< Travay 19 >
1 Li te rive pandan ke Apollos te Corinthe, Paul te travèse peyi pi wo a e te vini Éphèse pou twouve kèk disip.
AND while Apolu was in Kurinthos, Paulos itinerated through the upper countries unto Ephesos; and he asked those disciples whom he found there,
2 Li te mande yo: “Èske nou te resevwa Lespri Sen an lè nou te kwè a?” Yo te reponn li: “Non, nou pa menm konn tande si gen yon Lespri Sen.”
Have you received the Spirit of Holiness from that you believed? They answered and said to him, It hath not been heard by us whether there be the Spirit.
3 Li te di: “Ebyen, nan kisa konsa nou te batize?” Yo te reponn: “Nan batèm a Jean an”.
He saith to them, And into what were you baptized? They said, Into the baptism of Juhanon.
4 Konsa, Paul te di: “Jean te batize avèk batèm a repantans lan, e te di pèp la pou kwè nan Sila ki t ap vini apre li a, sa vle di, nan Jésus.”
Paulos saith to them, Juhanon baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe in him who was coming after him, who is Jeshu Meshiha.
5 Lè yo te tande sa, yo te batize nan non Senyè a Jésus Kri.
And when they heard these (words), they were baptized in the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
6 Pandan Paul te poze men l sou yo, Lespri Sen an te vini sou yo, e yo te kòmanse pale avèk lang ak pwofetize.
And Paulos laid on them the hand, and the Spirit of Holiness came upon them, and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
7 Te gen an tou, anviwon douz mesye.
But all the men were twelve.
8 Paul te antre nan sinagòg la, e te kontinye pale avèk gran kouraj pandan anviwon twa mwa. Li t ap rezone pou fè yo kwè selon wayòm Bondye a.
And Paulos entered the synagogue, and discoursed boldly three months, and persuaded concerning the kingdom of Aloha.
9 Men lè kèk t ap vin ensansib e dezobeyisan, e t ap pale mal de Chemen an devan foul la, li te kite yo e te separe disip yo. Konsa, yo t ap rezone chak jou nan lekòl Tyrannus la.
And men of them were obdurate, and contended, and reviled the way of Aloha, before the assembly of the people. Then Paulos removed and separated from them the disciples, and every day discoursed with them in the school of a man whose name was Tyranos.
10 Sa te fèt pandan dezan, pou tout sila ki te rete an Asie yo ta tande pawòl Senyè a, ni Grèk, ni Jwif.
And this was done two years, until all who dwelt in Asia, Jihudoyee and Aramoyee, had heard the word of the Lord.
11 Bondye t ap fè mirak ekstrawòdinè pa men Paul
And great power-works wrought Aloha by the hand of Paulos;
12 jiskaske yo te kòmanse pote menm mouchwa avèk rad kò li pou malad yo; konsa malad yo te vin geri, e move Lespri yo te vin sòti.
so that they brought even from the garments that were upon his body napkins or wrappings, and laid them upon the sick, and the diseases went from them; and demons also went forth.
13 Men osi kèk nan Jwif ki te konn chase move lespri yo, ki te ale soti yon kote a yon lòt, te eseye rele non Jésus sou sila ki te gen move lespri yo, e t ap di: “Mwen bay ou lòd pa Jésus ke Paul preche a.”
BUT men, Jihudoyee, also, who went about and adjured demons, willed to adjure in the name of our Lord Jeshu over those who had unclean spirits, saying, We adjure you in the name of Jeshu whom Paulos preacheth.
14 Sèt fis a Scéva yo, yon chèf prèt Jwif, t ap fè sa a.
There were seven sons of a man, a certain Jihudoya, chief of the priests, whose name was Skeva, who did this.
15 Epi move lespri yo te reponn e te di yo: “Mwen rekonèt Jésus, e mwen konnen Paul, men ki moun nou ye?”
And that evil demon answered and said to them, Jeshu I acknowledge, and Paulos I know; but who are you?
16 Mesye ki te gen move Lespri a te vòltije sou yo tout e te tèlman domine yo, ke yo te kouri kite kay la toutouni, e blese.
And the man in whom was the evil spirit sprang upon them, and was strong against them, and threw them, and they, naked and wounded, fled from that house.
17 Bagay sa te vin konnen pa tout moun, ni Jwif, ni Grèk ki te rete Éphèse. Lakrent te vin tonbe sou yo tout, e non Jésus Kri a t ap vin pi gran.
And this was known to all the Jihudoyee and Aramoyee who dwelt in Ephesos: and fear fell upon them all, and the name of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha was exalted.
18 Anpil osi, nan sila ki te kwè yo, yo te kontinye vini pou konfese e devwale tout sa ke yo te konn pratike yo.
And many of those who believed came and acknowledged their sins, and confessed whatever they had done.
19 Anpil nan sila ki te konn pratike maji yo te vin pote liv yo, e te kòmanse boule yo devan zye a tout moun. Yo te kontwole pri a yo e te twouve l kòm senkant mil pyès dajan.
Many also of the magicians collected their writings and brought and burned them before all men; and they reckoned the price of them, and it ascended to silver five myriads.
20 Konsa pawòl Senyè a t ap grandi ak pwisans, e t ap renye.
And thus with great power prevailed and increased the faith of Aloha.
21 Alò apre bagay sa yo te fini, Paul te pwopoze nan Lespri a, pou lè l te fin travèse Macédoine ak Achaïe, pou ale Jérusalem. Li te di: “Apre mwen fin rive la mwen dwe wè Rome tou.”
But when these were fulfilled, Paulos set in his mind to itinerate throughout all Makedunia and Akaia, and to go into Urishlem. And he said, When I shall have gone thither, it behoveth me Ruma also to see.
22 Li te rete an Asie pandan yon tan, men te voye Timothée ak Érastre, de moun ki te konn sèvi li yo, pou yo antre Macédoine.
And he sent two men of those who ministered to him to Makedunia, Timotheos and Aristos; but he remained a time in Asia.
23 Anviwon lè sa a, te vin pase yon gwo tapaj konsènan Chemen an.
BUT there was made at that time a great tumult on account of the way of Aloha.
24 Paske te gen yon sèten nonm ki te rele Démétris, yon òfèv ki te konn fè imaj an ajan pou tanp Artimis la, e afè kòb ke li t ap ranmase pa t yon ti kras bagay pou moun ak metye sila a.
For there was a certain worker of silver there whose name was Dimitrios, who made shrines of silver of Artemis, and he produced for the sons of his art great gains.
25 Li te vin rasanble moun sa yo, avèk tout ouvriye ki te gen metye parèy a sa a, e te di: “Mesye yo, nou konnen ke lavi nou depann de biznis sila a.
This (man) assembled all the sons of his art and those who wrought with them, and said to them, Men, you know that all our merchandise is from this work;
26 Nou wè ak tande ke non sèlman an Éphèse, men nan prèske tout Asie a, Paul sila a gen tan fè kwè e detounen yon kantite konsiderab nan pèp la. L ap di ke dye ki fèt pa men yo se pa dye yo ye menm.
and you also hear and see, that not only the sons of Ephesos, but also many of all Asia, this Paulos persuadeth, and hath perverted them, saying, that there be no gods which by the hands of men are made.
27 Se pa sèlman yon gwo danje ke metye sa va tonbe nan malgade, men osi ke tanp gwo deyès la, Artimis va vin san valè, e ke li menm ke tout Asie a ak lemonn adore, va menm rache sou twòn li, e pèdi mayifisans li.”
And not only is this business defamed and brought to an end, but also the temple of Artemis the great goddess is reputed as nothing, and she also, the goddess of all Asia, and (whom) all the nations worship, is despised.
28 Lè yo te tande sa, yo te vin ranpli ak raj. Yo te kòmanse kriye fò e t ap di: “Gran se Artimis Efezyen yo!”
And when they heard these (words) they were filled with wrath; and they cried, and said, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee.
29 Vil la te ranpli avèk boulvèsman sa a. Yo te kouri avèk yon sèl panse antre nan teyat la, e te trennen Gaïus ak Aristarque, vwayajè parèy ak Paul ki sòti Macédoine yo.
And the whole city was perturbed, and they ran together and came to the theatre; and seizing, they led with them Gaios and Aristarkos, men of Makedunia, companions of Paulos.
30 Lè Paul te vle antre nan asanble a, disip yo te anpeche li.
AND Paulos willed to enter the theatre, and the disciples restrained him.
31 Anplis, kèk nan ofisye Lazi ki te zanmi li yo te voye di l plizyè fwa pou l pa antre nan teyat la.
And the chiefs of Asia, because they were his friends, sent, praying of him not to deliver himself by going into the theatre.
32 Alò konsa, kèk nan yo t ap rele yon bagay, e kèk yon lòt, paske tout asanble a te nan konfizyon. Pifò pa t menm konnen pou ki rezon yo te vin reyini ansanm nan.
But the crowd who were in the theatre were greatly commoved, and others cried other things; for many of them knew not on what account they were assembled.
33 Jwif yo te mennen Alexander devan foul a. Li t ap fè sinyal avèk men l, konsi li t ap prezante yon defans a foul la.
But the people of the Jihudoyee who were there appointed of them a man a Jihudoya, whose name was Aleksandros; and when he stood (forth) he signed that he would apologize to the people.
34 Men lè yo te vin konprann ke se te yon Jwif li te ye, yon gwo kri te leve pami foul la. Yo te kontinye rele pandan anviwon dezè de tan: “Gran se Artimis a Efezyen yo!”
And when they knew that he was a Jihudoya, all of them cried with one voice, as two hours, Great is Artemis of the Ephesoyee!
35 Apre li te fin kalme foul la, sekretè vil la te di: “Mesye Éphèse yo, se ki moun pami nou ki pa konnen, lavil Éphèse se gadyen tanp a gran Artimis la, imaj a sila ki te tonbe sòti nan syèl la?
And the chief of the city stilled them, saying, Men, Ephesoyee, who is there of mankind who knoweth not that the city of the Ephesoyee is a votaress of the great Artemis, and of her image which descended from heaven?
36 Alò akoz ke bagay sa yo pa kapab demanti, nou ta dwe rete kalm e pa fè anyen ki pa saj.
Therefore, since no man can contradict this, it behoves you to be silent, and to do nothing in haste.
37 Paske nou fè mesye sila yo vini isit la, ki pa ni vòlè tanp lan, ni yo pa blasfeme deyès nou an.
Yet have you brought these men who have neither spoiled temples nor blasphemed our goddess.
38 Donk alò, si Démétris ak ouvriye ki avè l yo gen yon plent kont nenpòt moun, tribinal yo louvri, e pwokonsil yo disponib; kite yo pote plent kont youn lòt.
But if this Dimitrios and the sons of his craft have strife with any man, behold, the proconsul is in the city, (and) there are officers: let them go nigh and judge one with another.
39 “Men si nou vle yon bagay anplis ke sa, sa gen pou regle nan asanble jistis la.
And if you require other (procedure), in the place which is given by the law for an assembly it shall be resolved.
40 Paske vrèman, nou an danje akizasyon de soulèvman akoz sa ki pase la jodi a. Nanpwen rezon pou li. Konsa, nou p ap kapab rann kont pou asanble a ki an dezòd konsa.”
For now also are we standing in peril of being accused as disturbers, because we cannot make excuse for the concourse of this day, inasmuch as we have met uselessly, and have made a tumult without cause.
41 Lè l fin di sa, li te ranvwaye asanble a.
And when these he had said, he dissolved the assembly.