, li va bay glwa a dye a fòterès yo. Yon dye ke zansèt li yo pa t konnen, li va bay glwa ak lò, ajan, pyè presye ak trezò.
He will honor the god of fortresses instead of these. It is a god whom his fathers did not acknowledge that he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and valuable gifts.
39 Li va aji kont fòterès ki pi fò yo ak soutyen a yon dye etranje. Nenpòt moun ki rekonèt li, li va ogmante yo ak glwa, e li va fè yo domine sou anpil, e va divize teritwa a pou yon pri.
He will attack the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god. To anyone who acknowledges him, he will give much honor. He will make them rulers over many people, and he will divide up the land as a reward.
40 “Nan lè lafen an wa Sid la va atake li. Wa Nò a va rive kont li ak cha, ak chevalye, e ak anpil bato. Epi li va antre nan peyi yo, debòde yo e pase anndan yo.
At the time of the end the king of the South will attack. The king of the North will storm against him with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships. He will go against lands, flood them, and pass through.
41 Anplis, li va antre nan Peyi Laglwa a, e anpil peyi va ranvèse. Men sila yo va delivre soti nan men li: Edom Moab, ak premye nan fis a Ammon yo.
He will go into the land of beauty, and tens of thousands of Israelites will fall. But these will escape from his hand: Edom, Moab, and the remainder of the people of Ammon.
42 Anplis, li va lonje men li kont lòt peyi yo, e peyi Egypte la p ap chape.
He will extend his hand into lands; the land of Egypt will not be rescued.
43 Men li va pran kontwòl tout trezò kache ak lò, ajan ak tout bagay presye an Egypte yo. Libyen yo ak Etyopyen yo va swiv pye li yo.
He will have control over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the riches of Egypt; the Libyans and the Cushites will be in his footsteps.
44 Men rimè ki sòti nan Lès ak nan Nò va vin twouble li. Li va soti deyò ak gwo kòlè pou detwi e fè anpil disparèt nèt.
But news from the east and the north will frighten him, and he will go out with great rage to completely destroy and to set many apart for destruction.
45 Li va fè monte tant a palè li a antre lanmè a ak Mòn Sen Laglwa a. Malgre sa, li va rive nan fen li e nanpwen moun k ap bay li soutyen.
He will set up the tent of his royal residence between the seas and the mountain of the beauty of holiness. He will come to his end, and there will be no helper for him.

< Danyèl 11 >