< Sòm 102 >

1 Lapriyè yon moun ki anba tray. Li pa kapab sipòte ankò. L'ap rakonte Bondye ka li. Seyè, koute m' non lè m'ap lapriyè, se pou rèl mwen rive nan zòrèy ou.
2 Pa vire do ban mwen lè mwen nan traka. Panche zòrèy ou bò kote m'. Prese vin reponn mwen lè m'ap rele ou.
Do not hide Your face from me, In a day of my adversity, Incline Your ear to me, In the day I call, hurry, answer me.
3 Lavi m' ap disparèt tankou lafimen. Mwen gen yon lafyèb nan zo.
For my days have been consumed in smoke, And my bones have burned as a firebrand.
4 Mwen anba gwo kou. Mwen tankou zèb koupe k'ap cheche. Mwen sitèlman boulvèse, mwen pa menm chonje manje.
Struck as the herb, and withered, is my heart, For I have forgotten to eat my bread.
5 Mwen tounen zo ak po tèlman m'ap plenn.
From the voice of my sighing My bone has cleaved to my flesh.
6 Mwen sanble yon tako savann, mwen tankou frize ki rete nan vye kay kraze.
I have been like to a pelican of the wilderness, I have been as an owl of the dry places.
7 Mwen pa ka dòmi, mwen tankou yon zwezo ki pou kont li sou yon do kay.
I have watched, and I am As a bird alone on the roof.
8 Tout lajounen lènmi m' yo ap joure m'. Moun k'ap pase m' nan rizib yo pran non m' sèvi jouman.
All the day my enemies reproached me, Those mad at me have sworn against me.
9 Se sann dife ki tout manje m'. Dlo nan je m' fè yon sèl ak dlo m'ap bwè.
Because I have eaten ashes as bread, And have mingled my drink with weeping,
10 Ou sitèlman ankòlè, ou sitèlman fache, ou pran m', ou voye m' jete byen lwen.
From Your indignation and Your wrath, For You have lifted me up, And cast me down.
11 Kò m' ap tchoule tankou solèy k'ap kouche. M'ap cheche tankou zèb.
My days [are] stretched out as a shadow, And I am withered as the herb.
12 Men ou menm, Seyè, w'ap gouvènen pou tout tan. Pitit an pitit y'ap chonje non ou!
And You, O YHWH, abide for all time, And Your memorial from generation to generation.
13 W'a leve, w'a gen pitye pou lavil Siyon an, paske li lè pou ou gen pitye pou li. Jou a rive.
You rise—You pity Zion, For the time to favor her, For the appointed time has come.
14 Moun k'ap sèvi ou yo renmen lavil Siyon an. Kè yo fè yo mal pou yo wè jan l'ap fini.
For Your servants have been pleased with her stones, And they favor her dust.
15 Lè sa a, moun lòt nasyon yo va gen krentif pou Seyè a, tout wa ki sou latè va pè bèl pouvwa li.
And nations fear the Name of YHWH, And all kings of the earth Your glory,
16 Seyè a va rebati lavil Siyon, l'a fè wè jan li gen pouvwa.
For YHWH has built Zion, He has been seen in His glory,
17 L'a pran ka moun ki san sekou yo lè y'a lapriyè, wi, li p'ap meprize lapriyè yo.
He turned to the prayer of the destitute, And He has not despised their prayer.
18 Se pou yo ekri sa pou timoun k'ap vini yo ka konnen l', pou timoun ki poko fèt yo ka fè lwanj li.
This is written for a later generation, And the people created praise YAH.
19 Seyè a rete anwo nan kay ki apa pou li a, li gade anba, li rete anwo nan syèl la, l'ap gade sou latè,
For He has looked From the high place of His sanctuary. YHWH looked attentively from the heavens to earth,
20 pou l' tande jan prizonye yo ap plenn, pou l' delivre moun yo kondannen amò yo.
To hear the groan of the prisoner, To loose sons of death,
21 Konsa, moun va nonmen non Seyè a nan tout lavil Siyon an. Y'a fè lwanj li nan lavil Jerizalèm,
To declare in Zion the Name of YHWH, And His praise in Jerusalem,
22 lè tout nasyon yo ak tout gouvènman ki sou latè yo va sanble pou sèvi Seyè a.
In the peoples being gathered together, And the kingdoms—to serve YHWH.
23 Mwen te jenn gason toujou lè Seyè a kraze kouraj mwen: li koupe sou lavi m'.
He has humbled my power in the way, He has shortened my days.
24 Mwen di: Bondye mwen, ou menm k'ap viv pou tout tan, pa pran m' koulye a. Mwen jenn gason toujou.
I say, “My God, do not take me up in the midst of my days,” Your years [are] through all generations.
25 Se ou menm, Seyè, ki te kreye latè nan tan lontan. Se avèk men ou ou te fè syèl la.
You founded the earth before time, And the heavens [are] the work of Your hands.
26 Yo gen pou yo disparèt, men ou menm w'ap toujou la. Yo gen pou yo vin vye tankou rad. W'ap chanje yo tankou yo chanje rad, w'a mete yo sou kote.
They perish, and You remain, And all of them become old as a garment, You change them as clothing, And they are changed.
27 Men ou menm, ou p'ap janm chanje, ou p'ap janm mouri.
And You [are] the same, and Your years are not finished.
28 Pitit sèvitè ou yo va rete nan peyi a san danje. Pitit pitit yo va toujou viv devan je ou.
The sons of Your servants continue, And their seed is established before You!

< Sòm 102 >