< Travay 8 >
1 Saul te fin dakò nèt ak lanmò li. Depi nan jou sa a, yon gran pèsekisyon te kòmanse kont legliz la nan Jérusalem. Yo tout, sof ke apòt yo, te gaye toupatou nan rejyon Juda avèk Samarie yo.
But Shaol willed to take part in his killing. And there was made in those days a great persecution against the church that was in Urishlem; and they were all dispersed in the country of Jihud and also among the Shomroyee, excepting only the apostles.
2 Kèk moun fidèl te antere Étienne. Yo te fè yon gwo lamantasyon sou li.
And faithful men laid Estephanos in his tomb, and mourned over him greatly.
3 Men Saul te kòmanse ravaje legliz la. Li t ap antre de kay an kay pou rale fè sòti ni fanm, ni gason pou mete yo nan prizon.
BUT Shaol persecuted the church of Aloha, going to the houses, and drawing men and women delivered them to the house of the bound.
4 Konsa sila ki t ap gaye konsa yo, te ale toupatou e te preche pawòl la.
And they who were dispersed went about and preached the word of Aloha.
5 Philippe te desann nan vil Samarie. Li te kòmanse preche Kris la bay yo.
But Philipos descended to a city of the Shomroyee, and preached concerning the Meshiha.
6 Foul la avèk yon sèl panse t ap bay atansyon yo a sa ke Philippe te di yo, paske yo te wè e te tande mèvèy ke li t ap fè yo.
And when they heard his word, the men who were there attended to him, and were persuaded of all that he said: for they saw the signs that he wrought.
7 Paske nan ka anpil moun ki te genyen lespri enpi yo, lespri yo t ap sòti nan yo. Yo te sòti pandan yo t ap rele avèk yon gwo vwa, e anpil moun ki te paralize e bwate te geri.
For many whom unclean spirits possessed cried with a high voice, and they came out from them; and others, palsied and lame, were healed:
8 Donk, te gen anpil moun ki t ap rejwi nan vil sila a.
and great joy was in that city.
9 Alò, te gen yon nonm yo te rele Simon, ki te konn pratike maji nan vil la. Li t ap fè pèp Samarie a sezi, konsi li t ap vante tèt li, ke li menm te yon moun pwisan.
But a certain man was there whose name was Simon, who had dwelt in that city much time, and with his sorceries had deceived the people of the Shomroyee, magnifying himself, and saying, I am the Great.
10 Konsa, yo tout, soti nan pi piti jiska pi gran, te ba li anpil atansyon, e te di: “Mesye sila a se li ke yo rele Gran Pouvwa Bondye a.”
And all inclined to him, great and small, and said, This is the great Power of Aloha.
11 Yo te koute li, paske pandan anpil tan li te konn etone yo avèk metye maji sila a.
And they were persuaded by him, because that much time by his sorceries he had astonished them.
12 Men lè yo te kwè Philippe ki t ap preche bòn nouvèl wayòm Bondye a nan non Jésus Kris la, yo t ap batize; fanm, kou gason menm jan an.
But when they believed Philipos, who evangelized the kingdom of Aloha in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, they were baptized, men and women.
13 Menm Simon te vin kwè, epi apre li te batize li te kontinye avèk Philippe. Akoz li te wè anpil sign ak mirak ki t ap fèt, li te etone tout tan.
And Simon also himself believed, and was baptized, and adhered to Philipos. And when he saw the signs and great works which were done by his hands, he wondered and was astonished.
14 Alò, lè apòt nan Jérusalem yo te tande ke Samarie te resevwa pawòl Bondye a, yo te voye Pierre avèk Jean bay yo.
AND when the apostles who were at Urishlem heard that the people of the Shomroyee had received the word of Aloha, they sent to them Kipha and Juhanon.
15 Lè yo te vin desann, yo te priye pou yo ta kapab resevwa Lespri Sen an.
And they went down and prayed for them, that they might receive the Spirit of Holiness:
16 Paske Li potko tonbe sou okenn nan yo. Yo te sèlman batize nan non Senyè a Jésus.
for he was not upon one of them yet; but they were only baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu.
17 Alò, yo te mete men sou yo, epi yo te resevwa Lespri Sen an.
Then they laid upon them the hand, and they received the Spirit of Holiness.
18 Koulye a, lè Simon te wè ke Lespri a te bay lè apòt yo te poze men sou moun yo, li menm te ofri yo lajan.
And when Simon saw that by the hand-laying of the apostles the Spirit of Holiness was given, he offered to them silver,
19 Li te di: “Ban mwen otorite sila a osi, pou tout sila ke m poze men m sou yo kapab resevwa Lespri Sen an.”
saying, Give also to me this power, that he on whom I shall lay the hand may receive the Spirit of Holiness.
20 Men Pierre te di li: “Ke lajan ou an peri avè w, paske ou te panse ke ou ta kapab vin genyen don Bondye a avèk lajan.
Shemun Kipha said to him, Thy silver go with thee into perdition, because thou thoughtest that the gift of Aloha with the possessions of the world might he obtained.
21 Ou pa gen ni pati ni plas nan bagay sa a, paske kè ou pa dwat devan Bondye.
Thou hast neither part nor lot in this faith, because thine heart hath not been right before Aloha.
22 Pou sa, repanti de mechanste ou, e priye Senyè a pou, si posib, entansyon kè ou kapab vin padone.
Nevertheless, repent of this thy wickedness, and pray of Aloha, that the guile of thy heart may haply be forgiven thee;
23 Paske mwen wè ke ou nan fyèl anmè e mare nan inikite.”
for in bitter gall and in the bonds of iniquity I see that thou art.
24 Men Simon te reponn e te di: “Priye a Senyè a pou mwen, nou menm, pou anyen nan sa nou di yo pa vin rive m.”
Simon answered and said, Pray you on my behalf, of Aloha, that not any of these things which you have spoken may come upon me.
25 Alò, lè yo te fin temwaye solanèlman, e te pale pawòl Senyè a, yo te fè wout yo pou retounen Jérusalem. Konsa, tou, yo te preche bòn nouvèl la nan anpil vilaj Samariten.
But Shemun and Juhanon, when they had testified and taught the word of Aloha, returned to Urishlem, and evangelized in many villages of the Shomroyee.
26 Men yon zanj Senyè a te pale ak Philippe e te di: “Leve, ale nan sid nan wout ki desann soti Jérusalem vè Gaza a.” (Sa se yon wout nan dezè.)
AND the angel of the Lord spake with Philipos, and said to him, Arise, go to the south, in the desert way which goeth down from Urishlem to Gaza.
27 Konsa, li te leve ale, epi konsa, te gen yon lenik Etyopyen, yon ofisye atache a Candace, larèn Etyopyen yo. Li te an chaj tout trezò li, e te la nan Jérusalem pou adore Bondye.
And arising he went. And there met him a certain eunuch who had come from Cush, an officer of Kandak, queen of the Cushoyee; and he was officer over all her treasure. And he had been to worship at Urishlem;
28 Li t ap retounen, epi pandan li chita nan cha li, li t ap li liv pwofèt Ésaïe a.
and while returning that he might go, he sat in the chariot and read in Eshaia the prophet.
29 Alò Lespri a te di Philippe: “Ale jwenn cha sila a”.
And the Spirit of Holiness said to Philipos, Approach, and join the chariot.
30 Philippe te kouri kote li. Konsa, li te tande ke li t ap li Ésaïe pwofèt la, epi li te mande l: “Èske ou konprann sa w ap li a?”
And being near, he heard that he read in Eshaia the prophet; and he said to him, Understandest thou what thou readest?
31 Li te reponn: “Kijan mwen ta kapab, amwenske yon moun gide m?” Li te envite Philippe monte chita avè l.
And he said, How can I understand, unless one teach me? And he prayed of him, of Philipos, to ascend and sit with him.
32 Alò, pòsyon lekriti li t ap li a se te sila a: “Li te mennen kon yon mouton nan labatwa. Kon yon jenn mouton an silans devan sa k ap taye lenn sou do l, li pa t louvri bouch li.
But the section (phosuka) of the scripture in which he was reading is this: As a lamb to the slaughter was he led; And as a sheep before the shearer is silent, So opened not he his mouth in his humiliation.
33 Nan imilyasyon, jistis li te rachte. Kilès ki va deklare a jenerasyon pa L la? Paske vi Li retire sou tè a.”
From oppression and from judgment was he led; And his age who shall recount? For his life is taken from the earth.
34 Lenik lan te reponn Philippe e te di: “Silvouplè, a kilès pwofèt la ap di sa a? A li menm, oubyen a yon lòt?”
That eunuch said Unto Philipos, I pray thee, of whom speaketh this the prophet? of himself, or of another man?
35 Alò, Philippe te louvri bouch li e te kòmanse soti nan lekriti sen sila a, li te preche Jésus a li menm.
Then Philipos opened his mouth and began, from that very scripture, preaching to him concerning our Lord Jeshu.
36 Pandan yo t ap prale nan wout la, yo te vin toupre yon dlo. Konsa, linik lan te di: “Men gade, dlo! Kisa ki anpeche m ta batize.”
And as they went in the way they came to a certain place which had water in it, and that eunuch said, Behold the water; what is the hinderance that I should be baptized?
37 Philippe te reponn: “Si ou kwè avèk tout kè ou, ou kapab.” Li te reponn e te di: “Mwen kwè ke Jésus Kris se Fis Bondye a.”
38 Li te kòmande cha a rete. Yo tou de te desann nan dlo a, Philippe avèk lenik lan, e li te batize li.
And he commanded that the chariot should stand; and they descended both of them to the water, and Philipos baptized that eunuch.
39 Lè yo te sòti nan dlo a, Lespri Senyè a te vin pran Philippe, e lenik lan pa t wè l ankò, men te kontinye wout li ak rejwisans.
And when they had ascended from the water, the Spirit of the Lord rapt away Philipos, and the eunuch again saw him not; but he went on his way rejoicing.
40 Men Philippe te twouve li menm nan Azot. Pandan li t ap travèse, li te kontinye preche bòn nouvèl la nan tout vil yo jiskaske li te rive Césarée.
But Philipos was found at Azotos, and from thence he itinerated and evangelized in all the cities until he came to Cesarea.