< Sòm 44 >

1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yonn nan chante pitit Kore yo. Bondye, nou te tande ak zòrèy nou tout gwo bagay ou te fè nan tan lontan. Wi, granmoun nou yo te rakonte nou tou sa ou te fè pou yo nan tan lontan.
To him that excelleth. A Psalme to give instruction, committed to the sonnes of Korah. We haue heard with our eares, O God: our fathers haue tolde vs the workes, that thou hast done in their dayes, in the olde time:
2 Yo di nou se avèk fòs kouraj ou ou te chase moun lòt nasyon yo, pou ou te kapab tabli yo nan peyi a. Yo di nou jan ou te maltrete anpil lòt nasyon pou ou te ka fè plas pou zansèt nou yo.
Howe thou hast driuen out the heathen with thine hand, and planted them: how thou hast destroyed the people, and caused them to grow.
3 Se pa t' avèk nepe pèp ou a te pran peyi a, se pa t' fòs ponyèt yo ki te fè yo genyen batay la. Men, se te pouvwa ou ak fòs ponyèt pa ou ki te penmèt yo fè tou sa. Ou te la avèk yo pou ba yo kouraj. Ou te fè tou sa paske ou renmen yo.
For they inherited not the lande by their owne sworde, neither did their owne arme saue them: but thy right hand, and thine arme and the light of thy countenance, because thou didest fauour them.
4 Se ou ki wa mwen, se ou ki Bondye mwen. Fè pitit Jakòb yo jwenn delivrans.
Thou art my King, O God: send helpe vnto Iaakob.
5 Avèk pouvwa ou, nou kilbite lènmi nou yo. Avèk ou menm ki la avèk nou an, n'ap kraze moun ki leve dèyè nou yo.
Through thee haue we thrust backe our aduersaries: by thy Name haue we troden downe them that rose vp against vs.
6 Mwen p'ap mete konfyans mwen nan banza. Se pa nepe m' ki pou delivre m'.
For I do not trust in my bowe, neither can my sworde saue me.
7 Se ou menm ki te delivre nou anba lènmi nou yo. Ou fè moun ki pa t' vle wè nou yo wont.
But thou hast saued vs from our aduersaries, and hast put them to confusion that hate vs.
8 Se chak jou n'ap fè lwanj ou. Se tout tan n'ap nonmen non ou, n'ap di ou mèsi.
Therefore will wee praise God continually, and will confesse thy Name for euer. (Selah)
9 Men koulye a, Bondye, ou vire do ban nou, ou fè nou pran wont, ou pa soti ansanm avèk lame nou yo ankò.
But now thou art farre off, and puttest vs to confusion, and goest not forth with our armies.
10 Ou fè nou kouri devan lènmi nou yo. Moun ki pa vle wè nou yo ap piye nou alèz.
Thou makest vs to turne backe from the aduersary, and they, which hate vs, spoile for theselues.
11 Ou lage nou tankou mouton y'ap mennen labatwa. Ou gaye nou nan mitan tout lòt peyi yo.
Thou giuest vs as sheepe to bee eaten, and doest scatter vs among the nations.
12 Ou vann pèp ou a pou gremesi, ou pa fè okenn benefis sou li.
Thou sellest thy people without gaine, and doest not increase their price.
13 Ou fè nasyon ki bò kote nou yo ap pase nou nan betiz Wi, yo tout ap lonje dwèt sou nou, y'ap pase nou nan rizib.
Thou makest vs a reproche to our neighbours, a iest and a laughing stocke to them that are round about vs.
14 Ou fè tout lòt nasyon yo ap bay istwa sou nou. Kou yo wè nou, y'ap fè siy sou nou.
Thou makest vs a prouerbe among the nations, and a nodding of the head among the people.
15 -(we vèsè pwochen)
My confusion is dayly before me, and the shame of my face hath couered me,
16 Lè m' tande moun k'ap joure m' yo, moun k'ap vekse m' yo, mwen pa ka gade yo nan je. Lè m' devan lènmi ak moun ki pa vle wè m' yo, lawont fè m' bouche figi m'.
For the voyce of the slaunderer and rebuker, for the enemie and auenger.
17 Wi, tout malè sa yo rive nou, men, nou pa janm bliye ou. Nou pa t' manke anyen nan kontra ou fè avèk nou an.
All this is come vpon vs, yet doe wee not forget thee, neither deale wee falsly concerning thy couenant.
18 Nou pa janm vire do ba ou, nou pa janm kite chemen ou mete devan nou an.
Our heart is not turned backe: neither our steps gone out of thy paths,
19 Men ou menm, ki jan ou fè lage nou konsa san sekou nan mitan bèt nan bwa yo? Ou kite nou konsa kote ki fè nwa anpil la.
Albeit thou hast smitten vs downe into the place of dragons, and couered vs with the shadow of death.
20 Si nou te bliye rele Bondye nou an, si nou te lapriyè yon lòt bondye,
If wee haue forgotten the Name of our God, and holden vp our hands to a strange god,
21 èske Bondye pa ta konn sa, li menm ki konn sekrè ki nan kè tout moun?
Shall not God searche this out? for hee knoweth the secrets of the heart.
22 Men, se poutèt ou tout tan yo soti pou touye nou. Yo gade nou tankou mouton y'ap pare pou labatwa.
Surely for thy sake are we slaine continually, and are counted as sheepe for the slaughter.
23 Louvri je ou, Seyè. Poukisa w'ap dòmi konsa? Leve non. Pa voye nou jete nèt!
Vp, why sleepest thou, O Lord? awake, be not farre off for euer.
24 Poukisa ou vire do ban nou konsa? Poukisa ou bliye anba ki tray nou ye, jan y'ap peze nou?
Wherefore hidest thou thy face? and forgettest our miserie and our affliction?
25 Nou tonbe san fòs nan pousyè a. Nou kouche sou vant atè plat.
For our soule is beaten downe vnto the dust: our belly cleaueth vnto the ground.
26 Leve non. vin pote nou sekou! Jan ou renmen nou sa, vin delivre nou non!
Rise vp for our succour, and redeeme vs for thy mercies sake.

< Sòm 44 >