< Pwovèb 22 >

1 Pito yo nonmen non ou an byen pase pou ou gen anpil richès. Pito moun gen anpil konsiderasyon pou ou pase pou ou gen anpil lajan ak anpil lò.
A good name is more desirable than great riches, and loving favour is better than silver and gold.
2 Pa gen diferans ant moun rich ak moun pòv, paske tou de se kreyati Bondye yo ye.
The rich and the poor have this in common: The LORD is the maker of them all.
3 Moun ki gen konprann, lè li wè malè ap vin sou li, li wete kò l'. Men, moun sòt pote lestonmak li bay, epi se li ki peye sa.
A prudent man sees danger and hides himself; but the simple pass on, and suffer for it.
4 Soumèt ou devan Bondye, gen krentif pou li: W'a gen richès, y'a nonmen non ou, w'a viv lontan.
The result of humility and the fear of the LORD is wealth, honour, and life.
5 Moun ki mache kwochi jwenn pikan ak pèlen sou wout yo. Si ou renmen lavi, pa fè menm wout ak yo.
Thorns and snares are in the path of the wicked; whoever guards his soul stays far from them.
6 Bay yon timoun prensip li dwe swiv. Jouk li mouri, li p'ap janm bliye l'.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
7 Moun rich ap donminen sou moun pòv. Lè ou prete lajan nan men yon moun, ou tounen timoun devan pòt li.
The rich rule over the poor. The borrower is servant to the lender.
8 Lè ou simen lenjistis, ou rekòlte malè. Ou rete konsa sak te fè ou gen gwo kòlèt la disparèt.
He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will be destroyed.
9 Bondye beni moun ki gen bon kè, paske lè moun ki gen bon kè wè yon pòv, yo separe sa yo genyen an avè l'.
He who has a generous eye will be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.
10 Mete moun k'ap pase lòt moun nan betiz la deyò, lamenm tout kont, tout joure ap sispann.
Drive out the mocker, and strife will go out; yes, quarrels and insults will stop.
11 Moun ki pa gen move lide dèyè tèt yo epi ki gen bon pawòl nan bouch yo ap gen wa a pou zanmi yo. Men, Bondye renmen moun ki sensè.
He who loves purity of heart and speaks gracefully is the king’s friend.
12 Seyè a pwoteje moun k'ap di verite. Men, li fè moun k'ap bay manti yo wont.
The LORD’s eyes watch over knowledge, but he frustrates the words of the unfaithful.
13 Parese rete chita lakay li, li di si li soti bèt nan bwa va manje l' nan lari a.
The sluggard says, “There is a lion outside! I will be killed in the streets!”
14 Pawòl fanm adiltè se gwo pèlen. Lè Seyè a move sou yon moun, moun lan ap pran nan pèlen sa a.
The mouth of an adulteress is a deep pit. He who is under the LORD’s wrath will fall into it.
15 Timoun toujou ap fè move bagay. Men, fwèt ap fè yo pa rekonmanse ankò.
Folly is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of discipline drives it far from him.
16 Lè w'ap peze yon pòv malere se lespri l' w'ap louvri. Lè w'ap fè moun rich kado, se pòv w'ap fè l' pòv.
Whoever oppresses the poor for his own increase and whoever gives to the rich, both come to poverty.
17 Louvri zòrèy ou, koute pawòl moun ki gen bon konprann yo. Chache konprann sa m'ap moutre ou la a.
Turn your ear, and listen to the words of the wise. Apply your heart to my teaching.
18 L'a bon pou ou toujou kenbe yo nan kè ou, pou yo ka toujou anba lang ou.
For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you, if all of them are ready on your lips.
19 Koulye a, mwen pral moutre ou tout pawòl sa yo, ou menm tou, pou ou ka mete konfyans ou nan Seyè a.
I teach you today, even you, so that your trust may be in the LORD.
20 Depi lontan, mwen te ekri bon pawòl sa yo pou ou. W'a jwenn anpil bon konsèy ak konesans ladan yo.
Haven’t I written to you thirty excellent things of counsel and knowledge,
21 Y'a fè ou konnen verite a jan li ye a. Konsa, w'a pote bon repons bay moun ki te voye ou la. Men yo:
To teach you truth, reliable words, to give sound answers to the ones who sent you?
22 Pa pran ti sa pòv la genyen an paske se pòv li ye. Pa pwofite sou ti malere yo nan tribinal.
Don’t exploit the poor because he is poor; and don’t crush the needy in court;
23 Se Seyè a ki va plede kòz yo pou yo. L'a touye moun ki vòlò malere sa yo.
for the LORD will plead their case, and plunder the life of those who plunder them.
24 Pa fè zanmi ak moun ki ankòlè fasil. Pa mache ak moun ki gen san wo.
Don’t befriend a hot-tempered man. Don’t associate with one who harbours anger,
25 W'a pran move mès yo. W'a rale malè sou ou.
lest you learn his ways and ensnare your soul.
26 Pa pwomèt pou ou reskonsab dèt yon lòt moun fè.
Don’t you be one of those who strike hands, of those who are collateral for debts.
27 Si ou pa ka peye, y'a sezi ata kabann anba do ou.
If you don’t have means to pay, why should he take away your bed from under you?
28 Pa janm deplase bòn tè kote granmoun lontan te mete yo.
Don’t move the ancient boundary stone which your fathers have set up.
29 Moutre m' yon nonm ki gen ladrès nan sa l'ap fè. Se moun konsa k'ap rive travay ak chèf. Li pa pral travay ak moun ki pa anyen.
Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will serve kings. He won’t serve obscure men.

< Pwovèb 22 >