< Ròm 3 >

1 Nan kondisyon sa a, lè yon moun jwif, ki avantaj ki gen nan sa? Kisa sikonsizyon an fè pou li?
What special privilege, then, has a Jew? Or what benefit is to be derived from circumcision?
2 Tout jan, li gen anpil avantaj. Pou kòmanse, se jwif yo Bondye te mete reskonsab pawòl li yo.
The privilege is great from every point of view. First of all, because the Jews were entrusted with God's truth.
3 Bon, tande non. Si gen ladan yo ki pa kenbe pawòl yo, èske poutèt sa Bondye p'ap kenbe pawòl li tou?
For what if some Jews have proved unfaithful? Shall their faithlessness render God's faithfulness worthless?
4 O non, lekontrè. Menm si tout moun ap bay manti, Bondye gen pou fè sa ki pou fèt la rive vre. Se sa menm ki ekri nan Liv la: Se pou yo rekonèt se ou menm ki gen rezon lè w'ap pale. Se ou menm ki pou gen pwose a lè y'ap jije ou.
No, indeed; let us hold God to be true, though every man should prove to be false. As it stands written, "That Thou mayest be shown to be just in the sentence Thou pronouncest, and gain Thy cause when Thou contendest."
5 Men, si lè nou fè sa ki mal, sa fè moun wè pi klè se Bondye ki gen rezon, kisa n'a di lè sa a? Eske poutèt sa lè Bondye peni nou li gen tò? (Eskize m' wi, m'ap pale tankou moun.)
But if our unrighteousness sets God's righteousness in a clearer light, what shall we say? (Is God unrighteous--I speak in our everyday language-- when He inflicts punishment?
6 Men non! Si lè sa a Bondye pa gen rezon, ki jan Bondye va fè pou jije moun?
No indeed; for in that case how shall He judge all mankind?)
7 Bon, si lè m' bay manti, sa fè verite Bondye a parèt pi klè, si sa sèvi yon lwanj pou Bondye, poukisa pou l' ta jije m' tankou yon moun ki fè sa ki mal?
If, for instance, a falsehood of mine has made God's truthfulness more conspicuous, redounding to His glory, why am I judged all the same as a sinner?
8 Poukisa nou pa di pito: Ann fè sa ki mal pou Bondye ka fè plis byen toujou! Gen kèk malpalan ki pretann se sa mwen di. Enben, Bondye ap kondannen moun sa yo, epi la gen rezon.
And why should we not say--for so they wickedly misrepresent us, and so some charge us with arguing--"Let us do evil that good may come"? The condemnation of those who would so argue is just.
9 Men, sa sa ye menm? Nou menm jwif, èske nou pi bon pase moun lòt nasyon yo? Non, se pa vre menm. Mwen deja moutre nou sa: tout moun, ou te mèt jwif, ou te mèt pa jwif, tout moun anba pouvwa peche a.
What then? Are we Jews more highly estimated than they? Not in the least; for we have already charged all Jews and Gentiles alike with being in thraldom to sin.
10 Jan sa ekri nan Liv la: Nanpwen moun ki gen rezon devan Bondye. Non, pa menm yon grenn.
Thus it stands written, "There is not one righteous man.
11 Yo yonn pa gen konprann. Yo yonn p'ap chache Bondye.
There is not one who is really wise, nor one who is a diligent seeker after God.
12 Yo tout lage kò yo nan bwa, yo tout pèdi chemen yo. Nanpwen yonn ladan yo k'ap fè sa ki byen. Non, pa menm yon sèl.
All have turned aside from the right path; they have every one of them become corrupt. There is no one who does what is right--no, not so much as one."
13 Bouch yo ou ta di yon kavo ki louvri. Se twonpe y'ap twonpe moun ase ak lang yo. Pawòl nan bouch yo se pwazon, ou ta di venen sèpan aspik.
"Their throats resemble an opened grave; with their tongues they have been talking deceitfully." "The venom of vipers lies hidden behind their lips."
14 Bouch yo plen madichon ak jouman.
"Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."
15 Ti krik ti krak, se fè san koule.
"Their feet move swiftly to shed blood.
16 Kote yo pase se dega, se malè yo kite dèyè.
Ruin and misery mark their path;
17 Yo pa konn ki jan pou yo viv byen ak moun.
and the way to peace they have not known."
18 Yo mete nan tèt yo pa gen rezon pou gen krentif Bondye.
"There is no fear of God before their eyes."
19 Nou konnen egzijans lalwa se pou moun ki anba lalwa. Konsa, pa gen eskiz ki pou soti nan bouch pesonn: tout moun antò devan Bondye.
But it cannot be denied that all that the Law says is addressed to those who are living under the Law, in order that every mouth may be stopped, and that the whole world may await sentence from God.
20 Se pa paske yon moun fè sa lalwa a mande kifè li inonsan devan Bondye. Poukisa? Paske lalwa annik fè nou konnen sa nou fè a pa bon.
For on the ground of obedience to Law no man living will be declared righteous before Him. Law simply brings a sure knowledge of sin.
21 Men koulye a, Bondye fè nou wè ki jan li fè moun gras. Lalwa pa gen anyen pou wè nan sa. Se sa liv lalwa a ansanm ak liv pwofèt yo di nou tou.
But now a righteousness coming from God has been brought to light apart from any Law, both Law and Prophets bearing witness to it--
22 Se lè moun mete konfyans yo nan Jezikri Bondye fè yo gras. Li fè l' pou tout moun ki kwè nan Kris la, paske yo tout se menm.
a righteousness coming from God, which depends on faith in Jesus Christ and extends to all who believe. No distinction is made;
23 Tout moun fè peche; yo tout vire do bay Bondye ki gen pouvwa a.
for all alike have sinned, and all consciously come short of the glory of God,
24 Men Bondye ki renmen yo, li fè yo gras. Li fè sa pou yo gratis, gremesi Jezikri ki vin delivre yo.
gaining acquittal from guilt by His free unpurchased grace through the deliverance which is found in Christ Jesus.
25 Se li menm, Jezikri, Bondye te ofri tankou bèt pou touye. Li bay san li pou tout moun ki mete konfyans yo nan li ka resevwa padon pou peche yo. Bondye te vle moutre nou ki jan li fè moun gras. Nan tan lontan, Bondye te pran pasyans, li te fèmen je l' sou peche moun te fè.
He it is whom God put forward as a Mercy-seat, rendered efficacious through faith in His blood, in order to demonstrate His righteousness-- because of the passing over, in God's forbearance, of the sins previously committed--
26 Men koulye a, li moutre nou ki jan l'ap fè moun gras, paske li fè nou wè se li menm ki gen rezon, an menm tan l'ap fè tout moun ki kwè nan Jezi yo gras.
with a view to demonstrating, at the present time, His righteousness, that He may be shown to be righteous Himself, and the giver of righteousness to those who believe in Jesus.
27 Bon. Nan kondisyon sa a, ki rezon moun genyen pou y'ap fè grandizè ankò? Pa genyen menm. Poukisa? Eske se paske yo fè sa lalwa mande? Non. Men, paske yo fè Bondye konfyans.
Where then is there room for your boasting? It is for ever shut out. On what principle? On the ground of merit? No, but on the ground of faith.
28 Nou kenbe sa nou di a: se paske yon moun gen konfyans nan Bondye kifè Bondye fè l' gras, se pa paske li fè sa lalwa mande.
For we maintain that it is as the result of faith that a man is held to be righteous, apart from actions done in obedience to Law.
29 Eske Bondye se Bondye jwif yo sèlman? Eske li pa Bondye moun lòt nasyon yo tou? Men wi, li se Bondye moun lòt nasyon yo tou.
Is God simply the God of the Jews, and not of the Gentiles also? He is certainly the God of the Gentiles also,
30 Paske se yon sèl Bondye a ki genyen. L'ap fè moun ki sikonsi yo gras paske yo gen konfyans nan li. Konsa tou, l'ap fè moun ki pa sikonsi yo gras paske yo menm tou yo gen konfyans nan li.
unless you can deny that it is one and the same God who will pronounce the circumcised to be acquitted on the ground of faith, and the uncircumcised to be acquitted through the same faith.
31 Bon. Jan nou pale a, èske konfyans nan Bondye fè lalwa a pèdi valè li? Men non, okontrè, nou kanpe lalwa a pi rèd.
Do we then by means of this faith abolish the Law? No, indeed; we give the Law a firmer footing.

< Ròm 3 >