< Sòm 81 >

1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se sou lè chante yo chante lè y'ap kraze rezen. Se yon sòm Asaf. Chante ak kè kontan pou Bondye ki tout defans nou! Fè fèt pou Bondye Jakòb la!
For the end, a Psalm for Asaph, concerning the wine presses. Rejoice you in God our helper; shout aloud to the God of Jacob.
2 Konmanse chante a. Bat tanbouren yo! Jwe bèl mizik sou gita ak bandjo yo.
Take a psalm, and produce the timbrel, the pleasant lute with the harp.
3 Kònen twonpèt pou anonse fèt la, lè lalin lan nouvèl, ak lè li plenn!
Blow the trumpet at the new moon, in the glorious day of your feast.
4 Se yon lwa nan peyi Izrayèl, se yon lòd Bondye Jakòb la bay!
For [this] is an ordinance for Israel, and a statute of the God of Jacob.
5 Bondye te fè sa tounen yon lwa pou pitit pitit Jozèf yo lè li te fè yo soti nan peyi Lejip la. Mwen tande yon vwa mwen pa rekonèt ki di m' konsa:
He made it [to be] a testimony in Joseph, when he came forth out of the land of Egypt: he heard a language which he understood not.
6 Se mwen ki te wete gwo chay lou ki te sou zepòl nou an. Se mwen ki te fè nou mete panyen yo atè.
He removed his back from burdens: his hands slaved in making the baskets.
7 Lè nou te anba tray, nou te rele m', mwen te delivre nou. Mwen reponn nou nan loraj kote m' te kache a. Mwen te vle wè sou ki pye nou ye avè m', lè nou te bò sous dlo Meriba a.
You did call upon me in trouble, and I delivered you; I heard you in the secret place of the storm: I proved you at the water of Strife. (Pause)
8 Koute m' non lè m'ap avèti nou, pèp mwen! Pèp Izrayèl, poukisa nou pa vle koute m'!
Hear, my people, and I will speak to you, O Israel; and I will testify to you: if you will listen to me;
9 Piga nou janm sèvi lòt bondye, piga nou janm adore bondye lòt nasyon yo!
there shall be no new god in you; neither shall you worship a strange god.
10 Se mwen menm ki Seyè a, Bondye nou an. Se mwen menm ki te fè nou kite peyi Lejip la. Louvri bouch nou, m'a plen l' ak pawòl mwen!
For I am the Lord your God, that brought you out of the land of Egypt: open your mouth wide, and I will fill it.
11 Men, pèp mwen an pa koute m'. Pèp Izrayèl la pa obeyi m'.
But my people listened not to my voice; and Israel gave no heed to me.
12 Lè m' wè sa, mwen kite yo swiv lide yo te gen nan tèt yo, mwen kite yo fè tou sa yo te vle fè.
So I let them go after the ways of their own hearts: they will go on in their own ways.
13 Ayayay! Si pèp mwen an te vle koute m'. Si pèp Izrayèl la te vle obeyi mwen!
If my people had listened to me, if Israel had walked in my ways,
14 Anvan yo ta bat je yo, mwen ta fè lènmi yo wont, mwen ta kraze tout lènmi yo.
I should have put down their enemies very quickly, and should have laid my hand upon those that afflicted them.
15 Moun ki rayi Seyè a ta vin flate yo. Pèp Izrayèl la t'ap alèz pou tout tan.
The Lord's enemies [should have] lied to him: but their time shall be for ever.
16 Mwen ta ba yo pi bon kalite manje pou yo manje. Mwen ta plen vant yo ak bon siwo myèl ki soti nan twou wòch!
And he fed them with the fat of wheat; and satisfied them with honey out of the rock.

< Sòm 81 >