< Sòm 41 >

1 Pou chèf sanba yo. Se yon sòm David. Ala bon sa bon pou moun ki pran ka pòv yo! Seyè a va delivre l' lè la nan tray.
For the end, a Psalm of David. Blessed [is the man] who thinks, on the poor and needy: the Lord shall deliver him in an evil day.
2 Seyè a va pwoteje l', li p'ap kite l' mouri. L'ap fè l' viv ak kè kontan sou latè, li p'ap lage l' nan men lènmi l' yo pou yo fè sa yo vle avè l'.
May the Lord preserve him and keep him alive, and bless him on the earth, and not deliver him into the hands of his enemy.
3 Seyè a va ba l' fòs lè maladi fè l' pran kabann. Seyè a va ba l' gerizon lè li malad kouche.
May the Lord help him upon the bed of his pain; you have made all his bed in his sickness.
4 Mwen menm, mwen te di: Seyè, gen pitye pou mwen. Geri mwen, paske mwen te peche kont ou.
I said, O Lord, have mercy upon me; heal my soul; for I have sinned against you.
5 Lènmi m' yo ap pale m' mal. Y'ap di: Kilè l'a mouri? Kilè y'a bliye l'?
Mine enemies have spoken evil against me, [saying], When shall he die, and his name perish?
6 Moun ki vin wè m' yo, se yon bann ipokrit. Se ranmase yo vin ranmase tout kalite move nouvèl. Soti yo soti, yo pwonmennen rakonte yo toupatou.
And if he came to see [me], his heart spoke vainly; he gathered iniquity to himself; he went forth and spoke in like manner.
7 Tout moun ki pa vle wè m' yo mete tèt yo ansanm pou pale nan zòrèy sou mwen. Yo kwè m' fini, nanpwen renmèd pou mwen. Y'ap fè yon pakèt vye lide sou mwen.
All my enemies whispered against me; against me they devised my hurt.
8 Y'ap di: Msye kondannen. Kote l' kouche a, nanpwen leve pou li ankò.
They denounced a wicked word against me, [saying], Now that he lies, shall he not rise up again?
9 Ata pi bon zanmi m' lan, moun mwen te fè konfyans anpil la, moun ki te konn manje nan menm plat avè m' lan, ata li menm, li trayi m'.
For even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate my bread, lifted up [his] heel against me.
10 Men ou menm, Seyè, gen pitye pou mwen. Mete m' sou de pye m' ankò, pou m' ka ba yo sa yo merite.
But you, O Lord, have compassion upon me, and raise me up, and I shall requite them.
11 M'a konnen ou kontan avè m' vre si m' wè lènmi m' yo pa banboche sou do m'.
By this I know that you have delighted in me, because mine enemy shall not rejoice over me.
12 Wi, w'ap soutni m', paske mwen pa fè anyen ki mal. W'ap fè m' kanpe la devan ou pou tout tan.
But you did help me because of [mine] innocence, and have established me before you for ever.
13 Ann fè lwanj Seyè a, Bondye pèp Izrayèl la. Ann fè lwanj li pou tout tan. Amèn! Se vre!
Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. So be it, so be it.

< Sòm 41 >