< Filip 1 >

1 Se mwen menm Pòl ak Timote, de sèvitè Jezikri, k'ap ekri lèt sa a voye bay tout pèp Bondye nan lavil Filip la k'ap viv ansanm nan Jezikri. Lèt sa a se pou tout moun ki chèf nan legliz la ak pou tout dyak yo tou.
Paul and Timotheus, bondmen of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with [the] overseers and ministers;
2 Nou mande Bondye, Papa nou, ansanm ak Jezikri, Seyè a, pou yo ban nou benediksyon ak kè poze.
grace to you, and peace from God our Father and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
3 Mwen di Bondye mwen an mèsi pou nou chak fwa lide m' frape sou nou.
I thank my God for my whole remembrance of you,
4 Chak fwa m'ap lapriyè tou pou nou, mwen fè l' ak kè kontan,
constantly in my every supplication, making the supplication for you all with joy,
5 poutèt jan nou te ede m' gaye bon nouvèl la, depi premye jou a jouk koulye a.
because of your fellowship with the gospel, from the first day until now;
6 Mwen sèten Bondye ki te konmanse bon travay sa a nan nou, li gen pou l' kontinye l' jouk li va fini l' nèt, lè jou Jezikri a va rive.
having confidence of this very thing, that he who has begun in you a good work will complete it unto Jesus Christ's day:
7 Se tou nòmal pou m' fè lide konsa sou nou, paske nou toujou nan lespri m', nou tout ki kanpe la avè m' nan tout favè Bondye fè m', kit lè mwen nan prizon tankou koulye a, kit lè mwen te lib pou m' defann bon nouvèl la, pou m' moutre se laverite li ye.
as it is righteous for me to think this as to you all, because ye have me in your hearts, and that both in my bonds and in the defence and confirmation of the glad tidings ye are all participators in my grace.
8 Mwen pran Bondye sèvi m' temwen, sa m'ap di nou la a se vre wi. Mwen renmen nou tout anpil anpil avèk renmen ki soti nan Jezikri.
For God is my witness how I long after you all in [the] bowels of Christ Jesus.
9 Lè m'ap lapriyè Bondye, mwen mande l' pou nou gen plis renmen toujou, ak bonkou konesans pou nou ka rive konprann tout bagay,
And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in full knowledge and all intelligence,
10 pou nou ka toujou chwazi sa ki pi bon. Konsa, n'a mennen yon lavi ki pwòp, yo p'ap jwenn anyen pou repwòche nou lè Kris la va vini.
that ye may judge of and approve the things that are more excellent, in order that ye may be pure and without offence for Christ's day,
11 Konsa, Jezikri va fè nou fè anpil bagay ki dwat epi ki bon, pou sa ka sèvi yon lwanj ak yon bèl bagay pou Bondye.
being complete as regards the fruit of righteousness, which [is] by Jesus Christ, to God's glory and praise.
12 Frè m' yo, mwen vle nou konn sa byen: Tout bagay sa yo ki rive m' lan, yo pi fè travay predikasyon bon nouvèl la mache pase yo fè lòt bagay.
But I would have you know, brethren, that the circumstances in which I am have turned out rather to the furtherance of the glad tidings,
13 Se konsa, tout gad palè yo ansanm ak tout lòt moun yo konnen se paske m'ap sèvi Kris la kifè m' nan prizon.
so that my bonds have become manifest [as being] in Christ in all the praetorium and to all others;
14 Frè yo menm, bò pa yo, lè yo wè m' nan prizon an, pifò ladan yo vin gen plis konfyans toujou nan Seyè a. Sa ba yo plis kouraj koulye a pou fè konnen pawòl Bondye a san yo pa pè anyen.
and that the most of the brethren, trusting in [the] Lord through my bonds, dare more abundantly to speak the word of God fearlessly.
15 Gen ladan yo k'ap fè konnen Kris la paske jalouzi moute yo nan tèt, yo ta renmen ban m' traka. Se vre. Men, gen lòt tou k'ap fè l' ak bon lide nan tèt yo.
Some indeed also for envy and strife, but some also for good will, preach the Christ.
16 Se renmen Bondye a k'ap pouse yo fè l', paske yo konnen se Bondye menm ki ban m' travay sa a pou m' ka defann bon nouvèl la.
These indeed out of love, knowing that I am set for the defence of the glad tidings;
17 Men, lòt yo ap fè konnen Kris la ak move lide dèyè tèt yo, y'ap fè l' pou lanbisyon pèsonèl pa yo. Y'ap fè l' pou chache m' kont. Yo konprann yo ka fè m' lapenn antan m' nan prizon an.
but those out of contention, announce the Christ, not purely, supposing to arouse tribulation for my bonds.
18 Men, sa pa fè m' anyen. Kit yo gen bon lide, kit yo gen move lide, tout jan se Kris la y'ap fè konnen. Epi sa fè kè m' kontan. M'ap pi kontan toujou,
What is it then? at any rate, in every way, whether in pretext or in truth, Christ is announced; and in this I rejoice, yea, also I will rejoice;
19 paske mwen konnen tout bagay sa yo pral vire anbyen pou mwen, gremesi lapriyè n'ap fè pou mwen ak lasistans Lespri Jezikri a ap ban mwen.
for I know that this shall turn out for me to salvation, through your supplication and [the] supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ;
20 Paske, mwen ta renmen pou m' pa soti wont nan anyen. Se la tout espwa m' pou m' ka pale ak kouraj, pou jòdi a tankou anvan lèzòm ka wè pouvwa Kris la nan mwen, kit mwen vivan, kit mwen mouri.
according to my earnest expectation and hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but in all boldness, as always, now also Christ shall be magnified in my body whether by life or by death.
21 Paske pou mwen, lavi se Kris la. Se poutèt sa lanmò se yon gany pou mwen.
For for me to live [is] Christ, and to die gain;
22 Men, si antan m'ap viv sou tè a toujou, mwen ka fè kèk travay ankò pou Seyè a, nan ka sa a, mwen pa konn sa m' pito.
but if to live in flesh [is my lot], this is for me worth the while: and what I shall choose I cannot tell.
23 Mwen ta renmen fè tou de: Mwen ta renmen mouri pou m' ta avè Kris la. Sa ta pi bon anpil pou mwen.
But I am pressed by both, having the desire for departure and being with Christ, [for] [it is] very much better,
24 Men, li ta pi bon pou nou pou m' rete viv sou latè.
but remaining in the flesh [is] more necessary for your sakes;
25 Mwen sèten se sa k'ap rive menm. Se poutèt sa, mwen konnen mwen gen pou m' rete, pou m' ka viv ansanm ak nou, pou m' ede nou grandi, pou m' ka fè nou kontan nan konfyans nou gen nan Bondye.
and having confidence of this, I know that I shall remain and abide along with you all, for your progress and joy in faith;
26 Konsa, lè m'a tounen bò kote nou, m'a ban nou yon bèl okazyon pou nou kontan nan lavi n'ap mennen ansanm nan Kris la.
that your boasting may abound in Christ Jesus through me by my presence again with you.
27 Sèl bagay ki konsekan se pou nou viv yon jan ki konfòm ak bon nouvèl Kris la. Konsa, mwen ta mèt rive vin wè nou, mwen ta mèt pa kapab, se pou m' tande jan n'ap kenbe fèm, jan n'ap viv ansanm yonn ak lòt. Se pou m' tande jan n'ap mennen batay la ansanm pou defann konfyans bon nouvèl la fè nou gen nan Bondye.
Only conduct yourselves worthily of the glad tidings of the Christ, in order that whether coming and seeing you, or absent, I may hear of what concerns you, that ye stand firm in one spirit, with one soul, labouring together in the same conflict with the faith of the glad tidings;
28 Pa kite okenn lènmi kraponnen nou. Se pou tout bagay sa yo sèvi tankou yon prèv pou fè lènmi yo wè se pèdi y'ap pèdi tèt yo. Men, pou nou menm, yo fè wè se delivre n'ap delivre. Sa se travay Bondye.
and not frightened in anything by the opposers, which is to them a demonstration of destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God;
29 Paske nou menm k'ap sèvi Kris la, Bondye ban nou favè sa a, non sèlman pou nou gen konfyans nan li, men pou nou ka soufri avè li tou.
because to you has been given, as regards Christ, not only the believing on him but the suffering for him also,
30 Batay n'ap mennen an, se menm batay la m'ap mennen tou. Se menm batay nou te wè m'ap mennen nan tan lontan an. Se li menm m'ap mennen jouk koulye a, jan nou konnen an.
having the same conflict which ye have seen in me, and now hear of in me.

< Filip 1 >