< Chante Salomon 1 >

1 Men pi bèl chante nan tout chante Salomon yo.
2 Bo m' non, kouvri m' ak bo! Karès ou pi dous pase siwo myèl.
Let him kisse me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy loue is better then wine.
3 Ou gen yon bon sant k'ap soti nan tout kò ou. Depi yo tande non ou, sant ou vin nan nen yo. Se sa ki fè jenn fi yo renmen ou konsa!
Because of the sauour of thy good ointments thy name is as an ointment powred out: therefore the virgins loue thee.
4 Pran m' avè ou non! Ann kouri ale! Se ou menm ki wa mwen. Mennen m' nan chanm ou. Depi ou la, se pa ti kontan n'ap kontan. N'ap chante karès ou ki pi dous pase siwo myèl. Jenn fi yo gen rezon renmen ou konsa!
Drawe me: we will runne after thee: the King hath brought me into his chabers: we will reioyce and be glad in thee: we will remember thy loue more then wine: the righteous do loue thee.
5 Medam lavil Jerizalèm, Po m' boule, men m' bèl! Po m' menm koulè ak tant nan dezè a. Men, li bèl tankou rido nan palè Salomon an.
I am blacke, O daughters of Ierusalem, but comely, as the tentes of Kedar, and as the curtaines of Salomon.
6 Pa gade sou koulè po m'! Se solèy la ki boule m' konsa. Frè m' yo te move sou mwen. Yo fè m' travay nan jaden rezen lòt moun. M' pa t' gen tan pou m' okipe jaden rezen pa m'.
Regard ye me not because I am blacke: for the sunne hath looked vpon mee. The sonnes of my mother were angry against mee: they made me the keeper of ye vines: but I kept not mine owne vine.
7 Manyè di m' non, ou menm mwen renmen anpil la, kibò ou pral mennen mouton yo manje? Kibò yo pral pare solèy midi? Konsa m' p'ap bezwen mache chache ou tankou moun fou nan mitan mouton lòt gadò parèy ou yo.
Shewe me, O thou, whome my soule loueth, where thou feedest, where thou liest at noone: for why should I be as she that turneth aside to the flockes of thy companions?
8 Bèl fanm pase ou, nanpwen! Ki jan ou fè pa konn kote sa a? Ale non. Swiv mouton yo. W'a jwenn manje bò la pou kabrit ou yo, toupre tant gadò yo.
If thou knowe not, O thou the fairest among women, get thee foorth by the steps of the flocke, and feede thy kiddes by the tents of the shepheards.
9 Ou menm mwen renmen anpil la, w'ap boulvèse mesye yo, menm jan yon jiman ap boulvèse poulen chwal cha lagè farawon yo.
I haue compared thee, O my loue, to the troupe of horses in the charets of Pharaoh.
10 Ala bèl figi ou bèl nan mitan très cheve ou yo! Ala bèl kou ou bèl ak kolye ou yo!
Thy cheekes are comely with rowes of stones, and thy necke with chaines.
11 Men, n'ap fè yon chenn lò pou ou ak ti moso ajan kole ladan l'.
We will make thee borders of golde with studdes of siluer.
12 Mèt mwen te kouche sou kabann li. Sant odè mwen an te gaye toupatou.
Whiles the King was at his repast, my spikenard gaue the smelll thereof.
13 Mennaj mwen tankou yon pake bazilik, ki poze sou tete m'.
My welbeloued is as a bundle of myrrhe vnto me: he shall lie betweene my breasts.
14 Mennaj mwen tankou yon bouke flè k'ap fleri nan jaden rezen Angedi.
My welbeloued is as a cluster of camphire vnto me in the vines of Engedi.
15 Ala bèl ou bèl, anmòrèz mwen! Ala bèl ou bèl! Je ou yo ou ta di de ti pijon.
My loue, beholde, thou art faire: beholde, thou art faire: thine eyes are like the doues.
16 Ala bèl ou bèl, mennaj mwen! Se pa ti kontan ou fè m' kontan. Zèb yo sèvi nou kabann!
My welbeloued, beholde, thou art faire and pleasant: also our bed is greene:
17 Branch bwa sèd yo sèvi nou travès kay, branch pye chenn yo sèvi nou twati.
The beames of our house are cedars, our rafters are of firre.

< Chante Salomon 1 >