< Pwovèb 24 >

1 Pa anvye sò mechan yo. Pa chache fè zanmi ak yo.
[My] son, envy not bad men, nor desire to be with them.
2 Yon sèl bagay ki nan tèt yo, se fè mechanste. Yon sèl pawòl ki nan bouch yo, se fè moun mal.
For their heart meditates falsehoods, and their lips speak mischiefs.
3 Bon konprann ap fè kay ou kanpe. Bon konesans ap fè l' kanpe fèm.
A house is built by wisdom, and is set up by understanding.
4 Kote ki gen konesans, pyès kay yo plen ak bon bagay ki koute chè.
By discretion the chambers are filled with all precious and excellent wealth.
5 Pito ou gen bon konprann pase ou gen fòs. Wi, moun ki gen konesans vo plis pase moun ki gwonèg.
A wise man is better than a strong man; and a man who has prudence than a large estate.
6 Paske, se pou ou ranje plan ou anvan ou antre nan batay. Plis ou gen moun k'ap ba ou konsèy, plis ou gen chans pou ou genyen batay la.
War is carried on with generalship, and aid is supplied to the heart of a counsellor.
7 Pawòl moun konprann twò wo pou moun san konprann. Yo pa gen anyen pou yo di kote koze serye ap pale.
Wisdom and good understanding are in the gates of the wise: the wise turn not aside from the mouth of the Lord,
8 Lè yon moun tout tan ap kalkile jan pou l' fè sa ki mal, y'ap rele l' malveyan.
but deliberate in council. Death befalls uninstructed [men].
9 Tou sa moun san konprann gen lide fè, se fè sa ki mal. Konsa tou, moun pa vle wè moun k'ap plede pase moun nan betiz.
The fools also dies in sins; and uncleanness [attaches] to a pestilent man.
10 Si jou malè ou pa gen kouraj pou kenbe, ou pa t' janm gen fòs vre.
He shall be defiled in the evil day, and in the day of affliction, until he be utterly consumed.
11 Delivre moun y'ap trennen pou y' al touye. Sove moun y'ap bourade pou y' al egzekite.
Deliver them that are led away to death, and redeem them that are appointed to be slain; spare not [your help].
12 Si ou pran pòz ou pa t' konn sa, chonje Bondye. Li menm k'ap jije sa ki nan kè moun, l'ap wè sa. Li menm k'ap veye tou sa w'ap fè, l'ap konn sa. L'ap fè tout moun peye pou sa yo fè.
But if you should say, I know not this man; know that the Lord knows the hearts of all; and he that formed breath for all, he knows all things, who renders to every man according to his works.
13 Pitit mwen, bwè siwo myèl, sa bon pou ou. Menm jan siwo myèl k'ap koule soti nan gato myèl dous nan bouch ou,
[My] son, eat honey, for the honeycomb is good, that your throat may be sweetened.
14 se konsa konesans ak bon konprann bon pou nanm ou. Si ou genyen yo, w'a fè chemen ou nan lavi. Sa w'ap tann lan, lavalas p'ap pote l' ale.
Thus shall you perceive wisdom in your soul: for if you find it, your end shall be good, and hope shall not fail you.
15 Pa janm fè plan tankou mechan yo pou chache fofile kò ou anndan kay moun k'ap mache dwat. Pa chache devalize kote l' rete a.
Bring not an ungodly man into the dwelling of the righteous: neither be deceived by the feeding of the belly.
16 Paske, moun k'ap mache dwat yo te mèt tonbe sèt fwa. Pa pè, y'ap toujou leve ankò. Men, nan mechanste yo, mechan yo ap tonbe, yo p'ap ka leve ankò.
For a righteous man will fall seven times, and rise [again]: but the ungodly shall be without strength in troubles.
17 Pa prese fè kè ou kontan lè malè rive lènmi ou. Pa kouri fè fèt lè li bite.
If your enemy should fall, rejoice not over him, neither be elated at his overthrow.
18 Seyè a ap wè sa. Sa p'ap fè l' plezi. Li ka rive pa pini l' poutèt sa.
For the Lord will see [it], and it will not please him, and he will turn away his wrath from him.
19 Pa kite moun k'ap fè sa ki mal fè ou pèdi tèt ou. Pa anvye sò mechan yo.
Rejoice not in evil-doers, neither be envious of sinners.
20 Paske mechan yo pa pral lwen. Lavi yo tankou yon lanp k'ap mouri.
For the evil man shall have no posterity: and the light of the wicked shall be put out.
21 Pitit mwen, gen krentif pou Seyè a. Respekte wa a. Ou pa gen anyen pou ou wè ak moun k'ap kenbe tèt ak yo.
[My] son, fear God and the king; and do not disobey either of them.
22 Moun sa yo ap rete konsa, malè ap tonbe sou yo. Ou pa janm konnen ki kalite malè Seyè a osinon wa a ka fè rive sou ou.
For they will suddenly punish the ungodly, and who can know the vengeance [inflicted] by both?
23 Men lòt pawòl moun ki gen bon konprann yo te di ankò. Sa pa bon pou yon jij gade sou figi moun lè l'ap rann jijman.
And this thing I say to you that are wise [for you] to learn: It is not good to have respect of persons in judgement.
24 Lè yon jij di yon moun ki fè sa ki mal: Se ou ki gen rezon, jij sa a, tout moun gen pou madichonnen l'. Y'ap rayi l' toupatou sou latè.
He that says of the ungodly, He is righteous, shall be cursed by peoples, and hateful amongst the nations.
25 Men, jij ki pini moun ki antò a va gen kè kontan. Bondye va beni l'. Tout zafè l' va mache byen.
But they that reprove [him] shall appear more excellent, and blessing shall come upon them;
26 Lè ou bay yon bon repons, ou aji tankou yon bon zanmi.
and [men] will kiss lips that answer well.
27 Regle tout zafè ou. Mete jaden ou anfòm. Apre sa, ou mèt tabli.
Prepare your works for [your] going forth, and prepare yourself for the field; and come after me, and you shall rebuild your house.
28 Pa leve pale sou do frè parèy ou san rezon. Pa bay manti sou li.
Be not a false witness against your [fellow] citizen, neither exaggerate with your lips.
29 Pa janm di li fè m', m'ap fè l' tou. M'ap fè l' peye sa li fè a.
Say not, As he has treated me, so will I treat him, and I will avenge myself on him for that wherein he has injured me.
30 Mwen pase bò jaden yon nonm parese, bò jaden rezen yon moun ki san konprann.
A foolish man is like a farm, and a senseless man is like a vineyard.
31 Pikan te fin pran jaden an nèt. Move zèb t'ap pouse toupatou. Lantouraj jaden yo te fin tonbe.
If you let him alone, he will altogether remain barren and covered with weeds; and he becomes destitute, and his stone walls are broken down.
32 Lè mwen wè sa, mwen kalkile. Mwen gade, sa ban m' yon leson.
Afterwards I reflected, I looked that I might receive instruction.
33 Dòmi, kabicha, kouche sou do, kwaze men ou dèyè tèt ou... Se bon!
[The sluggard says, ]I slumber a little, and I sleep a little, and for a little while I fold my arms across [my] breast.
34 W'ap rete konsa, w'ap wè ou pòv. Mizè ap tonbe sou ou tankou yon ansasen san ou pa atann.
But if you do this, your poverty will come speedily; and your lack like a swift courier.

< Pwovèb 24 >