< Kolòs 1 >

1 Paul, yon apot Jésus Kri pa volonte a Bondye, ak Timothée, frè nou an
This letter comes from Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the will of God, and from our brother Timothy.
2 A sen ak frè fidèl an Kris ki te Colosse yo: Gras pou nou, ak lapè ki soti nan Bondye, Papa nou an.
To the believers and trusting Christians at Colossae: may you have grace and peace from God our Father.
3 Nou bay remèsiman a Bondye Papa a Senyè nou an, Jésus Kri; pandan nou toujou ap priye pou nou.
We are always thankful to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ for you, and pray for you.
4 Paske nou te tande de lafwa nou nan Kris Jésus, ansanm ak lanmou ke nou gen pou tout fidèl yo;
We've heard about your trust in Christ Jesus and your love for all the believers
5 Akoz de lespwa ki rezève pou nou nan syèl la, jan nou te tande deja nan pawòl verite Levanjil la,
because of the hope prepared for you in heaven. You already heard about this in the good news, the message of truth
6 ki te vini a nou menm, jis menm jan nan tou mond lan, k ap bay fwi tout tan, e k ap ogmante, menm jan li t ap fèt nan nou menm tou, depi jou nou te tande de li a, e te konprann gras Bondye nan verite a;
that came to you just as it has gone throughout the whole world, spreading widely and bringing results. It's done the same for you too, ever since you heard it and realized the true nature of God's grace.
7 menm jan ke nou te aprann de Épaphras, sèvitè-atache, byeneme, parèy a nou an, ki se yon sèvitè fidèl an Kris sou pati pa nou,
Our dear friend and fellow-worker Epaphras, who is a trustworthy minister of Christ on our behalf, taught you about this.
8 ki te osi enfòme nou de lanmou nou nan Lespri a.
He's also made clear to us your love in the Spirit.
9 Pou rezon sa a tou, depi jou nou te tande de li a nou pa t sispann priye pou nou e mande pou nou ta kapab ranpli avèk konesans a volonte Li, nan tout sajès lespri a ak bon konprann,
Because of this we continue to pray for you from the time we heard about you, asking God to give you understanding of what he wants you to do and to give you every kind of spiritual wisdom and understanding.
10 pou nou kapab mache nan yon fason dign de Senyè a, pou fè Li plezi nan tout bagay, pote fwi nan tout bon zèv e grandi nan konesans a Bondye,
That way you'll live lives that rightly represent the Lord and please him, producing all kinds of good results and gaining greater knowledge of God.
11 ki ranfòse ak tout pouvwa, selon pwisans laglwa Li a, pou vin genyen pèseverans ak pasyans; avèk lajwa,
May you be made powerfully strong by his wonderful strength, having great patience and endurance.
12 pou bay remèsiman a Papa a, ki te kalifye nou pou pataje nan eritaj a fidèl yo nan Limyè a.
May you happily praise the Father, who has made it possible for us to share in the inheritance of God's people who live in the light.
13 Paske Li te delivre nou soti nan wayòm tenèb la, e Li te transfere nou nan wayòm a Fis byeneme Li a.
He rescued us from the tyranny of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
14 Nan Li menm nou gen redanmsyon, ak padon pou peche yo.
through whom we have been set free and our sins forgiven.
15 Li se imaj a Bondye envizib la premye ne a tout kreyasyon an.
The Son is the visible picture of the invisible God. He was before all creation,
16 Paske pa Li menm, tout bagay te kreye, nan syèl la ak sou tè a, vizib e envizib kit se wayòm yo, kit se pouvwa yo, kit se wa yo, kit se otorite yo—tout bagay te kreye pa Li menm e pou Li menm.
for everything was created through him—in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, empires, rulers, leaders and authorities—everything was created through him and for him.
17 Li avan tout bagay, e se nan Li tout bagay kenbe ansanm.
He existed before everything, and he holds everything together.
18 Li se osi tèt a kò a legliz la. Epi Li se kòmansman an, premye ne ki sòti nan lanmò a, pou Li menm kapab vin gen premye plas nan tout bagay.
He is also the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the first and highest of those raised from the dead, so that he is supreme in everything.
19 Paske se te bon plezi Papa a pou tout plenitud Bondye a ta vin rete nan Li,
God was pleased to have his full nature live in him,
20 epi selon Li menm, pou rekonsilye tout bagay a Li menm, kit bagay ki sou latè yo kit bagay ki nan syèl yo, lè L te fin fè lapè pa san lakwa Li a.
and through him brought back everything in the universe to himself, since he made peace through the blood of his cross, through him reconciling all those on the earth and in heaven.
21 Epi menmsi otrefwa, nou te etranje, e te lènmi nan jan nou te konn panse, ak angaje nan move zak,
You once were alienated from God, enemies in the way you thought and the way you acted,
22 men koulye a Li rekonsilye nou nan kò lachè Li a atravè lanmò, pou prezante nou devan Li sen, san fot e san repwòch—
but now he has reconciled you through his dying human body, bringing you into his presence where you stand holy, pure, and faultless.
23 Si vrèman nou kontinye nan lafwa byen etabli, e fèm, e nou pa kite esperans levanjil ke nou te tande a, ki te pwoklame nan tout kreyasyon anba syèl la, e sou li menm mwen, Paul, te fèt kòm yon sèvitè.
But your trust in him must continue rock-solid and immovable. Don't be shaken from the hope of the good news that you heard, the good news that's been shared throughout the world—that's the work that I Paul have been doing.
24 Alò, mwen rejwi nan soufrans mwen yo pou koz a nou, e nan lachè m mwen fè pati pa m pou benefis kò Li a, ki se legliz la, pou ranpli sa ki manke nan soufrans lafliksyon a Kris yo.
I'm happy to have trouble for your sake, for by means of what happens to me physically I'm part of Christ's sufferings that he continues to experience for the sake of his body, the church.
25 Sou legliz sila a mwen te fèt kòm yon sèvitè selon jesyon Bondye a, ki te plase sou mwen pou benefis pa nou, pou m ta kapab vin akonpli predikasyon pawòl Bondye a,
I serve the church following the direction God gave me about you, to present fully the word of God to you.
26 ki se mistè ki te kache depi laj ak jenerasyon pase yo, men ki koulye a, manifeste a fidèl Li yo. (aiōn g165)
This is the mystery that was hidden down through the ages and for many generations, but it's now been revealed to God's people. (aiōn g165)
27 A yo menm Bondye te gen volonte pou fè konnen kisa ki se richès laglwa a mistè sila a pami pèp etranje yo, ki se Kris nan nou, esperans laglwa a.
God wanted to make known to them the glorious wealth of this mystery to the nations: Christ living in you is the glorious hope!
28 Konsa nou pwoklame Li ak egzòtasyon chak moun, e enstwi chak moun ak tout sajès, pou nou kapab prezante chak moun konplè an Kris Jésus.
We're telling everyone about him, instructing and teaching them in the best way we know how so that we can bring everyone before God fully mature in Christ.
29 Pou rezon sila a osi, mwen travay, e mwen lite pa ajans Bondye, k ap travay avèk pwisans nan mwen an.
That's what I'm working for too, making every effort as I rely on his strength which is powerfully at work in me.

< Kolòs 1 >