< 2 Istwa 1 >

1 Alò Salomon, fis a David la te etabli li menm byen solid sou wayòm li an. SENYÈ a, Bondye li a, te avèk li e Li te egzalte li anpil.
Solomon, son of David, strengthened his hold over the kingdom, and the Lord God was with him and made him extremely powerful.
2 Salomon te pale a tout Israël, a kòmandan a dè milye yo e dè santèn yo, a jij yo e tout moun nan sila ki t ap dirije nan tout Israël yo, chèf lakay zansèt pa yo.
Solomon sent for all the Israelite leaders, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds, to the judges, and to every family leader.
3 Konsa, Salomon avèk tout asanble a avèk li menm te monte nan wo plas ki te Gabaon an; paske tant asanble a Bondye ke Moïse, sèvitè SENYÈ a, te fè nan dezè a, te la.
Solomon went with the whole assembly to the high place at Gibeon, for this was the site of God's Tent of Meeting that Moses, the Lord's servant, had made in the wilderness.
4 Sepandan, David te gen tan mennen fè monte lach Bondye a soti Kirjath-Jearim nan plas li te prepare pou li. Paske li te fè monte yon tant pou li Jérusalem.
David had brought up the Ark of God from Kiriath-jearim to the place in Jerusalem where he had set up a tent for it.
5 Alò, lotèl an bwonz ke Betsaleel, fis a Uri a, te fè a te la devan tabènak SENYÈ a, e Salomon avèk asanble a te chache jwenn li.
However, the bronze altar made by Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, was there in front of the Tent of the Lord, so that is where Solomon and the assembly went to worship.
6 Salomon te monte la devan SENYÈ a kote lotèl an bwonz nan tant asanble a, e li te ofri yon mil ofrann brile sou li.
Solomon went up to the bronze altar before the Lord, in front of the Tent of Meeting. There he presented one thousand burnt offerings.
7 Nan lannwit, Bondye te parèt a Salomon. Li te di l: “Mande M sa pou M ta ba ou.”
That night God appeared to Solomon and told him, “Ask what you want me to give you.”
8 Salomon te reponn a Bondye: “Ou te aji avèk papa m David avèk anpil lanmou dous, e Ou te fè m wa nan plas li.
Solomon responded to God, “You showed trustworthy love without limit to my father David, and you have made me king in his place.
9 Koulye a, O SENYÈ Bondye, Sa Ou te pwomèt a papa m nan, David, akonpli. Paske Ou te fè m wa sou yon pèp ki gran an kantite tankou pousyè latè.
Lord God, please keep the promise you made to my father David. You have made me king over a nation that has as many people as the dust of the earth.
10 Koulye a, ban mwen sajès avèk konesans, pou m kab antre sòti devan pèp sa a, paske se kilès ki kab gouvène gran pèp Ou sa a?”
Please give me wisdom and knowledge to lead this people—for who can rule with justice this great people of yours?”
11 Bondye te di a Salomon: “Akoz ou te gen sa nan tèt ou e ou pa t mande richès, ni byen, ni lonè, ni lavi a sila ki rayi ou yo, ni ou pa t menm mande pou yon vi long, men ou te mande pou kont ou sajès pou ou ta kab gouvène pèp Mwen an, sou sila Mwen te fè ou wa a,
God told Solomon: “Because this is what you really wanted, and you didn't ask for wealth, possessions, or honor, or the death of those who hate you, or for a long life, but instead you asked for wisdom and knowledge so you can rule with justice my people that I have made you king over;
12 sajès avèk konesans gen tan bay a ou menm. Epi Mwen va ba ou richès avèk byen, avèk lonè, tankou okenn nan wa avan ou yo pa t janmen genyen, ni sila ki va swiv ou yo.”
wisdom and knowledge is given to you. I will give you wealth, possessions, and honor as well, much more than any king who came before you has had, or who comes after you will ever have.”
13 Konsa, Salomon te sòti nan kote wo ki te Gabaon an, li te soti nan tant asanble a, pou rive Jérusalem; e li te renye sou tout Israël.
Then Solomon returned to Jerusalem from the Tent of Meeting in Gibeon, and he ruled over Israel.
14 Salomon te vin gen cha avèk chevalye. Li te gen mil-kat-san cha avèk douz-mil chevalye e li te estasyone yo nan vil cha yo epi ak wa a nan Jérusalem.
Solomon built up an army of chariots and horses. He had 1,400 chariots and 12,000 horses, which he placed in the chariot cities, and also with him in Jerusalem.
15 Wa a te fè ajan avèk lò vin an kantite Jérusalem, menm jan avèk wòch, e li te fè bwa sèd vin anpil tankou bwa sikomò nan ba plèn nan.
The king made silver and gold as plentiful in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar wood as plentiful as sycamore-figs trees in the foothills.
16 Cheval Salomon yo te enpòte soti an Égypte ak Kue. Komèsan a wa yo te achte yo nan Kue.
Solomon imported horses for himself from Egypt and Kue; the king's traders bought them in Kue.
17 Yo te enpòte cha yo soti an Égypte pou sis-san sik ajan chak, cheval yo pou san-senkant chak, e pa menm mwayen an, yo te fè distribisyon a tout wa Etyen yo avèk wa Siryen yo.
A chariot could be imported from Egypt for six hundred silver shekels, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. In the same way they exported them to all the Hittite kings and the Aramean kings.

< 2 Istwa 1 >