< Sòm 52 >

1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yon chante David te ekri lè Doèg, moun peyi Edon, te al pote rapò bay Sayil pou fè l' konnen David te al kache lakay Akimelèk. Poukisa, ou menm gwo chèf, w'ap vante tèt ou konsa lè ou fè sa ki mal! renmen Bondye a pa janm chanje.
For the end, [a Psalm] of instruction by David, when Doec the Idumean came and told Saul, and said to him, David is gone to the house of Abimelech. Why do you, O mighty man, boast of iniquity in [your] mischief? All the day
2 W'ap kalkile ki jan pou fè moun mal. Lang ou tankou yon razwa byen file, ou toujou ap fè manti sou moun.
your tongue has devised unrighteousness; like a sharpened razor you have wrought deceit.
3 Ou pito fè mal pase pou ou fè byen. Ou pito bay manti pase ou di verite.
You have loved wickedness more than goodness; unrighteousness better than to speak righteousness. (Pause)
4 Ou renmen di pawòl ki pou fè moun mal, lang vipè!
You has loved all words of destruction, [and] a deceitful tongue.
5 Se poutèt sa, Bondye gen pou fini nèt avè ou, l'ap mete men sou ou, l'ap rale ou soti anndan kay ou. L'ap wete ou nan mitan moun ki vivan yo.
Therefore may God destroy you for ever, may he pluck you up and utterly remove you from [your] dwelling, and your root from the land of the living. (Pause)
6 Moun k'ap mache dwat yo va wè sa, y'a gen krentif pou Bondye. Men y'a pase ou nan betiz, y'a di:
And the righteous shall see, and fear, and shall laugh at him, and say,
7 Men moun ki te derefize chache pwoteksyon bò kot Bondye a. Li te pito mete tout konfyans li nan gwo richès li yo. Li te pito ap fè grandizè pou sa li fè ki mal.
Behold the man who made not God his help; but trusted in the abundance of his wealth, and strengthened himself in his vanity.
8 Men, mwen tankou yon bèl pye oliv tou vèt nan kay Bondye a. M'ap toujou mete tout konfyans mwen nan li, paske li p'ap janm sispann renmen mwen.
But I am as a fruitful olive in the house of God: I have trusted in the mercy of God for ever, even for evermore.
9 M'ap toujou di ou mèsi pou sa ou fè, Bondye. Tout espwa mwen se nan ou li ye. M'ap kanpe nan mitan moun k'ap sevi ou yo pou m' fè konnen jan ou bon.
I will give thanks to you for ever, for you have done [it]: and I will wait on your name; for [it is] good before the saints.

< Sòm 52 >