< Sòm 147 >

1 Lwanj pou Seyè a! Sa bon nèt pou nou chante pou Seyè a. Sa bon nèt pou nou fè lwanj Seyè a. Wi, li merite l' vre!
Praise YAH! For [it is] good to praise our God, For pleasant—lovely [is] praise.
2 Seyè a ap rebati lavil Jerizalèm. L'ap fè moun Izrayèl ki te gaye nan mitan lòt nasyon yo tounen lakay yo.
YHWH [is] building Jerusalem, He gathers the driven away of Israel.
3 L'ap bay moun ki nan gwo lapenn yo kouraj. L'ap geri moun ki blese yo.
Who is giving healing to the broken of heart, And is binding up their griefs.
4 Li konte konbe zetwal ki genyen! Li konnen non yo chak.
Appointing the number of the stars, He gives names to all of them.
5 Seyè nou an gen pouvwa. Li gen anpil fòs. Konesans li pa gen limit.
Our Lord [is] great, and abundant in power, There is no narration of His understanding.
6 Seyè a ap bay pòv malere yo men pou yo leve. Men, l'ap rabese mechan yo jouk atè.
YHWH is causing the meek to stand, Making the wicked low to the earth.
7 Chante yon chante pou Seyè a pou nou di l' mèsi. Fè mizik pou Bondye nou an ak gita.
Answer to YHWH with thanksgiving, Sing to our God with a harp.
8 Se li ki kouvri syèl la ak nwaj yo. Se li ki pare lapli pou tè a. Se li ki fè zèb pouse sou mòn yo.
Who is covering the heavens with clouds, Who is preparing rain for the earth, Who is causing grass to spring up [on] mountains,
9 Li bay bèt yo manje, li bay ti kònèy yo manje lè yo rele.
Giving to the beast its food, To the young of the ravens that call.
10 Li pa pran plezi l' nan chwal ki gen fòs, ni se pa kouraj moun ki fè kè l' kontan.
He does not delight in the might of the horse, He is not pleased in the legs of a man.
11 Moun ki fè kè l' kontan, se moun ki gen krentif pou li, se moun ki mete tout espwa yo nan li, paske yo konnen li renmen yo.
YHWH is pleased with those fearing Him, With those waiting for His kindness.
12 Nou menm, moun lavil Jerizalèm, fè lwanj Seyè a! Nou menm, moun mòn Siyon, fè lwanj Bondye nou an!
Glorify, O Jerusalem, YHWH, Praise your God, O Zion.
13 Li fè pòt kay nou yo vin pi solid. Li voye benediksyon sou pitit nou yo nan mitan nou.
For He strengthened the bars of your gates, He has blessed your sons in your midst.
14 L'ap veye fwontyè peyi a pou pa gen lagè! L'ap plen vant nou ak bon kalite manje.
Who is making your border peace, He satisfies you [with] the fat of wheat.
15 Li pase yon lòd: lòd la kouri byen vit toupatou sou latè.
Who is sending forth His saying [on] earth, His word runs very speedily.
16 Li fè lanèj tonbe kouvri latè tankou koton. Li fè lawouze tounen ti moso glas sou tout pyebwa.
Who is giving snow like wool, He scatters hoarfrost as ashes.
17 Li voye lagrèl tankou gravye. Ki moun ki ka sipòte fredi li voye?
Casting forth His ice like morsels, Who stands before His cold?
18 Li pase yon lòd, li fè yo tout fonn. Li fè van soufle, dlo pran koule toupatou.
He sends forth His word and melts them, He causes His wind to blow—the waters flow.
19 Li fè pitit Jakòb yo konnen pawòl li. li fè pèp Izrayèl la konnen lòd li yo ak sa li deside.
Declaring His words to Jacob, His statutes and His judgments to Israel.
20 Li pa aji konsa ak okenn lòt nasyon. Li pa fè yo konnen sa l' deside fè. Lwanj pou Seyè a!
He has not done so to any nation, As for judgments, they have not known them. Praise YAH!

< Sòm 147 >